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Chapter 860

Chapter 860

Author: Doraemon

At this moment, in Luozhou, which is separated from the Night King's camp by several snow-capped mountains, Zhu Xiangyu was restless in the camp, pacing back and forth anxiously with his hands behind his back.

At this time, the tent curtain was raised, and a man came in accompanied by the wind and snow.

"General, it's not good." The general's face was green, and he stepped forward and half-knelt in front of Zhu Xiangyu, "Something happened. Someone pretended to be the imperial court in Yongshui Town, and all our food and grass were distributed as disaster food.'

"What?" Zhu Xiangyu was thunderous when he heard these words, and his eyes almost bled, "What kind of dog? How dare such a dog do such a thing without fear of destroying the entire clan?"

"I don't know." The commander replied cautiously and expectantly, raising his head and not daring to breathe.

"No one knows who did it. All they know is that notices from the court about going to Yongshui Town to collect food were posted everywhere overnight."

"Later, even the county magistrate confirmed the authenticity of the announcement and helped distribute the food. As a result, all the food was taken away in just a few days.'

"General Lin Shen, who was responsible for escorting the grain and fodder, and his men all fled without their armor, and even County Magistrate Jiang disappeared!

"Huh~~" Zhu Xiangyu's bloody eyes widened, he took a deep breath, suppressed the anger that seemed to explode, raised his hand and picked up the fox fur cloak on the hanger, "How dare you do it on Tai Sui's head?"

Breaking the ground? I don't believe they dare to hand over the grain obediently."

"Here, General. Do you want to go to Yongshui Town overnight this evening?" The general stood up worriedly.

"Is the road clear?" Zhu Xiangyu asked as he put on his cloak.

"It has been cleared. It was just cleared this evening." The general replied, following Zhu Xiangyu out of the tent.

"Now that it's cleared, how many hours will it take to reach Yongshui Town?" Zhu Xiangyu said and came to the nearby tent. The general soldier quickly opened the curtain for him, and Zhu Xiangyu got in directly.

The lieutenants were all asleep, and so was this lieutenant. He was busy working on the bed with the kidnapped woman in his arms. When he heard the noise, he got up and got dressed.

He warned the woman on the bed, "I won't tie you up. I'll play with you later, but you have to lie down quietly. If you dare to escape, I will catch you~~ Hum, you know what will happen!"

The woman quickly nodded obediently, "Don't worry, sir, I won't run away. I will serve you well."

After being kidnapped in the military camp for so many days, she also heard a lot of things. Several girls who were kidnapped like her were tortured to death and thrown into the mountains to be fed to wolves. No bones were left.

Compared to her, she is lucky, at least she is still alive.

"General, why is it so urgent?" The lieutenant planned to light a fire, but Zhu Xiangyu stopped him.

"Come with me to Yongshui Town." Zhu Xiangyu said directly.

"Going to Yongshui Town? Why?" The deputy general was wearing his inner clothes and no outer clothes. He only wore a cloak. When he heard Zhu Xiangyu said that he was leaving the military palace that night, he asked a lot.

However, before he finished speaking, he was slapped hard by Zhu Xiangyu.

"Mom, you're so stupid. Have you eaten too much meat and wine these days to have fun with women? Have you forgotten that you are here to fight?'

"Our army rations were robbed in Yongshui Town. How dare you ask any more questions? I'll destroy you."

As he spoke, he stared at the deputy general's crotch. The deputy general was so frightened that his legs weakened and he knelt down.

"Boss, please forgive me. I realize that I was wrong. I will lead my troops and the general there."

Although he wondered how the food and grass had been lost, he did not dare to say another word.

"Call the third and fourth sons. We can't let the lost food and grass go away like this." Zhu Xiangyu gritted his teeth and ordered the lieutenant again.

The several lieutenants under him are all his brothers who were the robbers when they were robbers. Zhu Xiangyu is the boss, the general is the second, and the others are the third, fourth and fifth.

In addition to being a robber who robbed homes and homes, and later going through life and death on the battlefield, it was a fateful friendship.

When the commander-in-chief heard that Zhu Xiangyu wanted to call the third and fourth sons, his expression suddenly changed.

"General, I'm afraid this isn't appropriate. It's better for the general to stay, and Lao Wu and I can lead tens of thousands of soldiers to recover the food and grass.'

"What's wrong?" Zhu Xiangyu twitched his lips, "The Night King's more than 1.5 million soldiers have no food and grass to take care of themselves. Is it possible that he still dares to attack us?"

"So what if he sneaks up on us? They must have turned into soft-footed shrimps without food for so long. Can they fight?"

"Besides, how many days can we survive without food and grass? We must find the food and grass before the news spreads. And if I don't go, how can I shock the people who are struggling to survive and let them take the initiative to send food to them? Come to the military camp?"

"Don't worry, it won't take long. I'll kill a few people tomorrow morning and say 'monkey respect' and I'll be right back.'

After speaking, he patted the commander-in-chief on the shoulder and said, "You are here in the military camp, I can rest assured.'

The commander-in-chief thought for a while and felt that what Zhu Xiangyu said was reasonable. In addition, he would be back tomorrow, so he nodded in agreement.

"General~~" At this time, the other two lieutenants also arrived and greeted Zhu Xiangyu with tired faces.

I have been tired from playing with women these past few days, and now I feel a little unmotivated when it comes to doing things.

Zhu Xiangyu glanced at them with dissatisfaction.

"Those women, throw them out quickly. It's time to calm down after playing. It's time for you to be busy."

"Each of you will bring 10,000 soldiers with me to Yongshui Town and assemble immediately."

"Yes, General." Several lieutenants responded hurriedly, and then made hurried arrangements.

Now that the general has spoken, who dares to keep these captured women? It is none of their business to loosen their bonds and drive them out of the military camp. Let them freeze to death, starve to death or be bitten to death by wolves.

They were originally vicious robbers who never took human life seriously.

It was the middle of the month, the wind and snow had stopped, and the moon was bright, making it look like daylight under the reflection of the ice and snow.

Zhu Xiangyu took several brothers and tens of thousands of troops to Yongshui Town to seek revenge.

Gangsters are determined to retaliate, so Zhu Xiangyu went straight to Yongshui Town with a few cronies with the intention of bloodbathing several villages.

If they weren't a robber, I'm afraid not many people would be able to do this kind of thing.

The woman who was driven out of the military camp by several lieutenants did not know the road or where to go. The military camp was far away from the nearest village.

They were bruised and bruised by the torture of those beasts, and they were staggering and supported, wiping tears and walking shivering in the moonlight.

I don’t know how far I walked, but I felt that my legs were so cold that I lost consciousness, my hands seemed to have been frozen, and I fell to the ground in the ice and snow, dying.

In despair, they vaguely saw countless black shadows coming from the distance, and the moonlight reflected the cold light of the knives in their hands.

They couldn't help but look at the direction in which the soldiers were sneaking, their eyes suddenly glowed with hope, and tears of excitement rolled down their faces.

"Night King, the Night King's army is coming~~ We are saved."

This chapter has been completed!
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