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Chapter 503 Palace Banquet

Chapter 503 Palace Banquet

Author: Doraemon

In the warehouse of the Prince's Mansion at night, Shen Yue and Ji Xun were counting the belongings in the warehouse, when Ji Xun suddenly sneezed.

"Someone thinks about a sneeze~~ Ah Xun has been sneezing from time to time in the past two days. Does this mean that someone is always thinking about you?" Shen Yuyu pouted and looked at her husband.

"Is that because Yu Yu is thinking about her husband?" Ji Xun put his hand around his wife's waist and pinched her little nose lovingly.

He did not wear a jade face, and the scars on his face were healed without leaving a trace. His appearance was resolute yet handsome, and extremely magical. No wonder he was the most beautiful man in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Shen Yuyu refused: "When Ah Xun sneezed just now, Yu Yu was concentrating on his work and was not distracted by thinking about you, so there is someone else who is thinking about Ah Xun.'

Ji Xun looked at his wife tenderly for a while, rubbed her little head and said with a smile, "My husband thinks about Yu Yu so seriously, why doesn't Yu Yu sneeze? It seems wrong."

"Okay." Shen Yue smiled, shrugged, and continued to count the things in the warehouse.

Picking up a piece of wealth lock: "Keep this for my nephew from the third brother's family."

"Well, it's very suitable." Ji Xun nodded in agreement.

Shen Yue opened a brocade box and saw a pair of excellent jade bracelets inside. She said happily: "I have one bracelet for me and one for my cute sister. How about it?"

Ji Xun's voice was so gentle that it could drip water, "The entire Night King's Mansion, including the Night King, belongs to Yu Yu, and Yu Yu can do whatever he wants with it."

"Axun is so nice." Shen Yue smiled and pecked Ji Xun on the lips, then picked up a few paintings and calligraphy, "I gave these all to Dean Yao. He doesn't seem to have any other hobbies except wine, calligraphy and painting~ ~

Ji Xun: "Don't you have any other hobbies? My husband saw Dean Yao in the reception room of Fengming Restaurant going to Wanhua Street several times~~'

Shen Yuyu laughed and explained, "Ah Xun, don't get me wrong. Dean Yao once fell in love with an courtesan when he was young. He just went to the brothel to remember his lost youth." She had to help the old man explain.

"That's it." Ji Xun nodded understandingly.

Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun picked out a lot of gold and silver jewelry from the warehouse and asked Zhang Neng to auction them off. The palace only had ten thousand taels of silver in hand to raise some money for the New Year.

In the next two days, Shen Yuehu and others in the palace began to prepare New Year supplies, such as chicken, fish, bacon, etc. Shen Yuehu taught the aunties in the kitchen all.

I did a lot, and specially asked someone to go outside the city to cut down a cartload of cypress leaves and bring them back for smoking.

After it is marinated, it is smoked for a day. When the water is dry, it is hung in a pavilion where the wind is blowing. The unique fragrance spreads far away, and the smell of the New Year immediately comes out.

This morning, Shen Yuyu woke up, took his little head out of Ji Xun's warm arms, and looked at the handsome face that looked so beautiful that he wanted to take a bite.

"How's it going? Is your husband good-looking?" Ji Xun's voice was nice and charming, and paired with that handsome face, it made people's hearts flutter.

"Hmm, it looks good. I want to take a bite, Huhu~~" He said and nibbled on his chin with his small mouth.

"Fool~~ Do you want to change the place to bite~" Ji Xun opened his tender eyes, which were full of warmth and ambiguity.

"Axun, what are you talking about? You're so lustful, huh!'

"Where are you thinking? My husband is talking about the lips." He said and moved his lips to touch hers.

"No, I won't bite. Ah Feng saw it and said that we were secretly eating chili peppers in the middle of the night." Shen Yuyu was not fooled and buried his head into Ah Xun's solid and warm chest.

After playing around in bed for a while, I got up to get dressed and wash up.

