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Chapter 644: Deadly Transformation

Chapter 644 Corpse Transformation

Author: Doraemon

Shen Yuyin and Ji Xun were responsible for investigating the case. Bai Yixue and Zhang Neng returned to Yong'an Houfu after leaving the palace.

The entire Bai family was slaughtered, and only three sisters, Bai Yixue, escaped. Now that Bai Yixue has returned with her husband, it is time to revive the Bai family.

It was a joke that Ji Xun stayed in Daqi as his son-in-law, but Zhang Neng 100% wanted to stay in Daqi as his son-in-law. Sometimes they were busy.

Shen Yuyuan and Ji Xun came to Dali Temple with Emperor Jingyuan's token. When Liang Shaoqing of Dali Temple saw that all the emperor's tokens were coming, he didn't dare to neglect, so he came out personally.

"We are here to examine the body of the girl who was killed in the alley yesterday." Shen Yuxian said. To facilitate the investigation, she was dressed in men's clothes today and looked dashing.

"Here, two adults, that girl's body has been burned~~" Liang Shaoqing looked panicked.

"Burn it? Who asked you to burn it?" Shen Yujian was a little angry, "Didn't you get the order from above?"

She was a doctor in modern times and a widower in ancient times. She knew the importance of autopsies. However, the young minister of Dali Temple looked flustered. Could it be that he was covering something up for others?

Liang Shaoqing hurriedly explained: "The superiors did issue an order saying that the corpse of the deceased was not allowed to be burned, but the corpse suddenly mutated in the middle of last night. If it were not burned, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Zombie transformation? You should tell me how to transform a corpse!" Ji Xun couldn't help but said coldly.

Liang Shaoqing said hurriedly: "If this matter is told by me, the two adults may not believe it. I will call the two people guarding the Yizhuang here and ask them to tell it to you."

Soon, Liang Shaoqing sent someone to summon two old men over fifty years old to come in.

"Old Liu Tou, Old Li Tou, tell the two adults what happened in Yizhuang last night in detail." Liang Shaoqing ordered.

"Yes, sir." Old Liu Tou responded hurriedly and spoke with lingering fear.

"Last night, we got the order from your lord, and we took turns guarding the girl's body. Lao Li kept an eye on it until midnight, and I kept an eye on it until midnight.

“When the roosters crowed in the middle of the night, my eyes were very sore and swollen. I was rubbing my eyes when I suddenly saw the shroud moving. I thought it was the wind blowing, so I stared at it with wide eyes, and then it moved again. This scared me so much that I quickly woke up Lao Litou."

"After I woke up, Old Liu Tou and I went over to take a look." Old Li Tou continued, "At that time, the face of the corpse was covered with white cloth. Under the white cloth, it seemed that the mouth was open and breathing, and gasping sounds could be heard.'

"We opened the cloth and took a look. The deceased's eyes were round and moving. Sure enough, the corpse had changed! We were so frightened that we rolled around and reported it to the adults.'

"When the official led the people over, the female corpse had already sat up and her neck was twisting. If she had been slower, she might have turned into a vampire and ran away." Mr. Liang took over, "Fortunately, we have already Get ready, quickly throw a few bottles of kerosene at it, throw a fire over it and light it on fire."

"It struggled in the fire for a long time, moaning in pain, and was slowly burned to ashes."

Shen Yuyin and Ji Xun: They were completely stunned. The horror on these people's faces didn't look like they were lying. Could it be that there really is such a thing as a vampire in this world?

Shen Yuyuan and Ji Xun had to face this matter again.

"How many such corpses have you disposed of in total? When did you start?" Ji Xun asked.

Mr. Liang stepped back from Old Liu Tou and Old Li Tou, took out a thick stack of files and handed them to Shen Yuyuan and Ji Xun.

"In the past two months since the first such corpse was discovered, a total of eight such corpses have been dealt with, and six more are missing~~ They may have turned into vampires."

Ji Xun and Shen Yuyin did not dare to question the absurdity of Master Liang's words any more, so they sat down and looked through the files.

Master Liang was talking about the suspicious aspects of the case.

