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Chapter 838

Chapter 838

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 838

There was a sudden heavy snowfall in the south, while in the north it was snowing at this time.

Marching in heavy snow is very difficult, and transporting food is even more difficult.

However, no matter how difficult it was, it did not dissuade Zhu Xiangyu from taking advantage of the snowstorm in the south to defeat Ji Xun in one fell swoop.

He sat comfortably on the carriage holding a hand stove and a thick fox fur, while dozens of soldiers in front shoveled the snow to clear the way.

Fortunately, the snow is not deep and the speed is not too slow. We can reach Luozhou in about ten days.


While he was drowsy, a deputy caught up from behind.

"Report to the general, the snowy road is slippery, and the carriage transporting grain and grass is lagging far behind. Should we set up camp and wait?"

In ancient times, there was a saying that soldiers and horses should move forward before food and grass were used in wars, so the deputy general made this suggestion.

However, Zhu Xiangyu was the one that Wei Xuanyuan was interested in, and he certainly had two skills. His thin cheeks were submerged in the thick fox fur, and he spoke indifferently.

"Didn't each of the soldiers carry their own rations? It wouldn't be a big problem if the carriage transporting food and grass was slower."

His eyes were shining when he spoke. He looked young, in his early thirties, dark and thin.

The solution he came up with was also a dead end, which was to ask the soldiers to carry their own rations. Each man had to carry forty kilograms. In this way, the food and grass would not have much impact behind them.

The further south we go, the deeper the snow becomes, the slower our marching speed becomes, and the more food and grass we fall behind.

Zhu Xiangyu did not take this matter to heart. The soldiers each carried forty days of food, so what should they worry about? He sent people to Luozhou early to investigate the disaster, and the people who went to Luozhou finally came back that day.


"Reporting to the general, more than half of the houses in Luozhou have been crushed. The victims have insufficient food and clothing. Countless people have died from frostbite. They are in chaos.'

"What's the situation in Tongzhou?" Zhu Xiangyu asked.

The subordinate replied, "The Tongzhou border is occupied by the Night King, and the defense is like an iron barrel. I cannot spy on the situation there."

Tongzhou is mountainous and easy to defend but difficult to attack, so after the Night King subdued Niu Zhi and other millions of troops, he only stationed himself in Tongzhou and did not advance towards Luozhou.

Zhu Xiangyu squinted his eyes and murmured after hearing this information.

"The snow disaster in Luozhou is so severe, how can Tongzhou and Lingzhou fare better? It will definitely become more serious."

The deputy general also nodded.

"Houses in the south are all wooden houses, and the beams are thin and easy to collapse, so the disaster in Luozhou can be inferred from the disaster in Tongzhou and Lingzhou."

"Not bad." Zhu Xiangyu squinted his eyes, his eyes full of smiles, "I picked up more than a million soldiers~~ I'm afraid the Night King has to think about how to feed them before he can be happy, and it turns out to be a big trouble, haha


The deputy general also laughed for a while, and then asked, "Our army will reach Luozhou in less than ten days. Does the general want to attack Tongzhou immediately?"

"No, of course we can't be so reckless." Zhu Xiangyu shook his head, "We will station ourselves in Luozhou first, and we can talk about other matters when the food and grass arrive."

After speaking, he pondered for a moment and said, "As deep winter approaches, the heavy snow will not melt for a while. The general will wait until the Night King's million-strong army is starved to death without food, and then give it to him."

A 'soldier without bloodshed'~~"

Capital, East Palace Yunde Hall, Wei Yuande has been living here since he became paralyzed.

The Crown Princess Xia Luoluo moved to the magnificent Jade Phoenix Palace, and Queen Zhou moved to the Kunning Palace.

With the new emperor ascending the throne in the imperial city for more than ten days, everything seemed to be in chaos. In the end, Wei Yuande still lived in the East Palace and became a prince who could not ascend the throne.

