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Chapter 186: Gongsun Zan Submits

Chapter 186 Gongsun Zan surrenders

Gongsun Du said: "It's just a shame for my brother. I still need you to attract the Wuhuan army. General Guan's Yuan army will arrive soon!"

Gongsun Zan burst out laughing: "I have guarded it for seven days, so why would I care about one more day?"

"I will kill as many Wuhuan thieves as they come!"

Now that there are reinforcements, Gongsun Zan is like seeing the sun from the clouds. He has confidence in his heart and no longer has to worry.

Immediately, they told the three armies that they had reinforcements. As long as they waited for the reinforcements to arrive, they could attack from both front and back, cooperating with each other from the inside and outside!

Wipe out all the Wuhuan thieves who have besieged them for seven days, and let out a fierce breath of evil!

In an instant, the morale in the entire Jizhou City reached its peak, and all the soldiers were boiling with fighting spirit. They wished they could kill the bandits now!

That night, everyone in Jizhou City was sharpening their knives and drinking wine, preparing for a fierce battle.

Three days later, in the early morning, when the sky was just dark, the long trumpet sound woke everyone up, Gongsun Zan climbed onto the city wall, and the soldiers were all refreshed.

Looking at the dense Wuhuan army, there was no trace of fear, and roars broke out from the city wall!

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Aliens must perish!"

Tadun Shanyu's face looked a little ugly. He didn't expect that Jizhou's army had such high fighting spirit. This was not good news for him.

Without any unnecessary words, with a single order, the Wuhuan army began to attack the city!

Since Jizhou's arrows and other weapons were all exhausted, Wuhuan's siege was particularly easy this time.

Except for the spearmen who were mounted on the city wall, and it was difficult to stab them when they showed up, the rest encountered almost no resistance.

After paying the price of thousands of people, the Wuhuan people began to climb up the city wall, and a shocking bloody battle broke out in Jizhou City again!

The morale of the Youzhou army has soared. They are not afraid of life and death. After these days of bloody battles, their hatred for the Wuhuan people has reached its peak.

"You foreigners, get out of the Han Dynasty and kill them. I will kill them all and bury them with my brothers!"

"Youzhou soldiers, never take a step back. Brothers, drive these beasts down from the city!"

The two sides began to fight, and the battle was extremely fierce. Tadun Shanyu looked at the stalemate battle with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Directly give the order to mobilize all the troops to press the border together.

With an order, the central army and the rear army all charged towards Jizhou City. The pressure on Gongsun Zan's defenders suddenly doubled!

"Hold on! Reinforcements are coming soon!"

Gongsun Zan stabbed a Wuhuan man and shouted to his soldiers.

"Haha, that's ridiculous. Where did you get the reinforcements from?"

The Wuhuan people showed a mocking look. They attacked the city so fast that even if someone wanted to rescue them, it would be too late. They thought it was a lie told by Gongsun Zan to stabilize the morale of the army.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a deafening sound of fighting was heard, and four cavalrymen rushed out from all directions!

"Haha, Zhang Yide from Yan is here, and the Wuhuan thieves are here to take his life!"

Zhang Fei brandished the eight-foot-long snake spear and shouted excitedly. His rough voice echoed throughout the battlefield like thunder!

He has been looking forward to this battle for a long time, and he will definitely kill it today!

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here, where is Baima Yicong!"

Zhao Yun's white horse and silver spear are like the god of war coming down to earth. The white horse righteous behind him shouts loudly: "Where righteousness comes, life and death follow it. The sky can tell you, and the white horse is the proof!"

Zhao Yun also trained a group of white horse Yi Cong at Cao Cao's place, and developed it with the White Horse Yi Cong he brought as the core.

Although there were not many people, only a thousand, the excitement given to the Youzhou army at this time was unparalleled.

Gongsun Zan and the white horse Yi Cong on the city wall were also excited. They responded one after another, raised their weapons, and shouted: "Where righteousness comes, life and death will follow. The sky can tell you, and the white horse is the proof!"