When they arrived at the flower hall, King Xuan, Princess Leyang, and Ji Feng~~~ everyone had already sat down and waited for them to have breakfast.

The kitchen aunt has been taught by Shen Yuyu to be a chef. All kinds of pancakes, noodles, and porridge look simple, but with the help of Shen Yuyu's divine spring water, everything is extremely delicious.

After breakfast, everyone sat and rested for a while. Shen Yuyu propped his chin and looked at Ji Xun.

"Axun doesn't have to go to court today, why don't we go out of the city to buy cabbage and radishes?'

She didn't see any cabbage or radishes for sale at the market the day before, so she asked the vegetable seller. The vegetable seller said that there was a village in the south of the city that sold them, and she wanted to buy some.

They planned to make a few jars of spicy cabbage and pickled radish. King Xuan and Princess Leyang later went back to their respective homes to move things. They probably planned to celebrate the New Year at Yewang Mansion, and the whole family would need to consume a lot of vegetables.

"Okay, listen to Yu Yu." Ji Xun has a face that dotes on his wife, and he is completely a wife slave who only obeys his wife's orders.

"Brother and sister-in-law, I want to go too." Ji Feng shouted. Since he had a fever last time, Shen Yuyu never let him go out. He also wanted to go out for some fresh air.

"Let's go too." King Xuan and Princess Leyang said in unison. They are indispensable for anything. They are not good at doing anything. They are the best at cooking, and they are also good at making fun and creating atmosphere.

Needless to say, Bai Yixue and Zhang Neng will definitely follow.

So that morning, several carriages left the Yewang Mansion and headed for a village in the south of the city.

The weather was very good, the sun shone brightly on the snow, and there was no wind. There was ice and snow everywhere, and the snow scenery was particularly beautiful.

The carriage drove very slowly, admiring the beautiful scenery all the way to the village.

When I arrived at the farm, I asked if there were indeed cabbages and radishes for sale, so I bought several hundred cabbages and two hundred kilograms of radishes.

While loading the truck, everyone caught sparrows in the snow. They put a stick under the cage and sprinkled some grains inside. When the hungry sparrows came under the cage to peck at food, they quickly pulled down the stick and the sparrows were covered inside.

I had a great time this day, and it was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to the Night King's Mansion.

We didn't have time to make spicy cabbage and pickled radish, so we all sat in the warm pavilion by the lake for a day. Some people played the piano and some played chess. It was comfortable and comfortable.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and today was the day to enter the palace for the palace banquet.

In the Huiwen Garden of Earl Ronglu's Mansion, Aunt Wang was dressing up Song Miao. She was wearing a green fur-lined jacket with a goose-yellow gold-woven skirt, and a light green fur-collared cape, which made her look delicate and cute.

"My daughter, you have to make good use of it. My aunt has worked hard to win this opportunity for you." Aunt Wang gathered Song Miao's cloak and warned her solemnly.

She is just a concubine of the Marquis, so she is not qualified to participate in this palace banquet.

Aunt Wang also used a lot of tricks and spent a lot of time to persuade the wife to let Song Miao take the place of the second daughter in the palace to attend the banquet in the palace, hoping that her daughter could show her prominence at the palace banquet.

"Don't worry, aunt, my daughter knows what she knows." Song Miao looked excited, "My daughter has worn out two pairs of dancing shoes during this period. She will definitely shine at the palace banquet."

"Yes." Aunt Wang nodded, "Several princes are in their prime years, and the Queen also intends to use this palace banquet to choose concubines for them. If her daughter cannot catch the eye of His Highness, she will try her best to get the favor of other princes and concubines. If you don't want it, it would be nice to be the concubine Liangdi."

"My daughter knows." Song Miao looked excited, "Then I will go to Huixin Garden to find the eldest sister. I have to ride a carriage into the palace with her."

"Well, let's go, remember what mother said." Aunt Wang waved to her daughter and watched her walk out of the courtyard through the chaotic snow.

This chapter has been completed!
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