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Chapter 672

Chapter 672

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 672

"Then Mr. Meng will live in the main house, and I will live in the backyard." How could Shen Yuyu not see that Meng Fan's identity was not simple? Of course, he could not be allowed to live in the back room.

Meng Fan originally declined, but could not withstand Shen Yuyu's insistence, so he had to agree.

Seeing that the furniture in the backyard was old and old, he sent someone to buy new ones. Within a few days, the entire backyard was completely changed. The tables, chairs, beds, decorations and furnishings were all brand new, and the house was almost demolished and rebuilt. Of course, this is a story later.

It was almost evening after he signed the deed and tidied up the house. Only then did Meng Fan realize that there was no cook left and hurriedly told his subordinates.

"Quickly go to the nearby village to find two cooks who know how to cook.

"Yes." The subordinate responded and was about to go out, but was called back by Shen Yuyu.

"Don't bother, I can do it." Shen Yuxi looked at Meng Fan with a smile, "But Mr. Meng, I can only make the taste of the Great Zhou Kingdom."

"Really? Then wouldn't I be in luck?" Meng Fan looked forward to it, "I've always wanted to travel to the Great Zhou Kingdom, but never had the chance. Now it's great to be able to taste the delicious food of the Great Zhou Kingdom. '

Seeing that he sounded like he was drooling, Shen Yue couldn't help laughing at him, and then took a basket from the courtyard and went outside.

"Mr. Meng, can you pick some vegetables from the vegetable fields outside? Then I will give the owner some money." Shen Yuyu asked.

In fact, the recipes of Hong Shaguo and Daqi Dazhou are not very different. They also like spicy food, but they like raw vegetables, which is a bit different. Shen Yuyu decided to make a lettuce salad.

"Sure, just pick it." Meng Fan's pleasant voice came from behind, and he followed out, "The master said that as long as we live here, the vegetables in the vegetable field and the fruits in the orchard are at our disposal. "In fact, he bought it all, including the nearby orchards and vegetable fields.

No matter who she loves, he is willing to protect her silently for a period of time.

Shen Yuyu was only grateful to Meng Fan and wanted to make some delicious dishes to thank him.

After going down to the vegetable field, she rolled up her sleeves to pick vegetables. At this moment, Meng Fan saw the gonggong sand on her wrist at a glance, and he was immediately confused.

Didn’t you say you have a husband? Why is Shou Gong Sha still there?

How can two people without physical intimacy be considered a couple? At least it proves that this kind of relationship is abnormal.

Meng Fan was in a very complicated mood. He sighed softly, went down to the vegetable field, picked up the vegetable basket and picked vegetables together with Shen Yuyu.

There are several kinds of vegetables planted in the vegetable field, such as cabbage, lettuce, spinach and so on. They are green and green.

"This dish is so fresh and tender." Shen Yuxi plucking some lettuce and marveled.

Her pretty face was flushed because of the hot weather, so pretty and charming.

Her skin is much fairer than the girls from Hongsha Kingdom, and as delicate as snowflakes.

Meng Fanduo glanced at her and his heartbeat couldn't help but quicken. If her husband was not a good man, how could he win her true heart?

After picking vegetables and coming out of the vegetable field, Shen Yuyu found some mud in his shoes, so he stood on one leg and took off his shoes, ready to pour out the mud.

Meng Fan was walking ahead with a vegetable basket. When he turned around, he noticed that Shen Yuyu was swaying. He quickly put the vegetable basket down, stepped forward and took the shoes from her hand, and carefully poured out the soil inside.

Shen Yuyu hurriedly thanked: "Thank you Mr. Meng." She never changed her name and called him Mr. Meng, just because she didn't want to bring the two of them too close.

Meng Fan naturally knew, and he did not change his story.

"Okay, Miss Shen, put them on." He put the shoes on the ground, picked up the vegetable basket and continued walking forward.

There is also a well outside the house, which is divided into upper, middle and lower wells like Shenjia Village. The water from the well is clean and sweet.

"Mr. Meng, please go back and bring two basins, and I'll wash the vegetables." Shen Yuxi ordered carelessly.

How did she know that Meng Fan was the crown prince of the Hongsha Kingdom? She only knew that he was at most the prince's son or something, and he was kept in the dark because he didn't understand the language of the Hongsha Kingdom.

