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Chapter 828

Chapter 828

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 828

When he heard that the Night King had moved his camp south, Niu Zhi did not act rashly and kept watching the changes until his subordinates came to report urgently seven days later.

"Reporting to the general, all the Night King's troops have retreated to Lingzhou, and not a single soldier is left in Tongzhou."

After Niu Zhi and several lieutenants looked at each other for a few times, they all nodded silently. They had discussed this matter enough times in the past few days, and even sent people to Tongzhou.

After some investigation in Tongzhou, it was indeed learned that the villages with strange phenomena were all on the same line, and that line was the "Earth Dragon Backline."

"As long as you avoid the backline of the Earth Dragon, other places are almost certainly safe," Niu Zhidao said.

"Indeed." The other three lieutenants also nodded.

Niu Zhi: "Then without further delay, we will move our camp southward and station in Tongzhou today."

The Night King is cunning, and Wuyin Mountain is easy to defend but difficult to attack. This should be the reason why the Night King refused to take the initiative to attack Luozhou and retreated to the Lingzhou border.

The general has spoken, and the lieutenants have no other opinions, so the rest is just a matter of time.

More than ten days later, Niu Zhi led a million-strong army to attack Tongzhou and approached Wuyin Mountain. They avoided the back of the earth dragon and stationed their troops in safe areas at the foot of Wuyin Mountain.

"General, my subordinates went down to inspect the mouth of the well where the hot water was coming from, and found that the water there had turned into boiling water. It was as if a fire had been burning at the bottom of the well and the water was boiling. It was very strange." The subordinate reported.

"This dragon is probably a fire dragon." Niu Zhi guessed after thinking about it.

Ancient people had limited knowledge and regarded earthquakes as earth dragons turning over. Then wouldn't a dragon that can boil water be a fire dragon?

"It seems so." Vice General Zheng also nodded in agreement and said worriedly, "Since it is a fire dragon, will it cause a fire when it "turns over"? Should we retreat further to both sides?'

"No need," Niu Zhidao said, "We are stationed in an open area and we are far enough away, so we don't have to worry about this.

Vice General Zheng thought for a while and said nothing more.

In the middle of the night, the soldiers patrolling the military camp were lazily leaning against the tent and feeling drowsy, when they suddenly saw a fireball flying from a distance, hitting the ground with a bang, and igniting a raging fire.

The soldiers were all awakened and surrounded the fireball in surprise.

I saw that the burning fireball was red inside, and after it hit the ground, the red magma began to flow.

"This, this, this, what is this?" No one had ever seen anything like this before, and everyone turned from surprise to horror.

Someone had the courage to step forward and plunge a knife into the flowing molten lava. The sword made a sizzling sound and was quickly melted into molten iron.

"This, this is too scary."

Everyone felt the burning heat approaching, and they all stepped back with awe-inspiring faces.

"What's going on?" Niu Zhidei reported and walked out of the tent while putting on his clothes. His eyes were fixed on the fiery red lava that had smashed a deep pit into the ground.

A soldier next to him replied, "Reporting to the general, I don't know what happened. It fell from the sky."

Niu Zhi glanced at the dark sky and wondered, could it be flying rocks from the sky? Something like this fell near Shenjia Village before, causing everyone to be poisoned and sick.

Thinking of this, Niu Zhi took a few steps back and said, "Take water to put it out."

"Yes, General.'

A strong soldier picked up a bucket of water and threw it towards the fiery red lava. However, the next second there was only a "puff" sound, and the water in the bucket turned into gas before it came into contact. The water suddenly evaporated. The man who poured the water

Before I could take my hand back, it was immediately covered in blisters, and I started to cry out in pain.

"General, what should we do?" Vice General Wang asked helplessly as he looked at the fiery red molten lava slowly flowing towards the camp nearby. Wherever the molten lava passed, the vegetation turned into fly ash.

"What else can be done? Unwrap all the felts in the direction of its flow." Niu Zhi could only order.

After giving the order, he went over to a group of soldiers and began to unpack the felt bags.

"You can deal with things by yourself. Don't wake me up by making a fuss." After Niu Zhi said this, he yawned and went to sleep.

Niu Zhi walked into the camp with his eyes closed and was about to lie down on the bed when suddenly there was a loud noise that made his ears buzz and even the ground shook violently.

While he was still in shock, one of his subordinates rushed in in panic.

"Hey, General, it's not good, go out and have a look."

Before the subordinate could finish his words, there was a bang, and a fireball crashed directly into the tent, and flames shot up into the sky inside the tent.

"Run away, general." The subordinate shouted urgently, and the two of them hurriedly stumbled out of the felt bag.

When I got out of the felt bag, I saw countless fireballs shooting out from the west, like huge fireworks blooming one after another, lighting up the entire night sky like daylight.

The distance between these fireballs happened to cover the military camps on the east and west sides.

At this moment, the military camp to the west where Niu Zhi was located fell into countless fireballs. Countless tents were hit by fireballs and fell into a sea of ​​fire. The entire military camp was in chaos.

"Help, help." A soldier was covered in fire and fell at Niu Zhi's feet, rolling in pain and wailing, while in the distance, more people were struggling in the sea of ​​fire.

"General, what should we do?" The subordinates were trembling with fear.

Niu Zhi had never seen such a scene before. He stared with frightened eyes and murmured absently, "This is fire erupting from hell. Someone must have angered God. It's over. Everything is over."

After a while, he waved his arms and shouted, "Retreat, retreat, retreat north quickly."

After receiving the order to retreat, countless soldiers rushed out of the sea of ​​fire and stumbled back to the north.

After they left the military camp, the "fireworks" in the west also stopped blooming, and only then did everyone dare to stop and watch.

In the distance, I saw a huge volcano standing in the night sky. The volcano was like a "flow of fire" pouring down in all directions, igniting raging fires wherever it went, lighting up half of the night sky.

"What on earth is that?" The soldiers froze on the spot, looking at the red volcano in the west at a loss.

"I have never seen such a scene in my life." A veteran said in a trembling voice.

"No one has seen it, and it has never been written about in books." Someone answered.

"General, do you want to withdraw?" His subordinates asked General Niu again, who was stunned.

"Most of the food and grass were burned. If we retreat, the Night King might take advantage of the victory and pursue him~~" Niu Zhi was too panicked just now, but now he calmed down when he saw that the fireball stopped erupting, "Go, inform General Wang stationed at Youbian

.No retreat.'

"Since the disaster has already occurred, there is nothing to fear. We should attack Lingzhou as soon as possible and achieve a quick victory."

The subordinates were ordered to report, but almost all of the camp was burned, and some food and grass were rescued, so they could barely survive for a few days.

Therefore, this battle must be fought, and he has no retreat.

(End of chapter)

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