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Chapter 820

Chapter 820

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 820

Kang'an City, Night King's Mansion.

Shen Yuyu has been quietly raising her baby in the house for several days. She planted a magical elixir in the space, and after taking it, all her pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and fatigue disappeared.

Every day when there is nothing to do, I am busy working in my portable space, or planting flowers and grass in the palace.

I was taking care of the flowers and plants that day when I heard Aunt Bai greeting Sun Mengmeng at the door of the house.

"Ah, Sun Yatou, are you here? Come in and sit down." Aunt Bai's enthusiastic voice.

"Okay." Sun Mengmeng responded. She was wearing a light purple dress, which made her face bright and pretty. She looked around a few times, "Auntie, where is Sister Yu Yu?"

"She's busy working in the backyard." The aunt said with a smile, "She can't stay idle if she doesn't do it. She has to be busy in Huapu for a while every day. Sun Yatou quickly goes to persuade her, bending down like that to treat the baby in her belly. The child is not good.'

"Okay, I'll go right away." Sun Mengmeng replied and quickly walked to the garden. When she saw Shen Yuyu, she ran towards her in small steps and lowered her voice and said, "Sister Yuyu, sister Yuyu, stop it." ,I'll take you to a good place.'

"What a good place?" Shen Yuyu straightened a crooked Tianzhu Gui, inserted a bamboo stick, and tied it carefully with a rope.

Sun Mengmeng looked behind her and saw that Aunt Bai had not followed, so she whispered, "Haven't you heard? There is a spring outside the city where fish are coming out. It's rare. Let's go and take a look."

She was also pregnant with a child, but she had no pregnancy reaction at all after taking the herbs given by Shen Yuyu. She also had a playful and playful temperament and could no longer stay in the house.

"Really?" Shen Yuyu became interested after hearing this, "Is there fish in the spring? You must go and see it. The fish must be very delicious. Let's buy more and come back to eat."

As he spoke, he put down the small shovel in his hand, and then ordered his servants to fetch water to cleanse his hands.

"But we have to go secretly." Shen Yuyu lowered his voice and smiled ghostly, "Don't let Aunt Bai see it. She is very strict and won't let us leave the house."

"Okay." Sun Mengmeng blinked her eyes, "Besides you, my parents and Yonglu won't let me go anywhere, but I'm bored, so we'll sneak out of the city to see the rare things, and buy some fish back."

"Yeah, well, I'm going out to the city to have some fun today." Shen Yuyu giggled, "Wait for me for a while, I'll change into clean clothes." Shen Yuyu entered the house and quickly changed into light clothes. After wearing blue chest-length skirts, the two pretended to take a walk and headed to the backyard.

Arriving at the corner door of the backyard, Shen Yuyu suddenly bent down and pretended to be looking for something.

"Oh, why did my bracelet disappear after it fell? It was given to me by His Highness the Night King, so I can't throw it away."

"Oh, what should we do? We can't bend down?" Sun Mengmeng was also shouting. At this time, the grandma and a young man guarding the concierge heard it and hurriedly came over to help search.

Shen Yuyu looked anxious: "The bracelet is a little loose. I don't know where it fell. If it's here, it's over there. Please look for it carefully."

The guard brother said very responsibly, "Don't worry, Princess, we will definitely help you find it."

The old mama said respectfully, "It's hot. Madam, you and Miss Sun can sit in the pavilion over there and wait. I will send it to you when I find it."

"Okay, I'm done." Seeing them looking for the bracelets with their heads raised, Shen Yuyu and Sun Mengmeng sneaked out through the corner door.

As soon as they walked out, the two of them started laughing happily.

"Finally escaped, hahaha." Sun Mengmeng looked like a winner, "Ever since I was pregnant with the child, I have been under intensive care. I can't do this or that, and I can't eat. In fact, I took the magic medicine given by Sister Yu and it didn't work. It's no different when you're pregnant with a baby. Alas, it's finally easier now.'

Shen Yuhu glanced around and saw that many people recognized them and saluted them respectfully.

"I've met Princess Ye, and I've met Miss Sun."

"You don't need to be polite, you don't need to be polite." After all, Shen Yuyu is the Princess of the Night. Since she has appeared as a princess, she naturally has to care about people's livelihood.

Whenever a vendor greets her, she will go over and ask them if their business is going well and if their family has enough money.

Everyone said that their life was stable, prosperous, harmonious and beautiful.

After chatting with the people who came around for a while, Shen Yuyu left, bought two curtain hats in a nearby shop, hired a carriage, and then left the city.

"Uncle, I heard that there is a spring outside the city where fish come out. Do you know where it is?" Shen Yuyu asked the driver.

"I know, of course I know." The coachman uncle was very enthusiastic. "It's in Niujia Village, which is ten miles outside the city. Many people from the city go there to watch the excitement."

After saying that, he turned around and asked Shen Yuyu and Sun Mengmeng, "You two ladies also went to watch the excitement?"

"Yeah." Shen Yuyu and Sun Mengmeng responded at the same time.

"Oh, I'll take you there then." The uncle said and drove the carriage to Niujia Village.

Early autumn day,

Both sides of the avenue are covered with golden rice, and the hills in the distance are dyed red by maple leaves, which is a unique scene.

After being locked up in the mansion for too long, Shen Yuyu and Sun Mengmeng were so happy that they pushed Emperor Che away and admired the scenery outside.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way." At this time, several carriages were catching up from behind, and the coachmen shouted loudly, with such a domineering attitude, as if some dignitary was coming.

The driver hurriedly moved the car to the side, and the following luxury carriages passed by at high speed.

"Look at those carriages? They should be the children of the wealthy families in our Kang'an City who are going out for fun." The uncle who drove the carriages said, "It looks like they are also going to Niujia Village."

The driver driver didn't know the identities of Shen Yuyu and Sun Mengmeng, so he turned around and reminded him kindly, "Jia, Wang, and Chen~~ are the three richest men in Kang'an City, and the young ladies in the mansion are not to be messed with. When the two ladies meet They tried to avoid it as much as possible, like just now? If I didn't move my car out of the way, they would have knocked my car over, and you deserved it."

"How much money do you have to be so arrogant?" Shen Yuyu wondered.

"It's so bad. They were even more arrogant when the palace was not built in Kang'an City the night before."

"Really?" Shen Yuyu narrowed her eyes. She wanted to see how arrogant they were.

Ten miles is not a long journey and we will be there in a short while.

"Madams, there are too many carriages and we can't get in." The uncle driving the carriage looked at the road ahead of the carriages and said, "I can only wait for you here in Pingping. After you finish looking at the rare things, you can come out and look for them." I."

"Okay, uncle." Shen Yuyu responded, and Sun Mengmeng put on their curtain hats and got out of the car.

After paying the fare, Shen Yuyu and Sun Mengmeng followed the flow of people and walked towards the village.

The carriage blocked the road, and those who looked curious got out of the car and walked. After walking for a while, someone next to me pointed ahead and said, "There, that magical spring is right there."

"Where can you see it from so far away? How do you know it's there?" a colleague asked in surprise.

"Didn't you see the steam there? It must be a spring."

(End of chapter)

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