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Chapter 543

Chapter 543

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 543

On the third day of waiting for the snake eggs to hatch, Shen Yuyu received a letter from Ji Xunda Beijiang. In addition to some sweet words, the letter also mentioned that he had found out the whereabouts of Duan Ao from Zhenbei Hou and was preparing to sneak into the enemy camp. Rescue Mr. Duan and tell Shen Yuyu not to worry.

This must be a very dangerous matter. Shen Yuyu couldn't help but tighten his heart, but he couldn't help. He could only tell himself to try his best to manage the affairs in the palace. If he could get rid of this mysterious figure hiding in the palace, Finding it out is a great achievement.

Time passed quickly. On the evening of the sixth day, when Shen Yuyu went into the space to check on the little snakes, he found that they had all broken out of their shells and were swimming in the box with their sibilant snakes.

It is worthy of being called a poisonous snake. When an earthworm is so big and stares at you with its head propped up, it makes people feel chilly. Shen Yuhu got up early the next day. The snake hatched and it was time to enter the palace today.

In order to avoid having to deal with all the empresses in the harem, Shen Yuyu changed her makeup and changed from 'Little Shenzi' to another unfamiliar face. It must be said that the 'disguise technique' she learned in space is very powerful.

As soon as she left the mansion, she saw King Xuan. King Xuan still recognized the jade bracelet on her wrist and called her Queen's Wife to get in the car.

After getting on the carriage, Shen Yuyu took off the jade bracelet and put it away.

"Sister-in-law, where is the snake?" Seeing Shen Yuyu's empty hands, King Xuan looked at her curiously.

Shen Yuyu took out a hand stove and lit it up, "It's all in this." She wanted to throw it into the portable space, but it was not convenient to take it out, so she thought of this way.

"A good idea." King Xuan smiled, "If you put a few small snakes in this, no one will notice.'

After a moment of silence, King Xuan asked Shen Yuyu: "Can the emperor's sister-in-law reveal the method used to 'fish' out the mysterious man?"

Shen Yuyu chuckled and said, "Brother, keep calm, you will know in a moment.'

When they came to the palace gate to search, the guards didn't even look at the hand stove in Shen Yuyu's hand and took it in smoothly.

After entering the palace, we headed to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there were many ministers waiting to go to court. As spring approaches, the weather gradually gets warmer, the sky breaks earlier and earlier, and the courtiers enter the palace earlier.

Prince Wei Yuande and several other princes also arrived soon and were waiting outside the main hall.

They also discussed some things with each other and whispered to each other.

At this time, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Snake, there is a snake!" Everyone was frightened by this exclamation and looked towards the ground.

Sure enough, there were several small snakes as thick as a thumb walking around on the ground spitting out letters, which frightened many civil servants so much that they backed away and called the guards to come and deal with it.

There were too many little snakes, five or six, and they scurried around quickly.

"Hurry up and kill him, otherwise you will be in danger if you hide in a warm pavilion in any palace." Everyone has heard about the incident of Zhong Liangdi in the East Palace who was bitten by a snake and had her leg amputated. She felt like she was facing a formidable enemy.

Soon several groups of guards gathered around and started chasing the snakes.

Shen Yuyu had been observing these guards carefully from beginning to end. Unfortunately, she was disappointed. She did not notice any difference in the expressions of any of the guards.

These six little snakes are quite cunning. Two of them got into the hall through gaps, and they couldn't be found despite all their efforts.

All the courtiers looked like vegetables, and the hall was where they went to court. If those two poisonous snakes were allowed to grow up inside, wouldn't their lives be endangered?

This was good. After the emperor came and heard about this situation, he did not dare to go to court. He sent people to surround the Hall of Supreme Harmony, vowing to pull out the two little poisonous snakes.

At this time, the Empress brought several selected beauties and was about to send them to the East Palace. Seeing the commotion in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, she came over to check the situation, thinking that something serious had happened.

When he asked about it, he said that two small venomous snakes had gotten into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and his expression changed.

She saw with her own eyes that Zhong Liangdi's leg was swollen little by little. Later, she went to Moyundian to have a look and saw that it was completely amputated from the knee down. If the imperial doctor had not arrived in time, she would have almost died.

This snake is so scary!

Queen Zhou's face turned pale with fright, but Shen Yu'an's attention was not on this. She found that a servant next to Manager Yao looked unnatural, made some strange little movements, and had an incredible look on his face.

Although this man was hunched over, he stood up straight and was at least 1.9 meters tall. Shen Yuyu's expression suddenly perked up and he locked eyes with him.

The chamberlain stood in front of the palace for a while, then quickly took advantage of the chaos to withdraw from the crowd, turned around and left quickly.

Shen Yue quickly followed.

The man left the Hall of Supreme Harmony, passed through the Hanging Flower Gate, and went straight to the Harem.

Shen Yuyu didn't dare to follow too closely, for fear of alerting the enemy. After the chamberlain dodged and moved forward for a certain distance, he saw that no one was using Qinggong to reach the top of the palace in front, and the few ups and downs disappeared.

Shen Yuyu stood up from behind the tree and narrowed her almond-shaped eyes as she looked in the direction where the waiter disappeared.

When they returned to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, most of the courtiers had dispersed, but they were still surrounded by guards, who were still racking their brains to search for the poisonous snakes that had entered the hall.

"Let's go, there's no need to go to court today." King Xuan greeted Shen Yuyu to leave the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and when he came to a remote place, he asked worriedly, "The snake got into the hall, will something happen?" After all, his old father The emperor went to court here every day.

"It'll be okay. He'll freeze to death in less than an hour." Shen Yuyu answered firmly. It would be strange if he didn't freeze to death in a weather of more than ten degrees below zero.

"That's good." King Xuan nodded. At this moment, he remembered that Shen Yuyu had just chased a chamberlain beside the queen and left here, and asked quickly, "What have you found? Is there something wrong with that father-in-law?'

"Yes, he is the person we want to investigate. His kung fu is unpredictable." Shen Yuyu narrowed his eyes, "I secretly chased him for a distance and found that he disappeared in the direction of Cining Palace and Jade Phoenix Palace. .

"So the location of the secret room is not in Cining Palace, but in Jade Phoenix Palace?"

"Yes." Shen Yue nodded heavily, "He must be wondering why the snake he raised escaped, so he hurried over to check it out."

"Since we are sure it is him, should we catch him unawares?" King Xuan looked at Shen Yue and asked.

Shen Yuyu pondered for a moment and asked King Xuan: "Can I take anyone in the palace at will? He is someone close to the Queen. "This~~~" King Xuan shook his head.

"The matter is not yet clear. Stay calm and don't disturb him yet." Shen Yue smiled at King Xuan, rolled his eyes and suddenly said, "Is there any way to stay in the palace? Go find his 'lair' at night.

King Xuan shook his head hastily, "This is too dangerous. If we want to investigate, just ask the emperor's brother to send someone to investigate."

"No, besides you and me, please don't let any third person know about this." Shen Yuyu looked at King Xuan and said seriously, "Otherwise, if the trouble gets bigger, the bad guy will be alerted, and it will be difficult to find him again."

"Okay." King Xuan nodded, "It's not difficult to stay in the palace for one night, but you must pay attention to safety."

(End of chapter)

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