"You guys, follow me and kill!"

When Gongsun Zan saw Zhao Yun coming to rescue him, he was filled with emotion, excitement, guilt, and relief.

Now that Zhao Yun has surrendered to Cao Cao, it was only because he was not a talented person at first.

Tens of thousands of cavalry attacked the Wuhuan army from all directions, like a sharp knife, piercing the Wuhuan army's formation.

The sudden attack caused Wuhuan to be in chaos, and he was unable to fight back against Cao's army.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

Tadun Shanyu was so frightened that he didn't dare to stay for a moment. He was horrified in his heart: "Why did Cao Jun appear here!"

"Why on earth did this cavalry appear here!"

At this moment, a voice spread throughout the battlefield.

"Tandun, our army has conquered Bingzhou. You have no way to retreat. Dismount your horses quickly and die!"

This sentence made Tadun Chanyu like a lightning strike, and he shouted crazily: "No, it's impossible. I have 100,000 soldiers and horses in Bingzhou. It's only half a month now, how can I lose it?"

"Soldiers, don't listen to rumors, follow me and fight out! Return to Bingzhou!"

Tadun Shanyu led his men, gathered their fighting power, and was about to charge outside. However, Gongsun Zan could not let him escape, so he directly ordered all the troops to rush out!

The Jizhou City Gate, which had been closed for ten days, was finally opened at this moment.

"Haha, the reinforcements have arrived. Follow me and kill all the Wuhuan thieves!"

Gongsun Zan took the lead and led the White Horse Yi Cong into the Wuhuan army. The ten days of depression and frustration completely broke out at this moment!

"Wherever Tadun runs, I'll get a knife!"

Tadun Shanyu, who was rushing out to fight, met Guan Yu directly. When he saw the red-faced man, he was frightened out of his wits.

But now there is no way out, so I have to bite the bullet and charge forward.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die, get out of my way!"

Tadun Shanyu looked ferocious and chose to risk his life.


The weapons clashed, the two sides passed by each other, a head flew out, and Tadun Shanyu was beheaded by Guan Yu with a single sword!

There was still disbelief on his pale face, and his eyes were wide and terrifying.

"Shan Shanyu is dead!"

Tadun Shanyu died, and the remaining Wuhuan army was completely in chaos. The already panicked army was completely turned into a headless fly.

Guan Yu's army and Gongsun Zan's army cooperated internally and externally, resulting in a massacre at this moment!

An hour later, the battle finally came to an end.

At this time, Gongsun Zan came to Guan Yu with bloodstains all over his body and raised his hands and said: "Thank you so much, General Guan, for coming to help. It is a great kindness. Gongsun Zan will never forget it."

Guan Yu waved his hand: "Don't thank Guan. It was the military advisor who asked me to come. It was also arranged by the military advisor early in the morning to save you."

Gongsun Zan's eyes widened and he said, "You mean Zhao Feng?"

Guan Yu nodded and said: "Exactly!"

Gongsun Zan was convinced and said: "The military advisor is really a god. Gongsun Zan is so ashamed. When I see the military advisor, I will definitely thank him in person!"

Then Gongsun Zan handed over all the governor's seal and military power. At this moment, Youzhou completely surrendered to Cao Cao, and Yu Jindian Wei's army soon arrived.

The entire territory of Youzhou belongs to Cao Cao!

At this moment, in Shangdang County, the troops sent by Cao Jun were passing through here.

After the merger of the states was restored, Cao Cao, on Zhao Feng's suggestion, began to move the population to Jingzhou and began to arrange officials from various counties.

At the same time, supplies began to be transported, soldiers and horses were dispatched, and many people who had been displaced returned.

Zhao Feng was not only supervising troops and horses in Shangdang County, but also assessing officials from various places.

Documents from all over the place are piling up like a mountain. It is an extremely huge workload and it is really a headache!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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