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Chapter 313 Living and working in peace and contentment

Chapter 313 Living and working in peace and contentment

Many scholars have different awakened talents and skills, but they all seem to be insignificant skills that do not seem to be of much help to the court and are more suitable for home use. Because Jushou has wiped out the officials from all over the country.

Now Zhao Feng is eager to get a group of talents to enrich his talents, so he does not wait for one or three years before carrying out the recruitment.

In the Jinshi examination, all scholars were directly ordered to continue to refer to it.

Soon, the first batch of candidates from the Great Wei Dynasty also appeared. The number was obviously much smaller, but the talents and skills awakened by these people were also more powerful.

There is a chance that some people can see through people's hearts and make a county have good weather and create a peaceful atmosphere, which can calm people's hearts.

All talents are different.

There are nearly 400 Jinshi in total. These people have a lower chance of awakening, but once they awaken, they all have extremely useful and powerful abilities.

Some Jinshi can make loyal people deal with things rationally, and can perceive the situation of the Wei Dynasty, and make various suggestions based on this to criticize the current shortcomings.

Some Jinshi have talents in languages. Whether it is foreign languages ​​or dialects from various places in the Wei Dynasty, they can master them as soon as they learn them.

Some Jinshi even have some terrifying talents, which can attract large amounts of rain, strong winds, thunder and lightning, and can even stir up rivers!

If great talent is not used, it may become a great harm. Zhao Feng immediately used all these talents and filled them into many important positions.

As a result, the fortunes of the Wei Dynasty have been further improved.

Yunjie County, Jincheng County, Liangzhou, was originally the place where the Qiang people lived.

The Qiang people are unruly and warlike by nature, so in the past decades or even hundreds of years, the area where the Qiang people live in Liangzhou has been unstable and unstable.

Even when Zhao Feng first founded the country, the people here were still fierce and unruly, and not many could read.

Local officials are mostly rough people who use ruthlessness to deal with ruthlessness and violence to deal with violence.

However, in recent months, many changes have taken place here.

With the arrival of the imperial censor and the elite soldiers accompanying the Ministry of War, the corrupt officials here have been punished, and the people's hatred of the government has been reduced a lot. Moreover, because of this group of elite soldiers from the capital, they suppressed the gangsters and tyrants with great pressure for several days.

During this period, Yunjie County became much more stable.

The majesty of the government was rebuilt, so much so that the proclamations posted by the government were read and reread by the local people, and many people flocked to them.

A few months ago, Jia Xu secretly gave instructions to some distant relatives here to buy a lot of pigs. After a few months, the piglets have grown to three feet long. It is a good time to eat suckling pigs.

The imperial army was fighting in the Kushan Empire and lacked meat, so they began to purchase piglets in various counties.

There was already a long queue outside the Yunjie County Government Office today. The county magistrate Chen Changsheng was one of the first batch of candidates selected by the imperial court and was sent to serve here.

This man is quite talented. He has awakened the talent of praying for rain. He is quite honest. Now he is working diligently for the court and collecting pigs for Zhao Feng.

"This is the price set by the imperial household department. If you don't believe it, you can ask the censor. A pound of pork is ten copper coins."

For ten copper coins, you can actually go to a restaurant and eat two bowls of noodles. The price of meat is not high.

However, although Zhao Feng is rich now, large-scale acquisitions are only financed by the imperial court. This is also a huge expense, and the price is too high, which can easily put the imperial court into financial difficulties.

Moreover, this is pork that everyone despises, not mutton or horse meat. The price is already very good!

A piglet weighs around 50 to 60 pounds on average, so basically buying a pig costs about 500 yuan.

To ordinary people, five hundred dollars may not seem like much, but it is also a monthly expense for an ordinary person.

Many people bought ten or twenty piglets at the beginning, and now they sell them for thousands of copper coins.

"Sir, there are eight heads in my family."

"Sir, I have fifteen head at home, and they have all been sold."

Soon, people in Yunjie County were scrambling to sell their piglets.

The county magistrate was so happy that he grinned from ear to ear. Originally, the imperial court had given each county a task, and the minimum number should not be less than five hundred. However, the current situation is probably far beyond expectations.

"Don't refuse anyone who comes. Don't be impatient. Go back and bring the pigs. When you see the pigs, give them money, cash."

The county magistrate pointed at the copper coins piled up like a hill behind and shouted confidently.

Then the people left quickly, and soon they all came out with their piglets.

After a pig was weighed, the price was immediately calculated, and as expected, every household received copper coins immediately.

Jia Xu's distant relatives, because they received Jia Xu's instructions in advance, felt that the news was reliable, many of them bought dozens of pigs, and now they are carrying several bags of copper coins home, all of them are beaming with joy.

Be more arrogant, be more arrogant!

A few days later, these piglets were sent to the Kushan Empire and the army of the Great Wei Dynasty. Although the pork looked low, Zhao Feng had already sent several pork recipes there along with the pork.

All the soldiers in the army will soon fall in love with this pork that has no fishy smell.

In the future, eating pork will become a mainstream trend. Who lets pigs give birth to many babies? Who lets pigs eat everything?

If it is a sheep, it will only give birth to one or two at a time, but a pig can give birth to more than ten at a time!

The people of Yun Street soon tasted the benefits of raising pigs.

A few months ago, those with the real surname who were skeptical of the imperial court were all beating their chests and watching their neighbors carrying bags of copper coins home, their eyes almost bulging with envy!

"Oh, I wish I had bought a piglet."

"Even if you buy ten or eight of them, you can still make a lot of money."

"What a sin. Who would have thought that the imperial court would spend money on such a thing."

"Sir, are you out of your mind? This makes no sense."

However, while these people were beating their chests and stamping their feet, the government issued another notice: they have started buying piglets again. The quantity is limited, first come, first served.

This time, this opportunity was seized by all the people in Yunjie County.

Even those gangsters who were lazy and lazy and made a little money by bullying others in the past have seen the hope of living a stable life and making a lot of money.

In just one day, all the piglets in Yunjie County were sold out!

The people who have Xiaozhu usually focus on this, and there are even fewer quarrels and fights in Yunjie County.

It used to be boring to have nothing to do, but now these common people have found something to do. Who has the spare time to quarrel and fight?

Unless, there is something wrong with the brain.

There was really nothing to do. In the county government office, the county magistrate Chen Changsheng insisted on giving lectures. Although the time was not long every day, it gave many people a chance to read.

Not to mention, more and more people can recognize their own names recently.

Because their money bags are bulging, some aspiring young people who want to take the exams feel that reading books in the county government office every day is not enough, so they have the desire to buy books.

Chen Changsheng was even more happy when he frequently asked the county magistrate about buying books. Selling books was also a project for the imperial court to assess officials!

The emperor printed a large number of books in Xudu, hoping to get these books into thousands of households.

(End of chapter)

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