"Okay." Meng Fan obediently went back to get the basin. After getting the basin, he squatted at the mouth of the well with Shen Yuxi, and carefully washed the vegetables with Shen Yuxi.

It was the first time for such a tall person to do such a thing, and it was extremely strenuous. His angular face had a serious look on it and was covered with drops of sweat.

"I'll wash it, Mr. Meng. You go back and light the fire." Shen Yuyu said when he saw that the sweat on his forehead was dripping into the water.

"Okay." Meng Fan agreed immediately.

How does he know how to make a fire? But for some reason, whenever Shen Yue tells him to do something, he feels very happy. This is how couples in the countryside live their lives, right?

"Your Highness, you are so precious, how can you do this?" His entourage looked distressed.

"You, go back to the capital." Meng Fan stood still and said to his followers without doubt, "Take all the secret guards away. If I find them, I will deal with them all."


"Stop this, that, and leave quickly.'

"Yes, Your Highness." The entourage and secret guards were driven away by Meng Fan overnight.

When Shen Yuyu finished washing the vegetables and returned to the courtyard, Meng Fan was lighting a fire. The kitchen was filled with thick smoke, and his face looked like a little cat.

Shen Yuyu laughed out loud after seeing it, and hurriedly called him out: "I'll come, I'll come, Mr. Meng, go wash your face."

Meng Fan responded, but did not leave. He carefully observed how Shen Yuyu made fire, and secretly vowed to learn how to do it.

There were no ingredients at night, so I only made lettuce salad, noodles with soy sauce, and a plate of beef with soy sauce.

The salad dressing was specially bought by Shen Yuyu from the portable space. Meng Fan was full of praise for this salad alone. The fried noodles were boiled with the water in the space. Naturally, they were extremely delicious, and there was also a unique sauce. Beef, in short, Meng Fan felt that he had eaten the most delicious meal in his life, as if he had met the person he wanted to meet the most.

"Miss Shen's cooking skills are amazing. If you open a restaurant with this skill in our country, the business will be booming." After finishing the meal, she praised with satisfaction.

Shen Yuyu said a few words modestly. In the past, she would have definitely sensed business opportunities, but now her focus is entirely on upgrading her portable space, and she has no intention of thinking about anything else.

After dinner, I fried a piece of beef and fed the little snow dumplings. Then I sat in the yard with Meng Fan for a while and then washed up and went to bed.

A night of silence.

The next day, Shen Yuyu and Meng Fan went to the jade mine.

When they arrived, the jade mine was already very busy, with the sound of hammers clanging everywhere.

What Shen Yuyu didn't expect was that almost all of the people working here were hired from Daqi. None of their locals were willing to do such heavy work.

The work was tiring, but after Shen Yuyu asked around, he found out that the wages were very considerable. He could earn one or two hundred taels of silver a year, and the wages were not deducted. This shows that the king of Hongsha Kingdom managed the country quite well. No wonder the country is so rich.

Shen Yue and Meng Fan looked around outside. Shen Yue explained her request. She only wanted jade mine for the 30%.

Meng Fan agreed immediately.

"You will select the raw jade stones first." Meng Fan said.

"What do you mean?" Shen Yuyu blinked at Meng Fan with apricot eyes.

"It means literally, for example, if a hundred pieces of jade are mined, you pick thirty pieces first, and the rest will be mine."

"How, how can this be done?" In this case, wouldn't all the good ones be picked out by her? Xiaoxuetuan has tried and failed.

"Nothing, just do it like this." Meng Fan smiled, his face was so easy to see, it would make people feel dazed for a moment, he looked like a real god.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Meng." Shen Yue expressed her sincere thanks.

"It's hot outside, go back first." Meng Fan greeted, and the two of them went back together.

As soon as I walked to the entrance of the courtyard, I saw a lot of servants standing inside, and sitting under the tree was a beautiful woman wearing a sand cage. It was Meng Fan's cousin He Lanjia.

As soon as He Lanjia saw Shen Yuxi appear at the door of the courtyard, she stood up suddenly and looked at Shen Yuxi with her eyes red with jealousy.

"You also said that you have a husband, and that you and my cousin are just in a cooperative relationship? Even if they work together on the same bed?"

"Catch her, I will scratch her charming face today."

Shen Yuyu really didn't want to conflict with her, so she quickly took a few steps back and moved Meng Fan to the front.

(End of chapter)

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