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Chapter 888

Chapter 888

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 888

Since we decided to destroy the bridge, the sooner the better. We went back to find kerosene and poured it on the bridge. When we threw the torch, the bridge burst into flames.

This kind of bridge is made of stone and wood. The piers are made of stone and the deck is made of wood. It was burned down in a fire, leaving only a few bare and blackened bridge piers standing in the river.

"Now it's better, we don't even need to guard the bridge." Several lieutenants said with satisfaction.

With that said, they went to restaurants and brothels to have fun and have fun.

Time flies by so fast, one month has passed in the blink of an eye, the twelfth lunar month is ushering in, and the New Year will soon be here.

And the Night King's army marched from south to north, providing relief and disaster relief everywhere, settling the displaced people properly, and won the support of all people.

This day, in the evening.

The army arrived at Liyang City opposite Jinzhou.

Of course, in order not to disturb the people, the Night King ordered the army to camp outside the city. Considering the cold outside, he arranged for Shen Yuyu, Qi Hengdi, Jiang Yuyu, Aqin, etc. to enter Liyang City dressed in plain clothes under the protection of shadow and other secret guards. .

What Shen Yuyu didn't expect was that there were actually several Yunlai Inns in Liyang City.

Moreover, these inns have all been renovated by Zhao Han. The rooms have heating and toilets, which is very convenient.

However, after the war broke out, the innkeeper, perhaps fearing to be implicated, had taken the money and absconded. Only a few clerks were still guarding the shop, and the money they earned probably went into their own pockets.

Shen Yuyu couldn't help but feel a little sad when she saw the words 'Yunlai Inn'. She had worked hard to manage these properties.

Later, in order to obtain Lingzhou as a fiefdom, I handed over the Tianxia Trading Company, which makes me feel sad just thinking about it.

"Shopkeeper, we've booked your inn, how much does it cost?" Shadow walked into the inn and directly asked the waiter sitting in front of the counter.

"How long will it take?" Several other waiters sitting nearby gathered around and were ecstatic to see these customers directly asking for a reservation.

"First half a month, how much money?" Shadow asked.

"Let us discuss it." Several of the guys said, putting their heads together and whispering for a while. Then one of them raised his head and stretched out a finger towards the shadow.

"One hundred taels of silver, you can use all the rooms as you like, okay?" The waiter stammered, looking a little unsure.

This price is nothing in the peak season, but it is a big deal in winter, especially in such a war, there are no customers at all.

Unexpectedly, Shadow readily agreed, took out a banknote and handed it to the clerk.

The waiter's eyes widened and he hurriedly took the banknote and held it in his hand. He was so excited that he couldn't speak.

The shopkeeper didn't pay them any wages, so he locked the door of the inn and ran away.

They had no choice but to pry open the door, thinking that the business would be open day by day, what if there were guests coming to stay?

Unexpectedly, we were so lucky. Someone actually came to stay. I hurriedly led them upstairs, and they were very enthusiastic.

"Dear guests, please wait a moment. We will light the fire and boil the water right now. If you need anything, just ask us."

The rooms were all empty, but it was decided that Jiang Yuyu and Aqin would share a room. Shadow would accompany Emperor Qi Heng, and Shen Yuyu would accompany Linger during the day and protect Youji Xun at night, and they settled down in this way.

The waiters are also honest people. After collecting the money, they provide all kinds of attentive services. If you need anything, they will come right away.

However, Shadow thought about it and gave them some money to send them away. They all arranged their own people in the inn. It was only across a river from Jinzhou, so it was best to be careful.

After dinner that night, Shen Yuyu was playing chess with Emperor Qi Heng. Ji Xun rushed back from the camp in the snow and wind.

"Yu Yu, you go and have a rest. You can't stay up so late." Ji Xun helped Shen Yu Yu up, and then sent Hao Sheng to have a rest. Then he came to sit opposite Emperor Qi Heng and took over from Shen Yu Yu to start playing chess. .

The two chatted while playing chess, and Ji Xundao said, "Today, I rushed to the Jin River to inspect it. Not only did the river break the ice, but the bridge was also burned."

Emperor Qi Heng was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"These damn madmen, do you know how difficult it is to repair that bridge? They actually burned it when they asked!"

"That bridge was built by me myself when I was the prince. Ten bridge piers were erected, countless wood was used, and a lot of financial and material resources were spent. I didn't expect that it would be burned down now." Qi Heng held his head in his hands and hated it.

"Father, please do not be angry. The bridge piers are still there and it will not be difficult to repair them in the future.'

"It's difficult to lay the bridge piers on the bridge deck. In those days, many people fell into the river and were washed away by the water just by laying the bridge deck. Alas! It's all my fault that the Great Zhou Kingdom fell into such a disaster." Emperor Qi Heng shook his head helplessly and added Started to blame myself.

Ji Xun comforted him with a few words. He originally wanted to talk to Emperor Qi Heng about what happened in the capital, but now he didn't dare to say anything, for fear that Emperor Qi Heng would be upset.

He only said, "Father, don't worry, this war will not last long. I will find a way to cross the Jinzhou River and invade the capital as soon as possible." After the game of chess was played, Ji Xun came out of Emperor Qi Heng's room and returned. Room with Shen Yue.

Shen Yuyu was still awake, leaning against the bedside and Ling'er was pressing her slightly swollen legs. As the months went by, it became more and more difficult for her to fall asleep.

"Ling'er, go and have a rest. I'll do it." Ji Xun called Ling'er away after he came in. He came to the bed and sat down, gently pressing his legs.

Looking at his wife's handsome face, she was full of love and affection.

"Yu Yu, you have suffered. We gave birth to this child and will never have another child.'

"Look at you? Aren't you going to have more than a dozen children?" Shen Yuyu pinched his beautiful nose.

Ji Xun hurriedly shook his head, "No, no, these three are enough. I have to teach and raise them after they are born. I'm afraid it will be a struggle.'

Shen Yuyu smiled, worried about state affairs, and asked quickly, "Axun just played chess with his father, what did you say to him?" Ji Xun returned to his seriousness when it came to business.

"It's nothing, it's just that the Jinzhou River broke through the ice and the Jinzhou Bridge was burned."

"In the capital, Wei Xuanyuan and Xia Luoluo are working together to recruit troops and levy excessive taxes to rob the people. Will the people still have a way to survive?"

Shen Yuyu also narrowed his almond-shaped eyes slightly, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"These people only care about their own glory and wealth. When did they take the life and death of the people into consideration? Ah Xun, we have to send our father to the capital as soon as possible. Otherwise, if we delay it for a few more months, the Zhou Kingdom will be in chaos. Sample."

"Yes." Ji Xun frowned slightly, "But since we can't cross the river right now, it's impossible to attack Jinzhou."

Shen Yuyu also thought hard: "Without a boat, the river is impassable, and the bridge is gone, how can we cross the river?"

Ji Xun felt very distressed when he saw Shen Yuyu holding her belly and worrying about this matter. He hurriedly leaned over to hug her and kissed her on the top of her head.

"Yu Yu, you don't have to worry about this. You just want to have a baby and raise a baby. Your husband will take care of it."

(End of chapter)

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