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Chapter 730 The little beggar in the snow

Chapter 730 The little beggar in the snow

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 730 The little beggar in the snow

"Really? Who is the murderer??" Shen Yue sat down in the Yamen lobby, and then her almond-shaped eyes curled up with a smile, "But Mr. Li himself?'

"Hey~~Master, you are too powerful, aren't you?" Shadow said with a surprised look on his face, "How did you know? This is what my subordinates found out."

"Have you found any evidence?" Shen Yuyu raised her pretty face and smiled slightly, "That Mr. Li is so determined that I want to investigate this case personally, so he should have dealt with all the evidence."

As for why Shen Yuyu suspected that Mr. Li had killed his concubine and blamed Da Zhuang, it was all analyzed from Mr. Li's description of the case.

Mr. Li has many servants in his house. How can he let an adulterer escape from the house?

Besides, why did the murder weapon and his wife's Xiang Xiang appear on an unrelated farmer? Even if the murderer deliberately set the blame, how could Mr. Li know about it? And he led the officers and soldiers to chase Da Zhuang to the gate of the city accurately. Caught? Unless he is the murderer, the one who deliberately framed the blame!

In addition, his wife was hurriedly drowned by him, probably in order to kill her and silence her.

It's a pity that the evidence in this case will be difficult to find! The real culprit may be able to escape justice.

Just as he felt a little regretful, Shadow said: "There is evidence~~Master, Mrs. Li is not dead."

"Really? Wasn't she drowned by Mr. Li? How did she escape?" Shen Yuyu was very shocked and had a look of surprise on her face. If Mrs. Li had not died, then this case would have found a breakthrough.

This Mr. Li is not a kind person. If he can be brought to justice before leaving Yanggu County, then she can leave here with peace of mind.

"Master, Mrs. Li is waiting outside, do you want to ask her to come in?" Shadow asked.

"Ask her to come in." Shen Yuyu said, getting up and sitting in the high hall.

Soon, Mrs. Li was brought in.

She wore a curtain hat on her head. As soon as she entered the lobby, she knelt down towards Shen Yuyu and said, "Princess Princess, I beg Princess Princess to uphold justice and make decisions for the women of the country."

Mrs. Li naturally knew that the Princess was sitting in court in Yanggu County these days to try the case. She sneaked into the city secretly to beat the drum and redress the grievances, but she heard that the Princess was unwilling to investigate the case in the Li Mansion. Leaving it to the next county magistrate to investigate, she couldn't help but despair again.

She was wandering in the street not knowing what to do. Someone knocked her hat off and someone recognized her. They all thought she had seen a ghost. The shadow happened to pass by, so they took her to the Yamen.

"Mrs. Li, tell me in detail what happened to you." Shen Yuyu looked at the woman kneeling in the hall.

"Yes, the princess." Mrs. Li answered and raised her head, taking off the curtain on her head. Shen Yuyu took a look and saw that her face was full of pockmarks and her appearance was a bit ugly. No wonder Mr. Li would Not caring about the relationship between husband and wife made her sink into the pond.

"Ms. Wang, a civilian woman, is the wife of Li Gang in the west of the city." Ms. Wang said sadly, "Li Gang thought I was ugly and couldn't tolerate me, so he deliberately designed to frame me for having an affair with someone~~"

Wang cried and complained, and Shen Yue understood the whole story.

Wang was also a beautiful woman, otherwise Li Gang would not have fallen in love with her. However, not long after she married into the Li family, she got chickenpox. Although she escaped and saved her life, she was left behind. Got acne marks all over my body and face.

Li Gang originally fell in love with her beauty and disliked her so much that he quickly brought Aunt Fang into the house.

With his aunt turning his back on her, Li Gang became more and more disgusted with Wang's ugliness, but Wang was unwilling to reconcile and was a virtuous woman who couldn't fault her, so he couldn't find an excuse to divorce his wife.

Later, under the instigation of his aunt, he came up with a plan. At midnight, he put on ordinary clothes and a scarf and pretended to be a wild man outside. He sneaked into his wife's room and slept with her. He also deliberately let people see her and spread the news. Rumors that Wang was having an affair with someone gave him an excuse to start a divorce.

Unexpectedly, before the reconciliation with Mr. Wang could be reached, one day he had a violent quarrel with his aunt and stabbed her to death. In desperation, Mr. Li remembered Mr. Wang's fictitious lover, so he went to find her. Several confidants in the mansion staged a scene of catching, raping and killing people. Then they secretly put the murder weapon into Da Zhuang's bag, stuffed the incense sticks into his pocket, and then shouted "Catch the thief", so Da Zhuang was arrested.

"Then weren't you Li Gang who sank into the pond? How did you escape?" Shen Yuyu asked strangely.

"People's women grew up by the river and were used to holding their breath. It was night at Shentang, and no one noticed that the women held their breath and pretended to be dead. They really thought that the women were dead, so they threw them in mass graves and picked them up. He saved his life. "People like Wang Gang are really evil and heartless. They deceived Wang's natal family into a small family in the countryside and didn't even want to bury her when she died.

This is good, otherwise how could the Wang family survive?

"Catch Li Gang and bring him to justice." Shen Yuyu was stunned.

"Yes, the princess." A group of officials quickly left.

These officials are not from before, they are all subordinates of General Wei Liang. Almost all the previous officials were imprisoned and dismissed from their posts. This Yanggu County robber is in charge and is rotten from the inside out.

In the future, one of Aran's trusted confidants must be recruited to be the county magistrate. After all, this place has been evil for a long time, and I'm afraid it won't be corrected in a while.

But before she left, she had to kill this evil trend, so she would first operate on the Queen's nephew to scare the monkeys!

Soon Li Gang was brought in by Wu Hua Da. When he saw Ms. Wang, he was so frightened that he said he had seen a ghost. After a while, he came back to his senses and looked at Ms. Wang. Seeing that Ms. Wang had a shadow and warmth, Wang Gang collapsed to the ground.

Shen Yuyu immediately tried the case in public, and immediately sentenced Li Gang to death after pleading guilty. Li Gang's parents, relying on the relationship with Queen Zhou, led a group of people to try to stop them, but Shen Yuyu caught them all and put them in jail. .

The common people don't know, but she, Shen Yuyu, knows that Lingzhou is now under the control of the Night King. She is not afraid of any of these "royal relatives" who are branded as the queen. A strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake, not to mention that the queen will never come. Lingzhou, even if she comes to Lingzhou in the future, she will have to be respectful in front of Princess Ye.

After dealing with Li Gang's matter, Shen Yuyu chose a soldier who was knowledgeable in both civil and military affairs to serve as the acting county magistrate. After that, she took her shadow back to Wantian County.

The temperature dropped sharply today. Even in Yanggu County near the south, heavy snow fell and the wind was biting.

Listening to the rustling sound of falling snow, Shen Yuyu wrapped her eyes in a cloak and looked out the window, looking at the white snow gradually covering the sky and the earth. She always felt that she couldn't get enough. This is what a modern southern child is like.

While watching the falling snow flying, suddenly a thin figure burst into view.

He was in ragged clothes, with nothing to cover his body, and a pair of broken shoes on his feet. He hugged his shoulders and shivered as he trudged toward Yanggu County.

"Stop the car." Shen Yuyu was curious, and it was not a disaster year, why would there be such a poor and pitiful little beggar? She wanted to go down and ask about the situation and help her.

But when her carriage stopped, the shivering girl suddenly turned around. The moment Shen Yuhuan saw her, his head buzzed, and a bad premonition came into his heart.

(End of chapter)

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