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Chapter 530 Master

Chapter 530 Master

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 530 Master

The incident happened suddenly and she didn't even say goodbye properly. Shen Yuyu felt very sad.

I chatted with everyone in the Nuan Pavilion for a while, and guided Princess Leyang, Wei Jinyan and others in a few dance moves, but they were all absent-minded.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Princess Leyang came over and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, my brother has never been defeated on the battlefield. You have to have confidence in him and you don't have to worry about him at all.'

"Don't worry." Shen Yuyu said that he wasn't worried, but there were tears in his eyes. The swords on the battlefield had no eyes, and everyone was pretending to be relaxed.

Bai Yixue said she was dancing, but she made several wrong moves one after another, and she was worried about Zhang Neng.

Princess Leyang and Wei Jinyan also stopped moving and came to sit at the table. Everyone was quite dull and worried about the people traveling far away.

Seeing everyone's solemn expressions, Shen Yuyu chuckled and said, "Look at each of you? Be happy. Ah Xun and Zhang Neng will definitely return home in triumph. By the way, they are making hot pot in the evening. King Xuan hasn't moved out yet, right?" He had dinner before leaving."

When King Ye left the palace, it was natural that King Xuan could no longer live in the palace. Ji Xun left, and he went back to the palace to pack his things.

Night King and Zhang Neng were not here, so the taste of the hot pot that night seemed not as sweet as before.

However, there was a piece of good news when she went to bed at night. After Wei Jinyan's enlightenment and medication during this period, when she fell ill that night, her symptoms were very mild. Shen Yuyu comforted her with a few words and she fell asleep quietly. , unlike before, it would be noisy intermittently all night long.

Let’s talk about Yongsheng Trading Company opposite Tianxia Trading Company.

When Shen Yuyu came out of Tianxia Trading Company during the day, Murong Minda and Zhao Mo, the eldest sons of the Murong Mansion, were watching her intensely through the window on the second floor.

"The two bastards who were kicked out of the Zhao family by my father actually joined Tianxia Trading Company." Zhao Mo said angrily.

Murong Minda said calmly: "Why do you care about this? Let's investigate the matters that need to be investigated first. Do you have a clue about Peng Lai's spring water?'

Zhao Mo suppressed the anger in his heart and raised his head.

"I have carefully investigated this matter. Every seven or eight days, someone delivers water to Peng Lai Restaurant. However, after repeated investigations, I still can't find where the spring water is delivered from.'

"It was not sent in from outside the city, but somewhere in the city. It appeared in a chaotic manner. Sometimes it was in the south of the city, sometimes in the north of the city, and it also appeared many times in the west and east of the city.'

"I tried to buy spring water from the man who delivered the water at a high price, but he refused and refused to sell. There was no room for negotiation."

Murong Minda's face turned ugly after hearing this, "Since you won't sell it, then send someone to steal the water or knock it over. In short, don't let the spring water enter Penglai Restaurant."

"Yes." Zhao Mo nodded quickly.

Early the next morning, the errand boy in the space drove a water truck and randomly appeared somewhere in the city. As soon as he passed a street, he was stared at by a group of men in black.

These men in black were sent by Zhao Mo to guard here. All the streets and alleys leading to Penglai Restaurant in the capital were manned.

In the darkness, the leader took a portrait and asked, "Is it him?" He compared the appearance of the water tanker and the driver. "It's definitely him." Several of his men nodded affirmatively.

"Then do it. If you can rob the water, rob it. If you can't rob it, just overturn the water tanker."

"Yes." Several men in black responded, and then followed forward for a short distance on the roof, forming an encirclement.

When they reached a deserted place, they suddenly flew down from the roof and surrounded the waterwheel.

The leader put his sword on the errand boy's neck and threatened in a low voice, "I won't take your life, but leave the water and get out."

The errand boy sneered, "I have received money from my employer, so naturally I have to ensure that the water is delivered. If you want me to keep the water, you will have to defeat me." As he said this, he clamped the sword on his neck with his fingers and gently touched it.

With a hard snap, the sword broke, and the half-sword tip in the hand of a dazed uncle pressed against the leader's throat.

The leader was so frightened that a thin layer of sweat broke out on the tip of his nose. He didn't expect that a mere uncle delivering water could be so terrible. He quickly begged for mercy, saying that he had recognized the wrong person.

"Wrong person? You have been following me for a day or two. Do you really think I don't know?'

After the errand boy finished speaking, he suddenly got angry and slapped the man in black, making them all go limp like noodles.

"Go back and tell your master not to flirt with me again, otherwise... hum." The errand boy said these words and left.

As for the men in black who fell to the ground, after checking their physical condition, it was found that their physical strength was completely exhausted. In the future, they might not even be able to hold a hatchet except for walking and eating.

The errand boy encountered four groups of men in black like this along the way. He wasted no time in all of them and safely delivered the water to Penglai Restaurant.

In Yongsheng Trading Company, Murong Hong was invited by Murong Minda. He leaned on the back of his chair and frowned as he looked at the group of men kneeling on the ground, their kung fu wasted.

"Who is this Queen of the Night? How can she even deliver water to her at such a high level?" Murong Hong was extremely puzzled.

To be honest, he really didn't take this country girl seriously before, but at this moment, he had to face it seriously.

"Could the person delivering the water be one of the Night King's men?" Murong Minda asked.

"The Night King has no one with such high kung fu skills." Murong Hong shook his head, was silent, and said to his men kneeling on the ground, "You are going to collect the severance pay. Old Yao, come with me and let the "master" see the waste.

Whose sect did the person who lost your kung fu come from?"

"Yes." The leader responded, and the other subordinates followed the manager of the business downstairs.

Murong Hong led his subordinate to the secret room on the third floor. The light in the secret room was dim, and he could see a tall jade-faced man in black sitting in front of the desk in the back. After Murong Hong entered, he knelt down respectfully.

'See Master.'

"No need to be polite." Listening to the voice of the man in black, it was the man who had been lingering with Roy Yi every night in the East Palace.

"Although I dare not bother my master with some small things, Princess Ye, the biggest boss of the world's commercial firm, cannot be underestimated. The servant next to her who delivers water has unfathomable skills. She easily defeated the martial arts of nearly thirty of her subordinates early this morning.

"Really?" The jade-faced man in black narrowed his eyes slightly, stood up, and stared at Lao Yao who was kneeling on the ground. "His kung fu was ruined by the servant who brought him water?"

"Return to the master, exactly.'

The jade-faced man in black clothes stepped forward, grabbed Lao Yao's hand and touched several big holes, then his eyes showed confusion.

He has never seen this kind of acupuncture technique. Could it be that there are people outside the world? There are also hidden masters that he doesn't know about?

The jade-faced man did not speak, but said: "I will investigate this matter personally. Don't provoke her yet."

"Yes, Master." Murong Hong replied respectfully, "I have other things to report to you." After saying that, he waved his hand to his subordinate Lao Yao, who then climbed up from the ground with difficulty and exited the secret room.

(End of chapter)

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