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Chapter 684 Disguise

Chapter 684 Disguise

Author: Doraemon

Not long after Shen Yuyu narrowed her eyes, she felt her face was itchy. She seemed to feel that Ji Xun was caressing her cheek. She smiled sweetly, mumbled with a thick nasal voice, and called out "Ah Look for it~~" Then he raised his hand to catch that hand.

Meng Fan came to his senses at this moment, took it back like an electric shock, and closed his eyes as if nothing had happened.

Shen Yuyu was startled awake, opened his eyes and blinked his almond-shaped eyes.

"Brother Meng Fan, are you awake?"

"Well, I'm awake." Meng Fan suppressed his uncontrollable feelings towards Shen Yuyu, and slowly praised Shen Yuyu, "Sister Yuyu's medical skills are really extraordinary, how can an injury like mine be cured? By the way, can you still detoxify? I seem to have been poisoned too.

"Am I not the god of medicine who has been personally appointed by the king of the Western Regions? None of this can trouble me." Shen Yuyun smiled softly, thinking that she was lucky to have saved him, otherwise she would have to feel guilty for the rest of her life. ?

Thinking of this, he looked deeply at Meng Fan and said seriously, "Brother Meng Fan, please don't be so stupid in the future, and don't do such dangerous things.

Meng Fan interrupted with a smile, "This happened because of me. I put sister Yu Yu in danger. What I did is what I should do."

"Hey~~ I also feel that these killers don't seem to be planning to let you go." Shen Yuyu scratched his forehead strangely, "It stands to reason that He Chenxiang would not harm you. You are the crown prince of Hongsha Kingdom."

"Perhaps, it is precisely because I am the crown prince of Hongsha Kingdom that he wants to take my life so much." Meng Fan was relieved of the poison and rested for such a long time, and his spirit recovered well, so he brought the prince of Hongsha Kingdom to the court. The matter was explained in detail.

In addition to Crown Prince Meng Fan, Hongsha Kingdom also has two other princes, so it is difficult to escape the struggle for the right to inherit the throne. After all, who would not slander such a high-ranking position? What's more, it is such a rich country.

After Shen Yuyu listened to Meng Fan, he said solemnly to him, "Brother Meng Fan, you have so many things to do. You really don't need to worry about me anymore. You'd better return to the palace quickly to solve your troubles. Don't let those evil people... The evil plan succeeded."

"I will go back." Meng Fan said, "But before that I have to take back the ice jade bed and give it to my sister to be safely sent to the Great Zhou Kingdom."

"No, I don't want that ice jade bed anymore, really." Shen Yuyu waved his hands hurriedly, "Actually, I just wanted to take it back and give it to the Emperor of Zhou to please him, but after encountering so many dangers today, I thought Understand, no matter how expensive things are, they are only external possessions. Saving your life is more important.'

She had to make such a fuss, otherwise Meng Fan would definitely try his best to find the ice jade bed if it was lost. Where could he find it? She had put it away in her personal space.

In addition, when it came to escorting the Ice Jade Bed to the Great Zhou Kingdom, Meng Fan had good intentions, but he also did bad things with good intentions. This caused a huge trouble. She originally wanted to take it into her personal space to ask, but it was difficult to explain. I have something to say. No wonder, I did such a superfluous thing.

So I simply said no, so that there would be no need to explain and no worries for Meng Fan.

"Are you sure you don't want it anymore?" After hearing this, Yu Fan felt a touch of disappointment in his heart. He quickly suppressed that feeling and looked at Shen Yuyu with a smile, "Okay, next year when I go to the Great Zhou Kingdom to visit you , so he sent the ice jade bed over.'

"Okay." Shen Yuyu nodded. She had already taken away the ice jade bed. How could he find the same one? He felt very happy.

