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Chapter 301: Wa country has also changed

Chapter 301 The Japanese country has also changed

The 200,000-strong army led by Gongsun Zan had already rushed over. They showed their weapons with their spearheads pointed outward, and they were so bright that it was breathtaking.

Rushing over at such a high speed, even a mountain would be knocked away, let alone a human body of flesh and blood.

Facing such a formation of cavalry, these Japanese people suddenly felt unstoppable.

"Avoid! Avoid collision!"

A few Japanese warriors thought they were clever enough to find the solution, but their orders only made the Japanese people even more confused.

The Wei cavalry, blessed by Gongsun Zan's mysterious attributes, rushed in front of the Japanese people in a few breaths, and immediately rushed into the Japanese army. Countless Japanese people with short stature were thrown into the air, and their blood spattered three feet.

"Weak to a single blow, kill them all!"

Gongsun Zan roared angrily, and a huge force quickly surged out from his arms. The Japanese blocking the road in front were instantly blown away, and an open space appeared in front of him.

However, at this moment, a powerful aura passed by, and Gongsun Zan felt a substantial threat!

It was as if he was being stared at by a ferocious beast, and all the hairs on his body stood on end!

"Everyone, stand back! Get behind me! Don't act rashly!"

Following Gongsun Zan's command, the galloping war horse immediately began to slow down, but stopped completely within a few breaths, and the army behind it was also behind Gongsun Zan.

At this moment, three men in black walked out in front of the Japanese people.

These three people were actually taller than the average Japanese people. They all held steel knives in their hands and were all muscular. However, they moved extremely quickly. They rushed up with a single step and even brought up several afterimages.

Gongsun Zan narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "I have changed just like this general. However, although I, Gongsun Zan, am old, I am not afraid of you!"

Those Japanese people all had cold eyes, as if they were born killing machines, and they rushed towards them with steel knives in their hands. Their sword skills were ruthless and they opened and closed without any defense at all.

This kind of sword technique will naturally give you an advantage when facing infantry.

However, Gongsun Zan's spear is two feet long. Once it sweeps away, it is impossible to get close within a few feet!

The steel swords of these three warriors looked fierce, but in fact they could not get close to Gongsun Zan. As soon as they rushed over, they fell into the phantom of Gongsun Zan's spears.

The spear was swung like the wind, whirring loudly!

As soon as the three knives reached in, they were hit by several spears, making a loud clanging sound!

Immediately, I saw three knives flying into the sky, and they were even cut into several pieces by Gongsun Zan's gun head weighing dozens of kilograms!

"We have no weapons, let's see how you can fight!"

Gongsun Zan sneered and continued swinging the big spear. The three warriors could only carry it with their bodies, all with fierce looks on their faces.

After shouting angrily, his whole body glowed red, and his muscles swelled so much that his clothes were torn. Tattoos were revealed all over his body, and they were extremely ferocious, like an eight-headed snake monster.

With the appearance of this tattoo, when Gongsun Zan's iron spear head hit it, there was a loud sound of hitting copper and iron!

Boom, boom, boom!

The three warriors were hit hard. Although they were swept back ten steps and were unable to stand steadily, they stood up calmly, patted the dirt on their hands, and looked at Gongsun Zan with a mocking look in their eyes.

The three men didn't know what they were chattering about, and then they rushed over again. Gongsun Zan frowned and sneered: "I would like to see how durable you are!"

He exerted force with both arms and swung his spear. The three Japanese people were immediately lifted into the air. Gongsun Zan shouted loudly. The spear was like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole, stabbing out one after another. Each spear pierced the same point. Every time

When those Japanese people fell, he stabbed them with his spear again, lifting them several feet high.

The three warriors were temporarily unable to land on the ground. They were flying up and down in mid-air, and their whole bodies were stabbed with intense violent sounds.

In a short period of time, Gongsun Zan had already wielded his spear two hundred times!

However, his strength began to decline!

However, at this moment, the expression of the Japanese warrior who had been smiling strangely changed slightly!

Because, on their body surface, those tattoos suddenly made some subtle sounds, like the sound of broken porcelain!

At first, this sound only happened occasionally!

But soon, at the place where Gongsun Zan repeatedly poked, with that as the center, cracks were clearly visible on all sides!


These warriors were like porcelain, which was beaten to pieces by Gongsun Zan!

Soon, a warrior's abdomen suddenly split open, and from one point there, it split into hundreds of strips. A living person finally burst completely, and even his eyes were split into several pieces!

There was a plop sound, and all the pieces of the man's body fell to the ground. The broken eyes lost their color, and he was completely dead.

The other two warriors were immediately shocked and shouted in mid-air, with pleading expressions on their faces.

When Gongsun Zan saw this, he immediately laughed and said, "I thought these Japanese people were all beasts who are not afraid of death. It turns out that there are also wastes who are afraid of death! However, even if you cry and kneel down, there is no hope of saving you! It's my fault!

The Wei Empire has only one death!"

He poked his spear a few more times, and the two men exploded and died!

"The general is mighty!"

The army behind them immediately started shouting, everyone was excited and their morale was high!

"Kill it!"

"Kill all the Japanese dogs!"

Hearing the sound of the army behind him, Gongsun Zan became excited: "Charge! Don't stop! Kill all the enemies you see! Don't miss any of them!"

All the soldiers rushed forward, and the army divided into several groups. Gongsun Zan was in the front and sprinted madly. The armies on the left and right also immediately bloomed, and the hundreds of thousands of Japanese people were immediately defeated!

The Japanese people in front all looked ferocious at first, and they were not afraid of death!

But soon, Gongsun Zan took the lead and killed every Japanese person he saw!

Behind him, corpses were piled up and blood flowed into a river. The Japanese people paid the price in blood for their brutal behavior!

However, Gongsun Zan killed more than 10,000 enemies, but he was unwilling to stop at all. Even though his arms felt sore and weak, he still kept galloping!

He knew that for every additional Japanese he killed, several people of the Wei Dynasty would be spared from the murderous hands, and for every additional Japanese he killed, a trace of the humiliation suffered by the Wei Empire could be washed away!

"Rush! Don't stop! No one is allowed to retreat until the last bit of strength!"

Gongsun Zan's high-pitched voice was heard far away in the army. The originally white war horse was now covered in blood! The originally silver-white battle armor was now soaked in blood!

Gongsun Zan was like a god of killing at this time, as if he was never tired, he only knew how to sprint and kill!

The army behind him was inspired by Gongsun Zan, and the morale of the entire army rose greatly.

Hearing the roar and fighting of the army behind him, Gongsun Zan's heart agitated: "This momentum can kill the heavens! With such momentum in the Wei Dynasty, why worry about not being able to protect the home and country, why not worry about not being able to wipe out the bandits!"

The Japanese in front were charged and killed by the Wei cavalry for a long time, but they still waved their scimitars and fought with the Wei cavalry.

However, many Japanese people among them gradually developed a fear of war.

Almost all of these Japanese people were frightened by this indomitable momentum and had no intention of fighting.

(End of chapter)

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