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Chapter 307 Not Enough Meat

Chapter 307 Not enough meat

There are dozens of tribes, and each tribe currently has less than twenty sets on average, which is simply not enough!

So, not long after, a large number of cattle, sheep and horses on the grassland were driven to Dawei.

In a short time, 50,000 sets of equipment were sold, and the Wei Empire made a huge fortune.

Cattle were distributed to local governments to further improve the efficiency of farming, while fine horses were used to expand the cavalry. If you want to go on expeditions to various places, you must use cavalry!

As for the sheep, they will naturally be eaten by the Wei people in the future.

However, in the court, Jushou was shocked: "What? Fifty thousand sets? Your Majesty, how can you sell them so much equipment! This is the sacred weapon of our country to protect the Wei Dynasty. If those thieves take it away, how can we fight in the future?"

Isn’t it a big disadvantage?”

Some other ministers also looked nervous: "We finally eliminated the Xianbei and the Huns, but now you have to equip them with Your Majesty. This is a recipe for disaster!"

Seeing that everyone was nervous, Zhao Feng immediately smiled and said: "Don't you have so much confidence in our soldiers? We, the Wei Dynasty, have an army of millions, strong generals gathered, and great luck. Do we still have to be afraid of our hands and feet?"

Hearing this, Jushou immediately shook his head: "Your Majesty, if you can avoid suffering a loss, then try not to suffer a loss. The people are the foundation of luck. If one dies, the luck will be reduced by one point. This is the news we got from Zuo Ci.

If you sell one more set now, one more Chinese will suffer!"

Zhao Feng waved his hand and said: "But if we don't give them equipment, they will be easily killed by the Slavs! Then we will have to face those alien races!"

Jushou thought for a moment and then argued: "However, I heard that there are so many foreigners. Even if they sell 50,000 sets to Xianbei and the Huns, they will definitely not be able to stop them in the end. Those sophisticated equipment will be taken away by those Slavs in vain.


Zhao Feng laughed: "If they want to take those equipment, they will have to pay a lot of casualties. My equipment is not the tatters of the past."

"Not only can I make a fortune from the Xianbei people by selling equipment, but I can also consume both of their troops. After those Slavs gather in large groups on the grassland, I can kill foreigners again. By then, I'm afraid this luck will come rolling in.


Only then did Jushou suddenly realize: "It turns out that your Majesty is making this idea. Your Majesty's plan is not bad. If you want to go on an expedition against the Slavs, you have to go deep into the bitter cold land of the far north. But now, as long as they gather in the prairie, our army can't attack at all."

No need to go to great lengths to prepare.”

Zhao Feng nodded: "I don't mind them settling in the grassland, but we have to kill them before peace can be negotiated. At that time, they will be like the Xianbei people and the Huns, grazing for us and relying on cattle.

The sheep and horses come in exchange for food and other things. If they don’t agree, then beat them until they agree!”

Jushou exclaimed: "Your Majesty is so ruthless. This has simply broken the backbone of the foreign race. There is no chance to stand up again. Even if you work hard all your life to herd, I'm afraid you can only make a living."

Zhao Feng nodded and continued: "In addition, you arrange manpower to migrate the population to the Japanese country. Zhou Yu and the others completely exterminated the Japanese people. However, the fishery in the Japanese country is very good. Send people there to breed. From now on, I will eat Japanese food every year.

Fish over there!”

Zhao Feng knew that there were natural fishing grounds in the Japanese country. Not only was it easy to catch fish, but the fish there were rich and delicious. If no one went fishing, it would be a waste.

Gongsun Zan immediately said: "Your Majesty, there is still a lot of population in Goguryeo, why not move hundreds of thousands from there?"

"It's a good idea. Goguryeo is not far from there and it's not very difficult to implement, so let's do it like this!" Zhao Feng agreed.

Suddenly he thought of the army on the expedition to Shuanggui, and asked: "How is the situation of my expeditionary army? How fast is the army marching along? Are the soldiers feeling unwell?"

Jushou immediately said: "Your Majesty, news just came today that the army has passed Liangzhou. The whole army is very excited. There is nothing to worry about. The army also brought fine wine and enjoyed the scenery along the way. It was not bad.

The only problem is that it is difficult for everyone to eat meat during the march."

Meat is a good thing, especially for soldiers fighting in wars. Meat is inseparable from it. Eating meat will make you stronger!

However, even in Xudu, we don’t have meat to eat every day. There is very little meat these days!

Except for those who hunt every day, it is difficult for others to eat meat regularly.

Even if we have enough money, including the sheep of the Xianbei people, there are only two to three million sheep, which is not enough to eat.

"It seems it's time to increase meat production!"

When it comes to eating meat, fish is actually a good choice.

It's a pity that there are no large fishing boats now, which can't meet the consumption of tens of millions of people. Moreover, there is a lack of cold chain transportation, so it can't be supplied to inland areas, let alone bring it to the military officers and soldiers.

As for other commonly eaten meats, chickens, ducks and goose are common. However, with current technology, it is difficult to raise them on a large scale, and they are too small to eat.

Not to mention sheep, they only have one or two babies per litter, and they only eat grass. They are not easy to raise, and the others are even worse.

Only pigs are the most suitable for large-scale reproduction. However, in the past, pigs were a symbol of lowliness, and only untouchables would eat them.

As for why?

For a boar, the thing naturally smells like urine, and the stench is overwhelming. It is difficult to swallow. One bite may cause vomiting for three days. Moreover, I am afraid that I will never want to eat meat again in my life.

For sows, the meat contains toxins and is not good for humans. Moreover, sow meat is difficult to cook and difficult to swallow.

Therefore, in the past, pork was only the meat that untouchables would choose if they were extremely greedy.

But here in Zhao Feng, this problem can naturally be solved!

Of course, the sow cannot be changed, and the sow is the key to giving birth to piglets. After eating, there will be no meat at all.

The key lies in the boar. After the boar is castrated, it can become delicious.

Castrated boars lose the ability to secrete hormones from an early age, and their meat quality will be significantly improved!

Without the stinky smell, the meat tastes great. Whether it is stewed, stir-fried or grilled, it is an excellent ingredient!

However, this castration technology is not as simple as catching a boar and cutting its eggs.

Thinking of this, in order to prevent everyone from being unable to castrate and at the same time know how to keep the sow, Zhao Feng picked up a pen and wrote down a few key points on the paper.

First, the object of castration must be a boar, the sow must be kept, and the piglets must be just born in the boar.

Second, the knife must be sharp and quenched before use.

Third, the action must be fast, accurate and ruthless! Never miss the target with one cut and then make a few more cuts. That is killing the pig, not castrating it.

Fourth, after castration, the wound should be smeared with plant ash immediately to avoid infection of the wound. Do not burn the pig with fire, as the pig will die.

These four points are the golden essentials for castrating boars. Zhao Feng immediately ordered people to find a group of strong men with good knife skills and relatively careful minds, and then ordered them to understand these things carefully, and then purchased a large number of small pigs.

Boars, start letting them practice.

(End of chapter)

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