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Chapter 665: Foggy Forest

Chapter 665 Misty Jungle

Author: Doraemon

After leaving the cave, heading southwest, we gradually began to smell fireworks, corn, rice, vegetable fields, and everywhere was green.

The smokey houses and busy figures in the fields made the few people who had just come out of the desolate and inhabited swamp feel particularly friendly.

"Axun, Zhao Da seems to have said what is the name of their village? Bantang Village? Could it be the village in front?" Shen Yuyu asked curiously when he saw a large half-moon-shaped pond in front of him.

For example, there was a stone in the village that looked like a swallow, so it was named Swallow Stone Village, and this place was probably Bantang Village. "Auntie, is the village in front of me Bantang Village?" Ji Xun asked the aunt picking vegetables next to her.

"Yes." The aunt raised her dark smile and was very enthusiastic, "Are you going to the village to find someone?"

"Well, may I ask where Madam Zhao is?" Since we came here by chance, why don't we go in and see how Wei Muyan is doing?

"Hey, distinguished guests~~ are you my son's saviors?" The aunt climbed up from the vegetable field excitedly with a bag full of vegetables, and without saying a word knelt down towards Ji Xun and the others, "You must Was he sent by Bodhisattva? Not only did he save the lives of our orphans and widowed mothers, but he also gave my son such a beautiful wife. Thank you, thank you!'

Shen Yuyu, Ji Xun and others hurriedly dismounted and pulled Mrs. Zhao up.

Mrs. Zhao didn't even care about the food falling from her arms, but dragged Shen Yue and Ji Xun into the house to eat.

Ji Xun and others followed him in.

Zhao's family is at the entrance of the village. Their simple yard is surrounded by a fence. On the fence stands a hen, a golden rooster. When someone comes, it flies to the roof.

"This is my home." Mrs. Zhao pushed open the fence door and saw that her son's door was tightly closed, so she muttered sheepishly, "It's already noon, why don't you get up?" He stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Son, get up quickly, our benefactors are here."

"Really? Our sister and brother-in-law are here? Get up right away~" There was a panic inside, Zhao Daer was still breathing, it seemed like he was disturbing them.

Shen Yue couldn't help turning her head, leaning on Ji Xun's shoulder and snickering.

Good guy, this Love Gu is really powerful. If you are so inseparable day and night, you will probably be able to give Zhao Da a big fat boy soon.

"Come, benefactor, let's come and drink tea." Mrs. Zhao brought a vegetable pot with a smile on her face, made tea, and picked up a few fresh fruit snacks. These must be the most available things in the house.

Brother and sister Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun Aqin sat down to drink tea.

Soon, Zhao Da came out holding Wei Muyan, who was like his little daughter-in-law. Wei Muyan seemed to be a completely different person, well-behaved and docile, and she loved Zhao Da to the core.

She fed this pair of male and female love gu with her own essence and blood. Once they are planted in her body, they will be loyal to each other and completely forget who they loved before.

For example, at this moment? Wei Muyan only has Zhao Da in his eyes. He thinks Zhao Da is the best and most charming man in the world. He is willing to live and die for him, and follow him to endure hardship and poverty for the rest of his life.

Shen Yuyu tested Wei Muyan a few more times, and Wei Muyan was determined to stay here, and had long since left Wei Xuanyuan as his adoptive father out of sight.

She also became more diligent. At noon, she rushed to do housework with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhao, and she cooked all the meals. Mrs. Zhao was so excited that she wiped her eyes.

Shen Yuyu was really moved after reading this. Who said that all poisonous poisons are harmful to people? How wonderful is this male and female poison? It's a pair for life, it's perfect.

When leaving after lunch, Shen Yuyu pressed a one-hundred-tael banknote on the corner of the table, hoping that Wei Muyan could recover his memory as soon as possible and find his lost self.

After leaving Bantang Village, the group continued on their way.

Although it was July or August, the weather in the southwest was as comfortable as spring with its abundant mountains and water. Apart from getting a tan, I didn’t suffer any other hardships. I quickly arrived in Fenghuang County.

After staying in the county for a night, I bought all the things I needed to buy the next day and headed to the jungle where Luoyue Valley was located.

Once outside the forest, looking at the endless jungle, I felt troubled again.

