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Chapter 863

Chapter 863

Author: Doraemon

Zhu Xiangyu's main camp was garrisoned by nearly 500,000 people, and it was Night King Jixun who led his troops to attack it personally.

After the raid, the military camp was set on fire. Ji Xun originally wanted to give the opposing soldiers a chance to surround them with a battalion of crossbows.

Afterwards, He Mang was sent to a high place and shouted to the soldiers with a loudspeaker rolled up in parchment.

"His Royal Highness the Night King treats prisoners of war kindly, abandons weapons without killing them, and surrenders without killing them!"

"Don't make unnecessary sacrifices, give up resistance, surrender without killing!"

"Your life is also life. You also have parents and children at home. As long as you are willing to surrender, His Highness the Night King will not only not kill you, but will also let you return home with normal retirement."

Who among the soldiers on the other side would not be moved after hearing these words? You look at me and I look at you.

"How about we surrender?" Someone suggested in a low voice.

"Surrender? I want to surrender to you, but I dare not!" Someone answered, "One of us will die on the battlefield. If we surrender, the whole family may be executed by General Zhu. Dare to surrender? Wouldn't it harm the whole family?'

This sentence expresses the feelings of these soldiers.

They just want to die, fearing retaliation for their families.

Everyone has been in the military camp for a day or two. Who doesn’t know Zhu Xiangyu’s background as a robber?

He really doesn't want to scare people, but he enjoys killing people.

Thinking of this, all the soldiers clenched their swords and guns. No matter how recklessly shouted, no one dared to retreat, no one was willing to throw away their weapons, and decided to fight the Night King to the death.

Ji Xun, wearing a black cloak and riding on horseback, looked at the swarming soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty in front of him, and his heart was full of unbearable.

The war is too cruel. If Ji Xun was purely interested in winning the war, he would not be so hesitant. Because they are all brothers from the same ancestor and the same country, they really can't bear to kill each other.

The Night King gave the other side's soldiers a chance to think about it, hoping to reduce the number of killings.

However, in the eyes of the commander-in-chief, he thought that the Night King was cowardly and lacked confidence. He might be short of food, so he didn't bring many soldiers.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, kill me!" the commander-in-chief gave the order, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers began to rush out, and the shouts of killing suddenly shook the sky.

"Shoot arrows." Seeing their stubbornness, Ji Xun could only give the order.

After giving the order, the crossbows were fired in unison, and arrows rained down on Zhu Xiangyu's soldiers. Soon, corpses were scattered all over the ground.

The thick smell of blood rose into the sky, and blood flowed into a river!

After the arrows carried by the crossbowmen were shot, Zhu Xiangyu's soldiers were reduced by nearly half. They were all ten-shot repeating crossbows. The lethality can be imagined.

The commander-in-chief looked at the soldiers who had not yet reached the front and fell to the ground one after another, their faces looking as ugly as possible.

It had only been half an hour, and nearly half of his soldiers were already dead or wounded. The opponent didn't have many archers, so they were overwhelmed by firepower.

However, the sword has no eyes on the battlefield, and there are still casualties among the soldiers on the Night King's side.

The commander-in-chief pushed away a corpse, picked up the crossbow in his hand, and looked at it strangely.

"What kind of weapon is this?" he wondered endlessly, "This damn thing can fire ten arrows at a time? The Night King actually has such a terrifying weapon, how can he fight this battle?'

When he said this, a flash of helplessness that the situation was over flashed in the commander-in-chief's eyes, and he cast his gaze into the distance.

I saw that the number of soldiers who were not on the battlefield in the distance was enough to crush them, and their swords, guns and armor were majestic, and they didn't look like they were starving or freezing at all.

Therefore, their predictions and judgments about this battle were wrong. Even if the Night King did not make a surprise attack tonight, they would not be able to win at all and it would only increase casualties!

At this moment, Lin Yi from the southeast and Niu Zhi from the southwest had already won a complete victory and began to encircle them in the middle.

From the southeast, Lin Yi led one or two hundred thousand soldiers to approach Zhu Xiangyu's main camp. At this time, a soldier hurriedly came to report.

"Reporting to the general, we found five dying women in front of us. Should we save them or not?"

"Woman? What woman?" A hint of wariness appeared on Lin Yi's face, "Where can a woman come from in such a wilderness on such a snowy night?'

The subordinate shook his head.

"I don't know who they are. They have fainted from the cold, but the injuries all over their bodies are definitely not from scratch." Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Where are they? Take me to have a look."

"This way, General." The soldier hurriedly led Ji Yi over there.

After walking not far, he found several young women lying on the side of the road ahead. Lin Yi hurriedly stepped forward to check their breathing.

Seeing that they were still breathing, they quickly asked their subordinates to carry them into the carriage and transport them to the rear for treatment.

After that, Lin Yi led his troops to speed up and continue to advance towards the main camp.

The burning of the military camp was particularly eye-catching in the dark night. The billowing smoke and flames reflected half of the sky red, and could be clearly seen hundreds of miles away.

At this moment, the people of Yongshui Town, who were threatened by Zhu Xiangyu and transported food to the military camp overnight, shed tears when they saw this scene.

"Night King, it's the Night King's army that has invaded. We are saved!'

"Yes, it seems that the direction of the fire is right here at Luozhou border, which is Zhu Xiangyu's military camp. This devil is about to die."

"Thank you, God, for blessing us and allowing us to escape this disaster! Thank you, God." Many people knelt down, thanking God.

At this time, a voice spoke loudly from the side.

"What are you thanking God for? What has God done for us besides bringing disasters? It is His Highness the Night King who we should thank."

"His Royal Highness the Night King first sent people to sneak into Yongshui Town and used the avalanche to intercept Zhu Xiangyu's military rations."

"Then he planned to distribute the military food to the desperate people who were affected by the disaster. He knew that Zhu Xiangyu was ruthless and would not let everyone go, so he attacked Luozhou overnight to save the people from the fire and water."

"His Royal Highness the Night King loves the people like his own son and cares about the lives of the people. He is what the people want and what the government wants!"

It was Jiang You who spoke. She saw the fire here and knew that the shadow had sent the news back, so she planned to go to join the main force.

On the way, I saw that the people of Luozhou were so stubborn and did not understand the efforts of the Night King. Thank God and thank the Night King who sincerely cared about them, so I couldn't bear to say a few words.

After that, he didn't bother to watch their reactions and galloped forward with his horse under his belly.

After hearing this, the people kneeling on the ground stood up one after another.

Some people looked at that heroic figure under the moonlight and murmured absently.

"This girl is from the Night King. I saw her at the food distribution site a few days ago, and the county magistrate even knelt down in front of her."

The uncle next to him also stared at Jiang You's back and answered,

"So what she told is the truth. Is that batch of food really designed by the Night King to distribute to everyone out of concern for the people who were suffering from hunger and cold?"

"It must be." Everyone nodded silently, "This girl is right, it is His Highness the Night King whom we should thank!"

"This world should be left in the hands of the Night King. He is the true emperor of the Zhou Kingdom."

While they were discussing, they heard the rapid sound of horse hooves. Everyone quickly shut up and pushed the carriage aside to make way.


The man who led a group of soldiers to rush over in a hurry was Zhu Xiangyu, who had just shown off his power and killed people for fun in Yongshui Town.

Zhu Xiangyu was so anxious that his whole body was soaked with sweat.

The nearly one million troops he leads are the last trump card of his master Wei Xuanyuan. If Wei Xuanyuan is defeated in this battle, can Wei Xuanyuan spare him?

This chapter has been completed!
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