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Chapter 926

Chapter 751 Is it really a walking dragon?

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 751 Is it really a walking dragon?

After leaving the west gate of Kang'an City, many villagers on both sides of the avenue were cleaning up the silt in the ground and kept discussing the cause of the rising water.

"It must be a dragon, what else can you say?" A man with a loud voice said, "The water has never risen before, what else can it be besides a dragon?"

Some people were worried and said, "If it's a flood, that's fine. If not, I'm afraid it will be flooded next time there's a heavy rain! We'll have to work in vain."

"You crow mouth, don't talk nonsense~ If it is flooded again and delays the spring plowing, it will be a big trouble."

Shen Yuyu listened to what these two people said. She didn't believe in "walking dragons". There were no dragons in the world. If there were any, they were the giant pythons thicker than buckets on the Han River plain. They could transform into monsters. Jackie Chan is weird!

So as one of the uncles said, if the root problem is not solved, disaster will happen next time it rains.

The group of people soon arrived at the river.

I saw many willow trees on the shore pushed down by the flood, and the trees were as big as a basin~~ This shows how fierce the water was that night.

"The river is indeed wide enough." Shadow looked at the wide river and felt very strange.

"Go downstream and have a look." Shen Yuyu said and started to walk downstream, explaining to Shadow and Aqin as he walked, "In a situation like this, the lower reaches of the river must have blocked the river due to landslides or something, resulting in The river is narrow and the flood water cannot escape."

"I also think it should be like this." Ah Qin agreed, "I grew up in the mountains and have seen this kind of situation."

Shadow also nodded in agreement, "If this situation is easy to solve, just widen the narrow place and it will be unclogged."

"Yeah." Shen Yuyu responded confidently, thinking that this was the case in all likelihood.

However, contrary to expectations, after walking downstream for several miles, I didn't find a narrow place, which was a bit strange.

"Is it really a dragon?" Shadow scratched his forehead, with a look of disbelief on his face, "This river is straight and wide, how could it prevent the flood from flowing out?"

Shen Yuyu spread her hands. She found that investigating this seemed to be much more difficult than investigating the case. Nature is really unpredictable!

Several people turned back along the road.

Along the way, he met many villagers who were clearing their fields. Shen Yue came up to ask about the situation and everyone's opinion on the flood, and everyone agreed that it was a "flood dragon".

After hearing this answer so many times, Shen Yue couldn't help but start to believe it.

On this day, Shen Yuyu and others had their legs weak, but they didn't find out why.

In the evening, after returning to the house and having dinner, Shen Yue was lying on the bed with her little face wrinkled, while Ji Xun squeezed her shoulders and beat her legs.

"Axun, do you believe in the theory of "walking dragons"?" Shen Yuyu put his hands behind his head, blinking his big almond eyes, his eyes full of confusion, "If it weren't for "walking dragons", what would this flood be like? What caused it?'

"Is it the lower reaches of the river that Yu Yu is investigating?" Ji Xun's slender fingers gently pinched Shen Yu Yu's slender legs. Shen Yu Yu, who was sore and swollen, felt so comfortable that she couldn't help biting her lower lip and groaned twice. De Ji Xunjun blushed.

"Yes." Shen Yuyu squinted his eyes after feeling refreshed for a while and replied, "Shouldn't it be that the downstream is blocked and the flood cannot escape, forming a barrier lake and flooding the entire Kang'an City?"

Ji Xun's pretty face had a smile and he expressed another thought.

"Why don't you think about another situation. If the upstream river is blocked, causing the river water to overflow and rush towards Kang'an City, this situation is also possible."

Shen Yuyu slapped his forehead and sat up suddenly, "Axun, you are so smart, why didn't I think of it? I will go upstream to investigate tomorrow.'

The next day, Shen Yuyu took a shot of chicken blood and set out early in the morning with Yingying and Aqin. They ate scallion pancakes for breakfast, and also brought a few scallion pancakes for lunch, intending to conduct a thorough investigation. Fan.

I walked all the way upstream along the river. After walking for an hour, I found that there was a problem. The river bed was getting shallower and shallower, and it was completely filled with sand. If there was a heavy rain like this, the river would definitely overflow from the river and rush to the bottom. Kang'an City.

Shen Yuyu looked around and found that beyond the river, there was a valley. It seemed that heavy rains had caused mudslides, and a large amount of sand and gravel blocked the river channel, causing the river bed to become shallow.

Just as he was thinking, Shadow's excited exclamation came.

"Master, come quickly, it's a surprise~ What a big surprise, what kind of 'walking dragon' is this? This is God's surprise for us."

"Surprise? What surprise?" Shen Yuyu hurriedly ran towards the shadow, wondering whether he had discovered a gold mine?

But she quickly dismissed it in her mind, because she saw the shadow standing on a rock protruding out of the water in the middle of the river. The rock didn't look like a gold mine.

"Where is this surprise?" Shen Yuehu and Aqin both ran over and looked at each other.

"At my feet!" Shadow looked at the stone standing at his feet with ecstasy on his face, "Do you know what this is? This is iron ore."

"Iron ore?" Shen Yuyu was shocked, unable to conceal the excitement in his heart.

There are only 100,000 soldiers and horses in the entire Lingzhou territory, but after the prince and Prime Minister Zhou recalled hundreds of thousands of troops from the southwest, they stationed them directly in Tongzhou. Isn't it obvious enough what this means?

Moreover, I received a secret letter from the capital some time ago, saying that Prime Minister Zhou and the Crown Prince were plotting to replace the Southwest General Wei Liangsa. As a result, the most urgent need in Lingzhou was to recruit troops to prepare for emergencies.

The military pay for recruiting troops and expanding the army is still enough at the moment. The most difficult thing is weapons. How can we fight without weapons? Can't we use sticks and fists?

There are no other mines in Lingzhou except the toxic iron mine in Yangjia Village.

I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect, God actually gave a gift to the Night King!

"This, this is great!" A Qin grabbed Shen Yue's hand excitedly. Even she knew the importance of iron ore.

"Brother Shadow, are you sure it's iron ore?" Shen Yuyu asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm sure." Shadow said, knocking down a piece of ore, and jumped to the shore to show it to Shen Yuyu, "Look at the color and texture~~ This is definitely iron ore, and the iron content is extremely high. There's no way it's wrong."

Shen Yuyu nodded, "If it's iron ore, why is it under this water?" As he spoke, he looked upstream of the river in confusion, and vaguely saw a mountain in front of him that seemed to have collapsed. "Could this ore come from that mountain?" Did he fall down and be pushed here by the water? Brother Shadow, go and have a look. If so, the mountain should be an iron mine.'

"Yes, Master." The shadow responded, using his Kung Fu to make a few ups and downs, and landed on the large mountain that collapsed. After inspecting it, he came back soon.

"Yes, that mountain is indeed an iron mine! It's absolutely true."

"Yeah." Shen Yuyu suppressed her excitement, "Let's go back and report to Ah Xun."

(End of chapter)

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