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Chapter 138: Cao Ren Gives Gifts with Bad Means

Chapter 138 Cao Ren gives gifts with bad intentions

Countless people looked thoughtful, but Zhao Feng said calmly: "Here, send Cao Ren to secretly deliver money and food to Qu Yi!"

Hearing this, Guo Jia became even more confused and couldn't help asking: "If you just give away money and food like this, will he switch sides?"

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't change sides, Yuan Shao will make him change sides!"

Zhao Feng smiled mysteriously, and Guo Jia showed a hint of joy and instantly understood what Zhao Feng meant.

Although Cao Cao was a little confused, he probably understood what Zhao Feng was thinking.

The next day, Yuan Shao of Jizhou attacked Youzhou directly and captured two counties in succession.

At this time, in a county on the edge of Jizhou, he was the only general under Yuan Shao who remained to guard the rear.

Qu Yi was very unwilling, but he didn't say anything.

"General, there is a wealthy businessman who wants to see you!"

The soldiers on the side conveyed the news.

After hearing this, Qu Yi also looked puzzled. At this time, what kind of wealthy businessman wanted to see him?

Qu Yi showed a puzzled expression and hurried out, only to see one person standing beside several carriages waiting for him.

"Who are you?"

Cao Ren was wearing a bamboo hat at this time and lowered his head slightly to cover his appearance. However, he did not respond to Qu Yi immediately, but instead lifted the cloth on the carriage.

Countless money was neatly placed on the carriage, enough for four carriages.

Qu Yi looked at these carriages with a look of emotion, while Cao Ren said with a smile: "My lord, I hope the general will not bury it here."

Then Cao Ren slightly lifted the bamboo hat on his head and showed a smile.

Qu Yi looked shocked for a moment.

"It's you!"

Everyone knows Cao Ren, and Qu Yi obviously recognized him, but said with a straight face: "Please invite General Zixiao back, I, Qu Yi, am not that kind of person!"

Looking at his face, it seemed that he didn't care about the money at all.

Cao Ren laughed lightly and continued according to what Zhao Feng said: "General Qu Yi, I don't mean this. My lord doesn't care whether the general goes or stays!"

"It's just that my lord just loves his talents. He is not as showless as Yuan Shao. He doesn't want the general to be buried again. These are just small gifts and have no other meaning."

"If one day General Qu Yi figures it out and wants to achieve a great career, he might as well choose my lord."

As expected, Qu Yi didn't shout loudly and looked at Cao Ren deeply.

Cao Ren showed a smile, pretended to be businessmen with a few of his men, and left here.

The carriages remained where they were.

Qu Yi suddenly laughed, what a Cao Cao, he had a good plan!

Then he waved his hand and said, "Come here, bring them all back to me."

Cao Cao seems to really love talents. He threw these supplies here and left without waiting for his response.

Looking at these supplies, Qu Yi didn't notice the approaching crisis at all.

The border of Jizhou is close to Youzhou, and Yuan Shao is stationed here with countless troops. At this time, a soldier hurried in.

"Lord, I have something important to report!"

Yuan Shao smiled and said lightly: "What's the matter?"

In the past two days, while there were foreign tribes nearby trying to contain Gongsun Zan, he captured several cities one after another. Naturally, he was very happy now.

The soldier looked around.

Yuan Shao waved his hand, and the people around him left one after another, and then the soldiers whispered: "Someone witnessed General Qu Yi having contact with Cao Ren, Cao Cao's subordinate, and Cao Ren also left countless money and four carriages!"

Hearing this, Yuan Shao's eyes instantly turned cold. Fortunately, he left Gao Lan in Jizhou. If Na Quyi turned against him, wouldn't his old nest be taken away?

"Come here, send Zhang He back to Jizhou immediately to capture Qu Yi!"

He had long expected that Qu Yi was arrogant and would have other ideas. Now it seems that after receiving Cao Cao's money, he would definitely launch an attack on Jizhou!

If I win Youzhou and lose Jizhou, is there any point?

So he had to withdraw his troops and go back to defend Jizhou.

Although I didn't reuse that Qu Yi, but now that Qu Yi had defected first, I could only say sorry.

Moreover, Qu Yi probably doesn’t know that he is sending troops back now. Then he will join forces with Gao Lan to capture Qu Yi in one fell swoop!

He should have expected that Qu Yi had second thoughts and actually took Cao Cao's money while he was away. How could he let him go?

"If we capture Qu Yi, just kill him on the spot!"

Qu Yi was a man who would become arrogant when he thought he was highly skilled. In Yuan Shao's view, this was not a talent for a general.

Yuan Shu showed a ruthless expression: "Cao Cao, it's Cao Cao again, and now he does this!"

At the same time, Yuan Shao had to stop attacking Youzhou because of this matter, but Qu Yi, who was far away in Jizhou, had no idea about this.

He never imagined that this news was delivered to Yuan Shao by Zhao Feng through Tongque.

At this time, there were no other princes coming to Qu Yi's camp, and it was quite boring to be here alone.

"General, someone sent a secret message!"

Hearing this, Qu Yi showed doubts. Who else has given him a secret message now?

What's going on in the past two days? No one has ever come looking for me before, but recently it has suddenly become more frequent.

He opened the secret message with doubts, and his expression suddenly turned strange.

"Yuan Shao is going to kill you. He is letting go of the general's wariness by going to Youzhou. He has to be on guard for these two days, Cao Renshu!"

Seeing this, Qu Yi shook his head with a smile and threw the note into the incense burner to burn it.

"How could the lord kill himself for no reason?"

Obviously, Qu Yi didn't believe Cao Ren's secret letter at all. In his opinion, Cao Cao just wanted to poach him and was just being alarmist here.

Today, Qu Yi is still as usual, practicing contentedly and contentedly.

The next day, as usual, Qu Yi arrived at the school grounds early and picked up his bow and arrow. At this time, a soldier hurried over.

"General, Gao Lan and Zhang He are coming towards us with their soldiers. They have arrived at the city gate immediately. I don't know what is going on!"

Qu Yi, who was initially indifferent, was stunned for a moment and immediately became alert, with a bit of panic on his face.

"Is this true?"

The soldier nodded with a strange look on his face. He didn't know why Qu Yi suddenly reacted so strongly at this moment.

Qu Yi's face turned gloomy. If he just came to see him, why did he bring soldiers with him?

And Zhang He, shouldn’t he be on the Youzhou front line?

Coming here at this time, how could it be a simple meeting?

Then he suddenly thought of the secret letter Cao Ren gave him.

"Yuan Shao is going to kill you. He is letting go of the general's wariness by going to Youzhou. He has to be on guard for these two days, Cao Renshu!"

These words instantly reminded Qu Yi, and his face instantly turned livid. This Yuan Shao usually didn't want to see him, but now he actually had murderous intentions towards him!

Now, when the two generals Zhang He and Gao Lan come, I will definitely lose if I rush to fight!


Thirty-six strategies are the best ones!

Qu Yi said without any hesitation: "Everyone, prepare to evacuate this place!"

The soldiers under him were all trained by himself, including the eight hundred soldiers who died first!

(End of chapter)

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