The snow stopped that day, and the long-awaited sunshine slanted in from the window, hitting Wei Yuande's face with a crooked mouth and squinting eyes.

Wei Yuande lay half-dead for so many days and was extremely desperate. When he saw the bright sunshine, he felt a surge of hope in his heart.

"Your Highness, Ding Mei and Hong Mei are outside asking for a meeting." Zhuiyun came in and reported, "They have been here several times. They seem to be sincerely concerned about His Highness. Your Highness might as well invite them in to talk to you."

After Wei Yuande became paralyzed, several concubines were summoned to attend to his illness, but these concubines were all disgusted and disgusted when they saw Wei Yuande drooling.

Moreover, Wei Yuande would become incontinent from time to time and make the palace stink. Who would stay longer?

Ding Xiaolian and Hongluan, who had fallen out of favor, asked to see them many times, but Wei Yuande rejected them all.

The sun was shining brightly that day, and Wei Yuande was in a good mood, so he said "Hmm~~" twice and nodded with great effort.

Zhuiyun had been following Wei Yuande for a long time, and when he knew that he nodded in agreement, he led Ding Xiaolian and Hongluan in.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince~~" Ding Xiaolian fell on Wei Yuande's body as soon as he came in, with tears rolling down his face. "Your Highness, you have lost weight. You must have suffered a lot, right? If God is willing, I am willing to endure all these hardships."

I'll take it for His Highness, 嘤嘤嘤."

Hong Luan also bowed respectfully and called out "Your Highness~~"

Afterwards, he wiped away his tears and sat at the end of the bed, carefully and considerately massaging Wei Yuande's immobile right leg, not bothering at all about the odor emanating from his body.

Wei Yuande had seen many disgusting and disgusting faces during these days, and he was so moved that his eyes welled up with tears, and his nose and saliva flowed out.

Ding Xiaolian didn't dislike it at all, she took out her handkerchief and cleaned him up bit by bit. Not only that, she also kissed him lovingly on the lips.

Suddenly, he made a loud sound, and a smell rose into the air, and even Wei Yuande himself could smell it.

Zhuiyun was afraid of scaring them away, so he hurried over.

"Ding Meiren and Hongmei, please go to the courtyard to get some fresh air. I'll send someone to clean it up."

"No need, Brother Zhuiyun." Ding Xiaolian looked like he didn't mind, "Let me and Hongluan come. Yuande is our husband, and it is natural for us to take care of him.

After saying that, Ding Xiaolian and Hongluan rolled up their sleeves and started cleaning up Wei Yuande themselves.

After wiping Wei Yuande's body, changing his clothes, and tidying up, Hongluan massaged Wei Yuande's body, while Ding Xiaolian chatted with Wei Yuande and read to him from her notebook.

At noon, he fed Wei Yuande his lunch with his own hands. He even carried Wei Yuande to the soft bed in the courtyard and massaged him while basking in the sun. They spent a pleasant day with him.

When leaving Yunde Palace, Ding Xiaolian kissed Wei Yuande's cheek and said softly, "If Your Highness is willing, Sister Hong and I will come to accompany you every day from now on.'

"Yeah~~Yeah~~" Wei Yuande nodded happily.

He has so many women, but since he changed from a sweetheart to a stinky piece of shit, he has seen one thing clearly: only Dingmei and Hongmei really love him.

If God gives him another chance to come back, he will definitely make Ding Xiaolian the queen and Hongluan the imperial concubine, and give all the glory back to them.

"Then Your Highness, Sister Hong and I will take our leave now. We'll come see you later." After saying that, Ding Xiaolian and Hong Luan bowed respectfully and then left.

On the way back to Yuling Palace from Yunde Palace, Hongluan asked Ding Xiaolian in a low voice, "Miss, I pinched His Highness's leg so hard today that he couldn't feel it. Are you really sure he can recover?"

(End of chapter)

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