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Chapter 835

Chapter 835

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 835

Wei Yuan Deyuan was so angry with his fake uncle that he had a heart attack and vomited blood crazily.

"Come, come, help." He fell to the ground and stared with unwilling eyes, trying his best to cry for help.

He was the prince. How could the future emperor die inexplicably like this?

However, everyone inside and outside the palace was dismissed by "Prime Minister Zhou". Who could hear his weak cry for help?

Zhou Qian looked at him and sneered mercilessly.

"Do you still want to live? Do you deserve to live? You are so useless, and the Kingdom of Zhou will be annexed by Dali sooner or later if it is handed over to you."

"But my master is different. He is smarter and wiser than you~~ He will definitely govern the Great Zhou Kingdom properly and let all the people in the world live and work in peace and contentment. You can go in peace!'

Wei Yuande's face turned the color of pig liver, his eyes widened and his limbs began to twitch.

At this moment, the sound of messy footsteps suddenly came from outside the palace, and the high-pitched voice of the waiter's father-in-law was raised.

"The Queen has arrived~~"

Zhou Qian was waiting for the crown prince Wei Yuande to kick his feet, but his expression changed in vain when he heard the voice. He did not expect the queen to come at this time.

He hurriedly reached out and poked under Wei Yuande's nose, and saw that although he couldn't speak, he was still breathing.

Although he still wanted to deal with Wei Yuande's death, it was too late now that footsteps were approaching, so he pretended to be panicked.

"Hurry, come here, His Highness the Crown Prince has fainted! Call the doctor quickly." He yelled loudly and walked out of the palace with his robe in hand.

Before reaching the entrance of the palace, the queen and her entourage came in.

"What's going on? What's wrong with the prince?" Queen Zhou cast her anxious eyes into the palace and saw Wei Yuande lying on the ground with blood on his face, and she was immediately frightened.

"Physician, call the physician quickly!'

Empress Zhou cried and screamed, this is her only son, nothing will happen to him!

After a moment of confusion, Wei Yuande was carried to bed.

"What's going on?" Queen Zhou looked at Prime Minister Zhou while wiping the blood from the corners of the unconscious Wei Yuande's mouth and asked, "How did the prince faint? How could he vomit so much blood?"

Zhou Qian explained calmly.

"You still need to ask? I'm so angry."

"The Night King now has a heavy army and may send his army north to invade the capital at any time. As soon as the old minister analyzed the current crisis situation, His Royal Highness was so anxious that he vomited blood.

"You've vomited so much blood, why didn't you call the imperial doctor earlier?" Empress Zhou said in a serious tone. She found that the blood stains on the prince's neck had solidified, which showed that it had been a long time.

If Prime Minister Zhou was not the brother of her mother, she would have doubted whether Prime Minister Zhou had the intention to murder the prince.

Zhou Qian made it up casually, "How did I know that the prince vomited blood? He was covering his mouth with a handkerchief, and then he fainted and frightened the old minister. Didn't the queen already come by this time?"

A few words dispelled Queen Zhou's doubts. At this time, several imperial doctors rushed over, giving the prince some medicine, some giving him medicine, and some giving acupuncture.

Fortunately, Wei Yuande was still alive, and the imperial doctor had rich experience in his illness. After acupuncture, his life was suspended.

"How's it going? Doctor Tong." Queen Zhou asked the doctor with red eyes, her face full of worry and anxiety.

Doctor Tong answered while collecting the medicine box, "I have been rescued now, but I can't suffer any more stimulation and need to rest well."

"That's good, that's good." Queen Zhou's eyebrows relaxed and she took a long breath.

Zhou Qian's expression changed drastically and he shrank aside, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible.

At this moment, he really wanted to slap himself in the face, why was he so arrogant that he leaked all the secrets to Wei Yuande? Now that Wei Yuande is not dead, if he had revealed all the secrets.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qian couldn't help but reach for the dagger hidden in his waist. As long as Wei Yuande dared to speak, no one here would be allowed to stay.

Zhou Qian was getting ready to go, when the imperial doctor spoke again with a solemn expression.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's condition is too serious. I'm afraid he will have serious sequelae after he is cured."

"What are the sequelae?" Queen Zhou asked urgently.

"You may have severe hemiplegia and be unable to speak or walk."

"No, no, the prince must not be hemiplegic." Queen Zhou stood up anxiously, "The emperor may die at any time. How can the prince ascend the throne and become emperor if he becomes hemiplegic? Tong Taiyi, you have to think about it. If the prince

If you are hemiplegic, your life will be at risk."

"Excuse me for your incompetence." Imperial Physician Tong and other imperial physicians were so frightened that they all knelt down.

After hearing the imperial doctor's words, Zhou Qian felt relieved and quickly took his hand away from his waist to give empress Zhou good words.

"The prince's illness is a serious illness, so the queen should not blame the imperial doctor too harshly."

"Now that the emperor is seriously ill and may die at any time, and the prince may be hemiplegic~~ I think it is best to summon all the ministers to discuss the matter of establishing a heir apparent."

After hearing Zhou Qian's words, Queen Zhou wiped her tears and sobbed.

"Brother, everything depends on you now."

A trace of imperceptible satisfaction flashed in Zhou Qian's eyes, "Queen, don't worry, I am your brother and the prince's uncle. As long as I am here, there will be no chaos in the Great Zhou Court."

Just as he was talking, Wei Yuande woke up.

His mouth was crooked, his eyes were slanted, his mouth was drooling, and he was indeed paralyzed.

But he was not stupid. When he happened to hear Zhou Qian's words, he rolled his eyes in anger and glanced sideways at Zhou Qian.

No one saw his anger and thought he was expressing his gratitude to his uncle, so excited.

Zhou Qian also thought it was extremely ridiculous when he saw his appearance. The prince of Zhou unexpectedly fell into this situation, haha~~

With a heavy look on his face, he walked to the bed and held Wei Yuande's hand, speaking seriously.

"Prince, just take good care of your health. The other veterans are here.'

Wei Yuande couldn't move but couldn't move, couldn't speak, and his eyes wanted to pop out of his head.

But no one was a roundworm in his belly, no one knew what he was thinking, not even Queen Zhou had any clues.

Seeing that Wei Yuande was so excited, he was afraid that he would get sick again, so he quickly ordered his servants to send him back to the East Palace.

After the prince was sent away, only Queen Zhou and Zhou Qian were left in the imperial study.

After Queen Zhou asked Zhou Qian to sit down, she poured him a cup of tea herself and cast her pleading eyes towards him.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Queen Zhou's eyes were red and she was completely confused. "The emperor is about to die, the prince is suddenly paralyzed, and the grandchildren are young. Who will sit on this throne?'

"There are many people who want to sit down." Zhou Qian said in a serious tone, "The Night King may have sent his army northward, aiming for the throne."

"What, what should we do?" Empress Zhou held the tea cup tightly, anxious, "He now has nearly 1.5 million soldiers in his hands, who can resist him?"

"Yes, there is, but it's just that," Zhou Qian was about to say but stopped.

"Yes? Who is it? Brother, please stop being secretive and tell me."

(End of chapter)

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