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Chapter 913

Chapter 913

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 913

He Mang reacted as soon as the woman got into the carriage, rushed over and put his sword to her neck.

"Who is it? Get out of the car quickly, or you will bear the consequences.'

"General He, it's okay, you can go down first." Shen Yuyu stopped her. She felt that the voice was very familiar, but she didn't remember who it was for a while.

"Okay, then, be careful." Seeing that she was a weak woman like a beggar, He Mang took back his sword and retreated.

At this time, messy footsteps outside the car approached. Shen Yue opened the curtains and took a look. A group of officers and soldiers gathered around him.

Needless to say, the capital city at this moment must have been controlled by Emperor Qi Heng and two generals, Wang Chang and Niu Zhi, so the people these officers and soldiers wanted to capture must not be good people.

Thinking of this, Shen Yuyu turned his eyes to the woman kneeling in the car. The woman also happened to raise her head, and the two of them met their eyes.

"So it's you? Zhou Lenghui." Shen Yue looked at her indifferently.

Zhou Lenghui also recognized Shen Yuyu, and no matter how unwilling or unconvinced she was, she quickly knelt down.

"Zhou Lenghui, the daughter of the guilty minister, has met Princess Ye.'

The Prime Minister's Mansion was raided, and the Lu Mansion was also raided. She happened to not be in the Lu Mansion at the time and escaped the disaster.

However, the entire capital city has been controlled by the Night King, and she cannot escape from the city at all.

She spent the night with a group of beggars last night, and when she appeared on the street this morning when she was hungry, she was stared at by officers and soldiers and surrounded. When she was desperate, she actually got into Princess Night's carriage. They really were enemies on a narrow road.

"Since you know that you are the daughter of the guilty minister, why don't you surrender quickly?" Shen Yuyu looked at her coldly.

Zhou Lenghui knelt in the carriage, her mind spinning continuously.

Just now she saw that Shen Yuyu was pregnant with a big belly, and it would be difficult to move. If she were to hold her,

Hehe, this is the child of the Night King. If you control her, you can control the Night King. By then, let alone yourself, everyone you want to save can be saved.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lenghui's eyes flashed with chills, and her right hand slowly reached towards her calf, where she hid a protective dagger.

She knew that Shen Yuyu was very skilled, but even if he couldn't hold her hostage, he would stab her in the stomach and kill both her mother and her son.

She hated Shen Yuyu to the core. Shen Yuyu knew that she loved King Xuan deeply but still hindered him from letting King Xuan marry her. If King Xuan married her, why would she have to suffer like this?

Being defiled by others, being looked down upon even after marrying someone~~ All of this must be blamed on Shen Yu.

Of course, what makes her hate the most is that her life has been a complete failure, but a country girl she despises is prospering, and she is pregnant with the Night King's child and is favored by the Night King. Does she deserve it?

Zhou Lenghui raised her head and gritted her teeth. She found the dagger in her right hand and held it tightly, ready to go.

However, just when she was about to pull out the dagger, a cold sword caught her neck.

Shen Yuyu looked at Zhou Lenghui and smiled coldly.

"You want to kidnap this princess? You want to kill two of my princesses? Haha~~ It's just you? You don't have the ability yet."

Zhou Lenghui:~~~

He stared at Shen Yuyu as if he were a ghost, with fear and fear on his face.

Is this woman a monster? How can you see through her mind? Isn't this too scary?

Shen Yuhu glanced at Zhou Lenghui with disgust and said sarcastically:

"You are really vicious and want to harm others at any time. People like you should stay in jail for life. That is the best destination for you."

As she spoke, the cold sword slashed across her cheek, and the sharp blade could cut her proud face at any time.

"What's the use of having a beautiful face? You have a dark heart. Do you want me to help you scratch your face to pieces so that your face is as ugly as your heart so that you can be the same on the outside as you are on the inside?'

Zhou Lenghui was immediately trembling with fear and kept pleading, "Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Please forgive me, Princess Ye."

"Aren't you very capable? What do you want me to do? Do you want to make a cross or tattoo the word 'evil'? Let me think about it." Shen Yuhui said this while scratching her face with the tip of the sword, which frightened Zhou Lenghui. Almost paralyzed, he called Princess Ye for mercy.

"Hmph, you have so much courage and dare to murder this princess? You are overestimating your capabilities."

Shen Yuyu snorted coldly, the sword slipped from her face and was put back on her neck.

She was just trying to scare her, and was afraid that her blood would stain her carriage.

He cooed at Jiang Yugu.

"Sister Jiang Yuyu, go and search for the knife on her body to prevent her from murdering others."

"Yes." Jiang Yuyu responded, and went over to search for the knife on Zhou Lenghui's body.

Then he raised the curtain of the car and shouted loudly to the officers and soldiers who were searching everywhere.

"Hey, gentlemen, come here and see if this person is the one you are looking for." After saying that, he kicked Zhou Lenghui out of the carriage.

The group of officers and soldiers quickly gathered around, picked up Zhou Lenghui, compared them with the portrait, and quickly took her away.

"Who is she?" Jiang Yuxi asked Shen Yuxi strangely after Zhou Lenghui was taken away.

"Zhou Lenghui, the prime minister's palace has gold." Shen Yuyu shrugged, "It seems that I have no enmity with her, but she is always thinking about plotting against me and trying to kill me! Hmph.'

"This? How did you know that she wanted to kill you just now?" Jiang Yuyu was surprised, "How did you know that she had a knife on her?"

"Yes, how do I know? It seems like I sensed it."

Shen Yuyu wondered for a moment, could it be that he had a special ability to predict the future? Don't think too much, maybe it's a sixth sense!

Shen Yuyu didn't think much and continued to order the carriage to move forward.

After walking some distance further, I suddenly saw a horse galloping towards me. It was Wang Chang.

"Where is General Wang going? What's the matter that's so urgent?

Wang Chang stopped his horse and replied: "My subordinates are leaving the city for a trip~~ Your Majesty, please go back home in peace and don't worry about these things.'

After saying that, he turned around and told He Mang, "It's a good idea to send your queen back to the Night King's Mansion. Your Majesty must be exhausted from the long journey. Send your queen back to her mansion to rest early."

After saying that and about to leave, Shen Yuyu stopped him anxiously.

"General Wang, what happened? Is it Ah Ran? How can I feel at ease if you don't tell me?"

Wang Chang saw that Shen Yu's face turned pale with anxiety, and he was afraid that she would have random thoughts, so he had to say: "His Royal Highness, Night King, is fine. Don't worry, my dear, there's something going on in the palace~~'

"What happened in the palace? You can tell me." Seeing Wang Chang wanting to speak but then stopping, Shen Yuyu also lost her composure.

She knew it must be a big deal, otherwise Wang Chang would not be able to leave the palace.

Wang Chang scratched his forehead, knowing that he could not be fooled, so he had to say, "It's the Emperor. The Emperor has been kidnapped by Princess Luo. His subordinates are anxious to report to His Highness the Night King.'

"Then go quickly, don't delay." Shen Yuyu said urgently.

"Yes, my subordinates are retiring. Come on." Wang Chang clamped his horse's belly and rode away quickly.

After Wang Chang left, Shen Yuhu ordered He Mang, "General He, let's enter the palace first."

He Mang hurriedly advised: "This is not allowed, my dear. The emperor was kidnapped and the palace must be very chaotic. It is too dangerous." Shen Yuyu said without any doubt, "Enter the palace and listen to me."

(End of chapter)

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