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Chapter 850

Chapter 850

Author: Doraemon

"Yes, yes, but I just want to pretend to be a government official~~" Jiang Yuyu blinked his shrewd eyes and whispered a few words to everyone.

"Hahaha, what a good idea." Emperor Qi Heng laughed loudly after hearing this, "Jiang Yatou is worthy of being Princess Ye's cousin. She is indeed as clever as her. This method is really good."

"Isn't this illegal?" Jiang Yuyu asked as he looked at Emperor Qi Heng.

"What kind of law is it breaking? The emperor is here." Shadow looked at Emperor Qi Heng, "As long as the emperor agrees, this is an imperial edict."

"Of course I agree. How can I disagree with saving the people from fire and water?" Emperor Qi Heng nodded while stroking his beard.

Ah Qin also beamed, "In this way, all the food will be distributed to the people who are short of food, saving them from disaster."

"Then let's do it like this." Shadow said and stood up, "I'm going to the county government office right now. You guys are waiting for my good news." After saying that, he left impatiently.

The next day, Shadow came back carrying a big burden.

When I opened the bag and took a look, it was full of piles of announcements stamped with the Yamen's seal.

The content of the announcement is to ask people who are short of food to come to Yongshui Town to get food. Of course, those who are not short of food are not allowed to come to get it. Otherwise, once reported to the Yamen, all family property will be confiscated. This is also to prevent some greedy people from looting.


"Very good, hire more people to post these announcements everywhere." After reading it, Emperor Qi Heng ordered the shadow with satisfaction.

"Yes, I obey." Shadow left the inn carrying the large package of announcements and went to find someone to post them.

In the evening of that day, all the villages and towns around Yongshui Town saw the announcement. Although everyone couldn't believe it, they were desperate without rice or food, so naturally they wanted to see whether it was true or false.

Ten miles outside Yongshui Town, a convoy transporting food is stationed here.

There was a heavy snowfall last night, and thick snow fell on the roof of the carriage. For fear of crushing the carriage, General Lin Shen was organizing everyone to clean up the snow on the grain truck.

Lin Shenjiang, wearing a scalp jacket and a sheepskin hat, looked on with a sigh of relief and a sad look on his face.

A subordinate came over with a bowl of steaming white porridge.

"Master General, it's time for breakfast." He brought the porridge to General Lin.

Lin Shenjiang took the porridge, held the bowl and warmed his hands, looked at the white surroundings with a grimace and sighed.

"When will this heavy snow end? Alas."

"When will it end? Just win this battle." The subordinate answered, paused, and looked in the direction of Luozhou, "The road is blocked and we can't move forward. How about we allocate some manpower to clear it?"

"No." Lin Shenjiang shook his head, "In such a disaster year, what is the most valuable thing? Food, didn't you see how many people froze to death and starved to death along the way? It would be troublesome if we encountered robbers.'

Subordinate: "This is the military rations of the imperial court. Who has such courage?'

Lin Shenji scooped up a mouthful of porridge and drank it, her face darkened.

"No one can expect many things, so it's better to be careful.'

"The front line will naturally send people to clear the road. We just have to guard the food and grass. This is our duty."

"Sir General Shen is right." The subordinate thought it was reasonable, so he stood aside with a tray and quietly waited for General Lin Shen to finish eating and pick up his bowl.

At this time, there was no one in the distance who was roasting pig's trotters, and the aroma of pork and pig skins being burned in the fire was carried by the wind, making Lin Shen salivate.

He frowned and frowned as he looked at the bowl of white porridge, losing his appetite even more.

The batch of food and grass they transported this time only contained grain and grass, not even any dried meat.

We have been marching on this road for so many days, and the soup is watery every day. There is no oil or water in the stomach, and the intestines are so astringent that they are about to tie up. These days are really hard!

Of course, the only ones who suffered the hardship were those who delivered the food. The front troops marched all the way south and looted all the way. As long as there was something they wanted to eat, they just sent out a few small teams to search everywhere.

"I'm so malnourished after drinking this porridge." Lin Shenjiang smelled the smell of meat and couldn't drink the white porridge anymore. He thrust the bowl into his subordinate's hand and said, "Come on, follow me to the town.

Let’s make some delicious Dada Ya Festival.”

The subordinate was almost overjoyed when he heard it. He quickly picked up the bowl and followed General Lin Shen in a hurry.

"Everyone has to stand guard and don't let anyone get close to the grain team. Do you hear me?" Lin Shen put his hands on his waist and lectured the soldiers standing guard in the wind and snow.

"Yes, General." The soldiers all straightened their backs, and no one dared to show any signs of relaxation.

This batch of food and grass is related to the life of General Zhu. If they dare to be careless in the slightest, they will be ripped off by General Zhu.

There is such a story in the army. There was a recruit who was greedy for life and feared death on the battlefield. He was skinned and boned by General Zhu in front of everyone. His head was hung on the flagpole in the center of the camp for a month, until he turned into a white creature.


Therefore, what everyone is afraid of is not General Lin Shen, but Zhu Xiangyu's group of brutal "robber generals".

This is also the reason why Lin Shenjiang has been stationed in Yongshui Town for two days and has not dared to enter the town to have a meal of meat.

He was also afraid that if something went wrong with something as important as transporting grain and fodder, General Zhu might not only remove his skin and remove his bones, but also the nine members of his family.

If he hadn't been seduced by the delicious smell of meat today, he wouldn't have dared to leave without permission if he had a hundred courages.

After arriving in the town, Lin Shen and his subordinates went straight to the restaurant, where they ordered a large table of fish and meat and feasted on it.

"This dish is so refreshing to eat hot." After Lin Shenji finished eating, he picked his teeth with satisfaction.

"Yes, yes, it is indeed better to come to the restaurant to eat. If someone takes it back, it will be frozen into ice cubes." The subordinates followed the meal and drank to their fill, also looking satisfied.

"Let's go back." Lin Shenjiang picked up the cloak on the stool and stood up.

"Sir, please wait a moment." The subordinate laughed, then asked the waiter for two bowls, and packed up all the remaining dishes.

"You haven't eaten enough yet?" Lin Shenjiang touched his bulging belly and twitched the corner of his mouth.

"We are full now, but what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?" The subordinate said as he put two bowls filled with vegetables into the bag, "It is better to eat these than to drink plain porridge. You will know when you get back."

"Haha~~ I hope you are careful.'

The two of them walked out of the restaurant and onto the street.

It was a windy and snowy day, and there were not many people there when we arrived. Suddenly, the room was filled with people in small and small groups everywhere, and people were whispering to each other without knowing what they were talking about.

However, General Lin Shen didn't take it to heart. The country people made a fuss when something happened. Even if a cow gave birth to a calf in a certain household, they would probably talk about it for a long time.

Then he took his subordinates and went straight to the outside of the town.

The further outside the town, the more Lin Shenjiang became puzzled. Why did so many people brave the wind and snow to leave the town? Where were they going in such a hurry?

Just as it was strange, several beggars in ragged clothes shrank by and passed by. One of the beggars said, "Quick, go to the south of the town. The government has distributed grain there. Anyone who doesn't have grain can go get it anywhere."

General Lin Shen's head buzzed when he heard this. Aren't their grain trucks stationed in the south of the town? What the government wants to distribute cannot be their military rations, right? (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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