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Chapter 660 Deep into the Swamp

Chapter 660 Going deep into the swamp

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 660 Going deep into the swamp

Three days later, the group arrived at the outskirts of Yunmengze.

It was a vast land where water and grass blended together, and it was full of gorgeous flowers.

The sky is blue and the egrets are circling. At first glance, it looks so peaceful, beautiful, and dreamy.

A red-crowned crane stood gracefully by the water, combing its hair. At this time, a piece of driftwood floated closer quietly, opened its sharp teeth and bit its neck, and dragged it into the water with a splash, and a blood bubble appeared in the water.

This is Yunmengze, full of beauty and danger.

And that strange flower, the Ghost Flower, dancing like a ghost, bloomed on a dead tree deep in the swamp.

"Xiao Xue Tuan, it's up to you to show the way." Shen Yuyu placed Xiao Xue Tuan on the ground.

It can't help with the giant python, but leading the way is its strongest point. Even if A Qin had been here, she wouldn't be qualified to compete with it.

Xiaoxue Tuan quickly jumped among the water plants, leading them deep into Yunmeng Ze without any danger.

After walking like this for another day, in the evening we came to a relatively wide flat land and prepared to set up camp here.

At this time, the sun sank below the horizon, reflecting the endless swamp in bright red.

Several large trees in the distance were filled with returning egrets, and their enthusiastic calls broke the dead silence of the swamp.

After tying up their horses, they split up and searched for dead trees and branches.

"Axun, look, there are many bird's nests." Shen Yue pointed ahead.

In front of you are the isolated islands out of the water. There are hundreds of bird's nests built on the isolated islands, which is quite spectacular at a glance.

I don’t know what kind of bird it is. At this moment, the birds have returned to their nests. There is a couple of birds in each nest.

"It's so loving." Shen Yuyu said with a smile, "Maybe they are hatching eggs."

Ji Xun hugged her tenderly from behind, and gently rubbed his chin on the top of her head, "Why do you envy them? We are more affectionate than them, and we will also have a litter in the future.

"Pfft~~ After competing with the rabbit and then with the bird, you just gave birth to a litter~~ Take a walk and collect firewood."

There are many huge trees standing here and there in the swamp. I don’t know how many hundreds of years they have lived. However, there is no shortage of firewood.

Soon enough, I picked up enough and built a roaring bonfire.

First, he boiled water. After the water boiled, he ate some dry food to wrap his belly. Xiaoxue Tuan secretly climbed up the tree and ate a nest of bird eggs. After eating, he got into Shen Yuyu's arms and fell asleep.

This little guy has been traveling for a day and is exhausted. He should reward himself by stealing some bird eggs.

We continued on our way the next day.

As we go deeper, we continue to find the bones of people or animals. An antelope fell into the swamp and died there, exuding a strong stench.

A cheetah collapsed by the water, leaving only skin and bones.

After walking some distance further, I found a man lying on the ground. It looked like he had been dead for a short period of time.

Seeing Shen Yuxi getting off his horse and rushing over, Aqin quickly stopped her and said, "Sister Yuxi, please wait a moment." Aqin quickly dismounted and walked over to Shen Yuxi in one step.

As soon as Ah Qin passed by, countless insects fled from the corpse in panic, as if they were under some kind of threat.

Wei Muyan couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene. It seemed that Ah Qin had a Gu King with him. If there was a chance, he must get it. This was very rare.

"Yu Yu, I'll do it." Ji Xun came over with a stick and turned the dead man lying on the ground over.

This man had been dead for about ten days, but Wei Muyan was still shocked when he saw him. This man was the subordinate sent by Wei Xuanyuan to the swamp to look for the ghost flower.

Fortunately, my adoptive father got the ghost flower from Ah Qin and detoxified him from the poison. Otherwise, it would be a dream to find the ghost flower in this swamp.

"Sister Yu Yu, this is a good thing." Ah Qin found a baggage on the person's body, so she took it and opened it, and found a box as clear as ice and snow inside. She was surprised and said, "This is the Tianshan Ice Jade Box. Keeps ghost flowers fresh for months.”

After hearing this, Wei Muyan hurried over and stared at the Tianshan Ice Jade Box. It was hers.

But in this case, could she ask for it? She could only watch helplessly as Shen Yuyu put it in Xiangzhong.

"It seems that this person belongs to Wei Xuanyuan." Shen Yuyu said, observing the body, "I don't know how he died, but the body is quite intact."

Ah Qin said, "I think I got sick because I drank unclean water."

"Absolutely." Shen Yue nodded, and the group continued walking forward.

The swamp is full of unforeseen dangers. You may see a piece of driftwood floating in the water, but the next moment a giant crocodile will break out of the water and bite your neck off in one bite.

So never go near the water.

In addition, the insect repellent provided by Zhao Da and others is very effective in preventing mosquitoes, which saves me a lot of trouble.

The most important thing is that there are small snowballs leading the way, avoiding all swamps and giant python mating places, which is the most dangerous. After going forward like this for another seven or eight days, we reached the heart of the swamp.

On this day, a huge lake suddenly appeared in front of it, and a huge ancient tree stood on the small island in the center of the lake.

"Zhizhi~~zhizhi~~" Xiao Xue Tuan jumped up and down, looking extremely excited.

"Do you smell the fragrance of the ghost flower?" Shen Yuyu touched Xiaoxuetuan's little head. Xiaoxuetuan kept nodding with his front paws on his head, and then he thrust his paws towards the big tree in the center of the lake, and almost suddenly jumped out: That’s right, it’s so spiritual.

"It seems that the ghost flower must be growing on that big tree." Shen Yuyu looked at the giant tree in the center of the lake, "But how can we get by without a boat?"

"Where the ghost flower is, there will be countless ferocious beasts guarding it. Don't be careless." A Qin looked at the seemingly calm waters with a worried look.

At this time, Wei Muyan looked at Aqin with a half-smile but not a smile: "Don't you have a ghost flower on your body? Have you never been here?"

Ah Qin explained, "I have never been here before. I picked this flower by luck outside the swamp."

The area of ​​Luoyue Lake borders Yunmengze from the end of the forest, so her ability to pick this flower was not due to luck. After all, who could reach that area through the jungle?

If she hadn't been wary of Wei Muyan, she originally planned to lead Shen Yuyu and the others through the jungle of Luoyue Lake.

"Then you are really lucky." Wei Muyan twitched the corners of his mouth in a sinister manner.

"Nothing, just find a piece of driftwood and I can go there." Ji Xun looked relaxed.

"No, it's too far." Shen Yuyu shook her head. There were wooden boards in her space. When she left the capital city of Zhou Dynasty, she thought of using them to build a house while sleeping and eating on the road, but she never had the chance to use them.

Now just find an opportunity to take out these wooden boards.

She hurriedly said: "Driftwood will definitely not work. We need to find more wood to make a simple boat. Let's go look for it separately." She wanted to leave the crowd so that she could take out the wooden boards.

(End of chapter)

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