Ah Qin said, "It's just said that there is a Udumbara tree in this jungle, but no one has seen where it grows! However, it is said that the Udumbara tree is very huge, its leaves are like pears, and its fruit is as big as a fist, and Udumbara flowers grow there. on this tree.

Ah Shan also said, "In this vast forest, trying to find a few trees is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's too difficult to let the little snowballs lead the way."

There must be all kinds of flowers and plants in the forest. Xiaoxue Tuan has never smelled the fragrance of Udumbara flowers, so no matter how sensitive his sense of smell is, he will not know where to start.

Everyone was very anxious, but Ji Xun looked calm.

"The Udumbara flower blooms only once every three thousand years. If you didn't have that blessing, you probably wouldn't be able to see it. Everything depends on luck."

"Well, let's look for it slowly." Shen Yue nodded, and then looked at the Aqin brothers and sisters gratefully, "Aqin and Ashan, you have been out for so long, it's time to go back to Luoyue Valley, let's say goodbye."

Ji Xun also patted Ah Shan on the shoulder, "You have taken a lot of risks with us along the way. Thank you very much."

In Yunmengze, if it weren't for the Aqin brothers and sisters, they wouldn't have been able to go so smoothly anyway.

Ah Shan hummed, feeling a little sad: "There are wild beasts everywhere in the jungle. Ah Qin and I don't have the skills. If we follow, we will definitely become a drag on you.'

Ah Qin's eyes turned red, "Sister Yu Yu and Brother Ah Xun, you must be careful and don't forget to come to Luoyue Valley to visit us after you find the Udumbara Flower.'

"Okay, definitely." Shen Yuyu nodded heavily.

"There are tigers, leopards, anacondas, and man-eating ants in the jungle." Ah Shan carefully explained the various dangers in the jungle to Ji Xun and Shen Yuyu, and told them to be careful.

The four of them said goodbye and were about to leave when Ah Shan suddenly stopped them again.

"By the way, Brother Axun, I seem to remember hearing something my grandfather said when I was a kid."

"My grandfather said that his grandfather once went into the jungle to collect medicine and got lost. He broke into an area filled with dense fog. That area was full of exotic flowers and grasses. Maybe the Udumbara flower grew in that area.

Shen Yuyu perked up: "Really? Do you know which direction it is?'

"I don't remember this, and I'm afraid my grandfather's grandfather himself doesn't know." After Ashan finished speaking, he waved to Shen Yuehu and Ji Xun, and took Aqin into the jungle and returned to Luoyue Valley.

"Let's go, Yu Yu." Ji Xun led the horse and immediately carried all kinds of purchased food and items. The Udumbara flowers were so mysterious, and they didn't know how long they would be wandering in this jungle.

However, the two of them haven't been alone together for a long time, and this feeling is quite strange.

"Yu Yu, come here, my husband is holding your hand." Ji Xun looked at Shen Yu Yu, his handsome face was full of tenderness and affection. It was quite interesting to adventure in such a jungle with the one he loved.

Shen Yuyu then laughed and let her husband hold hands.

Soon the holding hands turned into hugs, and the hugs turned into lingering kisses. Even Xiaoxue Tuan didn't bother to talk to them, because they didn't think they were ashamed.

At night, set up a hammock on a tree and hang a lamp next to it. You can also see the stars and the moon through the branches and leaves.

When it rained, she would put a python skin on it to protect her from the rain, and she would camp on a high tree while listening to the sound of rain. It had a unique atmosphere that made her feel like she was out for a secret moon.

However, several times when I woke up in the morning, I found the bodies of leopards and anacondas lying nearby. Ji Xun must have heard the noise and disposed of them quietly, without disturbing Shen Yuyu at all.

The anaconda is smaller than the giant python and is easier to deal with than the giant python, not to mention the leopard. Compared with Yunmengze, the danger in the jungle is much less.

Shen Yuyu proposed to take turns to keep vigil, but Ji Xun firmly refused. At night, he watched his beloved sleeping beside him. This kind of happiness can only be understood by those who have experienced it. For this, he is willing to give everything.

Half a month later, the small snowball exploring the road ahead suddenly burst down from the top of the tree, jumped into Shen Yuyu's arms, and screamed crazily, not to mention the excitement.

"Did we find the misty jungle ahead?" Shen Yuyu asked in surprise. They had been wandering in the forest for so many days and never encountered a legendary Udumbara tree. It seemed that it could only be found in the misty jungle.

This chapter has been completed!
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