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Chapter 412

Chapter 412 With great love

Shen Yuhuan suddenly tensed up his nerves. He was really afraid of what would happen. There were hundreds of people in four ships, but there were only five of them. Can the food of this ship be saved?

"Big boss, it's not good, we may have encountered water bandits." Village chief Hakun also hurried to the deck with fifty or sixty men carrying food, each holding a kitchen knife and a pole in his hand.

"Nothing." Shen Yuyu rested his right hand on the hilt of his sword and said calmly, "Even the water bandits are just a mob, so don't be afraid.'

After finishing speaking, she added, "What I'm afraid of is that the desperate villagers nearby will gather together to grab food if they can't survive." Hasn't she encountered this kind of situation in Zaozhuang? The men can only run to the main road if they can't survive. Hijacking a carriage is even more difficult to deal with in this case.

As soon as Shen Yuyu finished speaking, Chief Hakun dropped the kitchen knife in his hand and looked at the two ships in front of him and exclaimed: "Isn't that the chief of Jimu Village next door?"

The man next to him also put his pole on the ground and said, "Yes, the people on the boat next to us are villagers from Ahu Village."

"The two boats behind are also from the nearby villages." Someone answered.

After recognizing that the people on the four boats were all acquaintances, everyone fell silent.

After waves of locusts swept away, not a single blade of grass grew on the grassland. Within half a month, all the cattle and sheep starved to death. In addition, the temperature in the summer was too high, and a large number of dead cattle and sheep had no time to dispose of and all rotted.

A few months after the locust plague, the food reserves were all used up, and all the grass roots were dug up and eaten.

Several nearby villages must have heard that Lishui Village had raised grain, and when they were desperate, they came by boat to grab some grain.

"Do you know all the people on the boat?" Shen Yuyu looked at the four boats that were gradually surrounding him and asked the village chief Hakun.

"We all know each other. They are all from a few nearby villages." Village Chief Hakun said awkwardly, "They are not real water bandits. They must be desperate."

"That being the case, then talk to them nicely and don't take action."

"Okay." Village Chief Hakun agreed, and then said in a dull voice, "As long as it's not excessive, we can give them half of our village's food."

Shen Yuyu looked deeply at Ha Kun and nodded silently. He didn't expect that this tall and rough guy from the Western Regions had such a soft heart. No wonder he could lend so many sheep to another country without saying a word. It is rare for a refugee to do such a good deed.

"Stop the boat." Shen Yuyu ordered. There happened to be a dock nearby, so the village chief Hakun asked the crew to pull over and stop the boat.

Seeing that the boat was parked here, the four boats that came around also pulled over.

"Ask their village chief to come down and talk." Shen Yuyu said, and then took Bai Yixue off the boat.

After the village chief Hakun shouted a few words to several big boats, a middle-aged man got off each of the four boats, and soon the leaders of the five boats met on the shore.

"Da Dong." These four village chiefs also heard about Tianxia Commercial Bank's donation of food to Lishui Village. When they saw Shen Yuyu, they all knelt down, "Please Dadong, please give us a way to survive and give us some food." ."The four men all had sad faces and begged in blunt Chinese dialect.

"I can understand the situation of the village chiefs, but the refugees are in such a desperate situation. Is there no one from above to take care of them?" Shen Yuyu looked at them, "If you rely on robbery, how long can you survive?"

"There is nothing the higher authorities can do. There is a locust plague everywhere on the grassland." The head of Jimu Village raised his head with a sad face, "We~~ we don't want more. Each village only needs a few stones of potatoes to save the children first."

"Yes, save the children. We adults can stay up for as long as we eat some grass roots, but the children ate grass roots and their intestines were blocked and they couldn't pass out. Many of them bloated to death~~" the head of Ahu Village said, crawling on the ground. Sad sobs.

The village chiefs of the other two villages also knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing: "I beg the boss, please give us some potatoes, please give us some potatoes, and the great virtuous man will repay you like a cow or a horse in the next life."

This is what Shen Yuyu was worried about early in the morning. How do you solve this situation? The children are so hungry that they eat grass roots and cannot digest it. It makes them feel very uncomfortable.

But after all, she, Shen Yuyu, is not a saint, nor is she Guanyin who saves the suffering, not to mention she is not from the Western Regions.

The only thing she can do is to find a place as soon as possible to try planting highland barley, so that His Highness the Night King can reach an agreement with the upper-level rulers of the Western Regions as soon as possible, and save the people of the Western Regions from disaster as soon as possible.

Seeing Shen Yuyu's silence, Village Chief Hakun looked at her with red eyes, "Big boss, what do you think?"

Shen Yuyu solemnly said: "Seven years ago, when there was a locust plague in the Central Plains, the village chief Hakun raised more than 200 sheep to save the lives of all the people in our Shenjia Village. This ship of food is for our Shenjia Village. Gratitude and repayment to Lishui Village are naturally decided by the village chief Hakun."

After all, they belong to two countries. Some things must be clarified. Otherwise, people will think that your Tianxia Commercial Bank is helping Lishui Village and not other villages? It will inevitably cause unnecessary hatred.

After listening to Shen Yuyu's words, several village chiefs also understood the whole story and turned their attention to Village Chief Hakun.

Village Chief Hakun put his hand on his chest and bowed respectfully to Shen Yuyu, "Thank you to Shen Dadong's family and the villagers of Shenjia Village."

Then he called out to the four village chiefs who were kneeling on the ground. After chattering in Western dialect, the four village chiefs bowed to Mr. Hakun one by one with tears in their eyes.

Then they bowed to Shen Yuyu very devoutly, and then each got on the boat.

After boarding the ship, the village chief Hakun expressed his humility to Shen Yuyu and said that the grain in the ship was divided into five parts, and each of the five villages was given one share.

"Village Chief Hakun has great love, which is admirable." Shen Yue praised him sincerely, feeling that this was very good.

At least until the Night King reaches an agreement with the King of the West, no victims in these places will starve to death.

The boat quickly started and continued to swim upstream.

When we turned into the west branch, we had already passed the pass and entered the boundary of the Western Region. At this time, as the ship moved forward, our view gradually broadened, and by evening, we had penetrated deep into the hinterland of the grassland.

The locust-stricken prairie was gray and deathly silent.

In the distance, I saw a village faintly appearing in front of me.

"That's Lishui Village." Village Chief Hakun said and ordered the helmsman to dock at the pier.

The dock was crowded with people, including old men, women and children who were waiting for the men to bring back grain. As soon as the ship docked, everyone gathered around it with hope.

Village chief Hakun escorted Shen Yuyu and Bai Yixue off the boat. As soon as Shen Yuyu was introduced, people knelt down on the hula-la grass. Everyone did not know how to speak Central Plains dialect, so they all expressed their gratitude in Western Region dialect.

Shen Yuyu didn't need to worry about how the food was divided. Mrs. Ha Kun led the five of them to the village.

(End of chapter)

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