"Sister Yu Yu, it seems that those killers are trying every possible means to kill you. Your journey back to the Great Zhou Kingdom may also be full of dangers." Meng Fan was silent for a moment and then spoke with a worried look on his face. He told the Great Zhou Dynasty that They had also heard about the incident in Tang Dynasty and knew that the Crown Prince of Zhou regarded King Ye as a thorn in his side, and that Princess Ye must also be within their assassination range.

"Brother Meng Fan, don't worry, I know the art of disguise." Shen Yuyu said with certainty, "We'll spend the night here tonight, and tomorrow I'll use the art of disguise to send you back to the capital of Hongsha Kingdom."

"Send me back to the capital? What about you?" Meng Fan looked worried. Now that he was seriously injured, not only could he not be able to help Shen Yuyu, but he had also dragged her down, making him feel particularly guilty.

"Since I know how to disguise myself, I can easily escape the eyes of the killer. In this way, Brother Meng Fan doesn't have to worry about my safety along the way. I will definitely return to the Great Zhou Kingdom safely and soundly." Shen Yue He raised an eyebrow at Meng Fan and said, "I will send a letter to Brother Meng Fan to report that he is safe."

"Really? Are you sure sister Yu Yu won't cheat on you?" Meng Fan has never seen it before, so it's normal to be a little worried.

Shen Yuyu smiled and said: "My disguise skills are as good as my medical skills. I'll let you see it tomorrow and you will know." After saying that, he looked at the sunset slanting in through the window and said, "Brother Meng Fan, it's getting dark soon. , I have to go out to find some food and come back, otherwise your body will not be able to recover.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, sister." Meng Fan said.

"Brother Meng Fan, please lie down and rest for a while. I'll be back soon." Shen Yue gave a few words and left the room.

She told her shadow to watch outside the house, and then she went to the village without entering the village. She wandered to a remote place where there was no one and entered the portable space. She quickly came back with a full load of things.

In addition to pots and pans, I also carried rice and a large grouper fish.

After coming back, he asked Shadow to go out and collect some firewood, and then make a fire and make porridge.

The dish was made of grouper fish porridge, which was made from spring water in the space. It was so delicious. Meng Fan and Ying Ying each drank two or three bowls and were full of praise. At night, Shen Yuyu and Ying Ying did not dare to be careless, and took turns to watch. One night.

Early the next morning, Shen Yue woke up and spent some money to buy three clothes and an oxcart in the village. When he came back, he played with Meng Fan's face and disguised him as a white-bearded man. A white-haired old man, while she and Shadow put on the clothes of a farmer and a peasant woman, pretending to be a mute couple.

"Is this~~~Is this still me?" Meng Fan was startled by his reflection in the mirror. There was nothing wrong with his appearance. As long as he made his voice look older, even the emperor and queen would not look at him standing in front of him. Show his true face.

After doing this, he helped Meng Fan onto the bullock cart and walked out of the village on another avenue.

Not far out of the village, I met someone riding a horse.

"Have you seen these three people?" The man on horseback asked Shen Yuyu and the others with a portrait.

Shen Yuyu and Ying Ying were worried about being exposed because of their accents, so they pretended to be mute, and Meng Fan answered in an old Hongsha dialect, "I haven't seen it before. Ask someone else to ask." The man didn't see any flaws at all. The horse is gone.

After arriving in the town, the three of them changed the ox-cart into a horse-drawn carriage and headed all the way to the capital of Hongsha Kingdom.

There were many checkpoints on the way to the capital, and people were searching everywhere. However, Shen Yuyu's superb disguise skills fooled them all, and the trap was not exposed.

Meng Fan's injury healed day by day under Shen Yu's careful care. By the time the three of them arrived in the capital of Hongsha Kingdom, his injury had completely healed.

"Where did you come from? What are you doing in the city?" When they entered the city for inspection, Shen Yuyu and the others were stopped by a familiar face. It was Prime Minister He. Prime Minister He stared at Meng Fan with a puzzled look on his face and didn't say anything for a long time. Look away.

This chapter has been completed!
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