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Chapter 299 The Wrath of Man and God

Chapter 299 The Anger of Man and God

After dozens of people were killed and injured, the Japanese people gradually realized that people could not outrun the war horses. Immediately, many Japanese people grabbed the Liaodong women beside them and held them hostage, shouting hysterically some incomprehensible words.

Seeing this, the ten cavalrymen did not dare to act rashly.

During the stalemate, the Japanese gradually became complacent. Some Japanese even killed the hostages in their hands and replaced them with women.

Some Japanese people even killed several children in front of them.

"What a bunch of beasts!"

All ten cavalrymen became furious.

Those women also felt determined out of despair.

"Kill them and avenge us!"

A woman suddenly twisted her neck hard, and the Japanese knife immediately slit her throat, blood spurted out, and she fell to the ground dead.

"Revenge, revenge for us!"

More women followed the first woman and fell to the ground one after another dead.

For a time, all the hostages in the hands of the Japanese were almost dead.

Seeing the dozens of girls lying on the ground, the ten cavalrymen were completely angry and even fell into a state of madness.

"Cut off its limbs, peel off the skin and cramp the muscles, and pay homage to the dead!"

As soon as the words fell, the ten cavalrymen quickly charged into action.

One by one, the Japanese fell to the ground, but most of them were deliberately left alive.

After these Japanese people were defeated, ten cavalrymen called over the surviving people and the children.

"If you want to avenge your family, then pick up a knife and cut off their limbs!"

All the simple people could not take action until now, but when they saw the family members lying in a pool of blood, they all became crazy again.

Everyone was hacking wildly, not only cutting off limbs, but even hacking everywhere, until they vented all their anger and sadness, then they fell to the ground and cried bitterly.

After seeing this scene, the ten cavalrymen realized that they could not help if they stayed here, so they sighed and went to catch up with the large army.

They all prayed that the Japanese could arrive before the next massacre and stop the beastly behavior of these beasts!

Gongsun Zan left several groups of cavalry along the way, but soon he saw a large number of Japanese people. He knew that the time to exterminate the Japanese people had come!

The army rushed quickly, and they arrived at Xiangping County in Liaodong.

In the past, Xiangping County was once a place with relatively developed farming, and the people here were simple and like a paradise.

But now, this place has turned into a hell on earth!

There were carelessly discarded corpses everywhere on the roadside. The city wall had obviously been burned by the fire. The city wall, which was originally made of yellow mud mixed with withered grass and mixed with bluestone, was now charred black.

The city gate was wide open, but there were no people from Xiangping County. Only some short men in black clothes, each holding a slender scimitar, were going in and out of the city gate.

Every time a group of soldiers came out, they were discarding corpses!

The discarded corpses were all old, weak, sick, disabled, and children. On the top of the city, the battle flag of the Wei Empire was still lowered to the ground. The Wei soldiers on it were pierced through the chest and hung high on it.

It looked like it had been dead for many days, with only a skeleton left without flesh and blood, and some strange birds were pecking at the bones.

Black smoke billowed in the city, and screams continued to be heard.

Although the 200,000 cavalrymen were accustomed to these tragic scenes along the way, they still felt strong depression at this time.

The discarded corpses made them feel sad.

The screams of the women in the city made them furious!

"General, give the order!"

The surrounding generals clenched their weapons tightly, eager to rush in and kill the aliens with their own hands!

Gongsun Zan nodded: "The troops are divided into four groups. You go and block the other three city gates. The others will follow my general and enter the city!"

Following his order, the 200,000-strong army immediately divided into four teams, and each of them rushed to kill them.

There were 50,000 troops sent to each of the three locations in the southeast and north, not giving the Japanese any chance to escape.

Gongsun Zan took the lead, rushed to the front, showed his weapons, and charged in through the west gate!

The cavalry is extremely fast, and with the blessing of Gongsun Zan's mysterious power, it is even faster!

When the Japanese people just reacted, the army had already rushed to the city.

A dozen Japanese people who were struggling to close the city gate were forcefully knocked away by Gongsun Zan and a few soldiers behind him. The unimaginable speed gave each of their weapons extra terrifying power!

After being hit by weapons flying at such a high speed, the dozen Japanese people flew ten feet away and vomited blood and died in mid-air.

The cavalry arrived so suddenly that the Japanese people inside had no time to react!

Gongsun Zan originally wanted to rush straight to the east gate and let the army outside the east gate come in, but he saw a group of Japanese people dragging several young women out of the door on the street next to them. Some were shaking their bodies, and some also had scimitars.

Put a mark on those women.

"Beast! Everyone, throw away your weapons, beat up this beast, capture him alive, and execute him one by one after the war!"

Gongsun Zan was furious and rode his horse to kill him. The Japanese people suddenly heard the thunderous sound of horse hooves and turned their heads to look. The bright smiles on their faces had not yet faded.

"Smile, it won't take long before you will be completely eliminated from the human race. I will not kill you all. I would rather die on the land of Liaodong!"

Gongsun Zan fired his spear repeatedly, but instead of killing these Japanese people, he hit them on the head and back, knocking them unconscious.

Soon, all the Japanese people outside had been cleared away, and the remaining Japanese people were so frightened by the furious Gongsun Zan that they hid in the house and did not dare to come out.

"You continue to charge and kill, there are too many Japanese people, knock them unconscious as many as you want, and the rest will be used to pay homage to the dead!"

"The others will follow me and search from house to house. We will not give up until we find all the Japanese people here. Remember, if you say something you don't understand, you will show no mercy!"

Soon, Gongsun Zan rushed to a house. It was a large family. There were all kinds of pavilions and pavilions in the yard. However, after Gongsun Zan turned around the screen wall, he saw a group of servants dressed as servants lying behind, all of them shaved.

Into a stick!

Gongsun Zan's hands were trembling and he roared angrily: "Okay, you have given me another idea. I will also cut you into sticks!"

In the main hall of the back room, several old men in rich clothes fell in a pool of blood. They looked like they had just died and the blood had not yet dried up.

Several maids were disheveled, their lower bodies were stained with blood, their eyes and tongues were missing, and they looked like hungry ghosts.

"Beast!" the soldier behind couldn't help shouting angrily and even shed tears.

"Japanese countries are all such beasts. Aren't these people raised by each other?"

With anger, the soldiers searched the yard carefully one by one.

Soon, several Japanese people were found in a room.

These Japanese people were holding a young woman in their arms. One of them was clearly dressed as a young lady. She had a delicate appearance and her clothes were still on, but her eyes were dull.

The scimitar was placed on her neck, even scratching her skin, but she seemed unaware, just murmuring to her mother...

(End of chapter)

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