"Eight are dead and six are missing. They are all unmarried girls. It seems that this vampire is only interested in the blood of virgins.'

Shen Yu pressed, "So, this vampire is a male vampire?"

Master Ran slapped his thigh with his palm, "Sir, you are awesome, maybe that's what it is." He really took his words seriously, and it seemed that he was about to go crazy because of this case.

The file only recorded the name, address, age of the deceased, the time of disappearance, and where the body was found. Nothing else was recorded.

I don’t know where the first scene was, nor how the body was discarded.

The murderer abandoned the body at will. The missing girl in the south of the city was found in the north of the city, and the missing girl in the west of the city was found outside the city~~

I don't know whether it was accidental or deliberate provocation to the government's ability to handle cases. In short, this case is unprecedentedly weird.

"Except for the two bloody holes on the neck, were there no other injuries on the deceased's body?" Shen Yuyan asked in surprise after looking through the autopsy reports of several deceased people.

"No, absolutely not." Mr. Liang shook his head.

Although Mr. Liang answered so definitely, Shen Yuyin would never believe it. She only believed in science.

Those two blood holes can't kill people, and can't drain the blood. There must be other injuries that are not easy to detect on the body of the deceased.

For example, in modern times, she heard about a husband who murdered his wife by driving several ten-centimetre-long steel nails into her head. How could such fatal injuries be detected by ordinary people?

After reading the file, Shen Yuxian said to Mr. Liang seriously: "If a similar case occurs again, immediately send someone to Yong'an Marquis to notify. Do not touch the body and protect the scene."

"Yes, sir." Master Liang responded respectfully.

After saying a few words casually, Shen Yu followed Ji Xun and left Dali Temple.

"Axun, what do you think of this case?" Shen Yujian asked Ji Xun.

Ji Xun smiled and held her hand.

"It sounds strange, but those are other people's descriptions. If you and I were at the scene at that time, we might have seen a different scene."

"Let's wait and see. Whether it's done by humans or ghosts, it shouldn't stop easily."

"Yeah, Ah Xun's analysis is right." Shen Yu narrowed her almond-shaped eyes, looked at her husband with a pair of affectionate eyes, and left hand in hand with Ji Xun.

This scene stunned Master Liang, who came out later, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

After leaving Dali Temple, Shen Yuyuan and Ji Xun walked around the street for a while, and when they were about to go to Yong'an Houfu, a slightly surprised voice sounded behind them.

"Mr. Li, Miss Shen.'

Shen Yuyuan and Ji Xun hurriedly turned around, and brother and sister Aqin looked at them from behind with smiles on their faces.

Shen Yu dressed up in men's clothing and did not change his appearance. Now that Ji Feng has resumed his status as a prince, and he is in a foreign country like Daqi, of course, the most important thing is that hundreds of killers in the bamboo forest were collectively poisoned and died suddenly. No matter how they are killed, Whoever died should not be able to deal with them now.

So neither Shen Yuyuan nor Ji Xun had any disguise.

"Look at this fate? Miss Aqin, we meet again." Shen Yuyuan smiled and nodded at them, paused, and invited, "It's noon, how about having lunch together?"

"Okay." Ah Qin smiled broadly, showing two small tiger teeth, and agreed simply. The four of them went to a restaurant and went to a private room on the second floor.

After the food was served, everyone chatted while eating.

When the meal was almost finished, the topic turned to the recent uproar in the capital.

Aqin put down her chopsticks and opened her clear eyes wide.

"Actually, this matter may be related to the poison I poisoned in the bamboo forest."

"My poison is indeed difficult to cure, but there is another way to suppress it, and that is to take a bowl of the blood of a very yin girl every day~~"

After hearing this, Shen Yuyuan and Ji Xun suddenly realized.

At that time, so many killers in the forest were infected by the poison, and there was no guarantee that only a few could escape, so they used this method to take the girl's blood to suppress the poison.

However, after Ah Qin said the previous few sentences, she rested her chin again with a look of disbelief on her face.

"The strange thing is how can it cause corpse transformation? This is absolutely impossible, it is really puzzling."

This chapter has been completed!
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