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Chapter 328 Changing the Views of Guishuang People

Chapter 328 Changing the views of the Kushan people

Of course, those people never left once they came, but the number of sweet potatoes around them did not decrease, and they actually ate more and more!

Gradually, the eyes of the people of Peshawar when they looked at Zhusi changed. It was a look of trust and joy!

However, Zhi Si was thinking about what reward the emperor of Wei and his lord would give.

Thanks to Zhusi's powerful propaganda, both the common people who come to eat and the rich who watch the fun know that there will be a mysterious reward after finishing the meal.

The rich people naturally sneered and were unwilling to accept gifts from the Wei Dynasty. However, for the poor and poor common people, this gift was something they looked forward to.

It's been a whole day of eating for nothing, and it was grandly promoted in the end. As a gift for the highlight, it should be at least three days worth of food, right?

At this moment, Zhisi’s heart is filled with passion!

Da Wei's generosity and magnanimity caught him by surprise.

He once thought that maybe it was all a lie, but in fact it was true.

Just during the day, he was still wondering whether this was some trick of the Wei Dynasty, allowing him to secretly expel some people to reduce the consumption of sweet potatoes.

But, in the end, it didn't.

Now, at the last step, Zhisi no longer has any doubts about the Wei Dynasty. Like the people of Kushan, they are all excited, looking forward to the start of gifts, and have great expectations for what the Wei Dynasty will reward them.


At this time, a Wei soldier came over and whispered: "Order, tell everyone to receive fifty packs of sweet potatoes!"

Fifty packs?

How big is a pack?

Zhisi immediately thought of this question.

Looking up, I saw the packed sweet potatoes. One pack was almost half the height of a person!

Fifty packs, how long will it take to eat?

Zhi Si was immediately so excited that he almost jumped up.

He immediately climbed up to a high place and shouted with all his strength: "Everyone, be quiet, I want to tell you some good news. Your Majesty, the Wei Dynasty, is very merciful. Everyone will be rewarded with fifty large bags of sweet potatoes. Go and get it!"

Although everyone believed in Zhusi's words after eating for a day, now they heard him say that after eating for nothing all day, they could still get fifty big bags back.

This news is really unbelievable.

"One pack, that's a lot! Fifty packs, I'm afraid it will make Da Wei poor. Sir, what is Da Wei trying to do with us!"

After eating, most of them returned to their senses and began to think about this problem involuntarily.

However, Zhusi immediately corrected their mistake: "What is Wei planning? If it is really planning something, will they tell us?"

"Besides, if you know what they are planning, then why are you here? Since I asked you to take it, don't hesitate. If the Wei Dynasty really plans something, we can't avoid it whether you take it or not. We might as well

, take it home and eat until you’re full!”

Although Zhusi’s words don’t sound good, they are true!

Immediately, most of the civilians immediately went up to take away the sweet potatoes. They could not finish all the sweet potatoes at one time, and soldiers from the Wei Dynasty helped to send them away!

Fifty bales per person, which was a huge expense. Even Zhuge Liang's grain and grass camp had a large area cleared.

However, if you look around, the sweet potatoes sent to Peshawar are just a drop in the bucket here.

In order to distribute food to the entire Kushan Empire and show off the majesty of the Wei Dynasty, Zhao Feng indeed put in some effort.

Although these sweet potatoes are not precious, transporting them over such a long distance is a huge challenge in terms of manpower and material resources!

However, judging from the current situation, it is all worth it!

The people around Peshawar and outside have great trust in Zhisi. In the future, if Zhisi is in charge, the Wei Dynasty will be much easier.

After a while, when those big families discovered that eating sweet potatoes does not make people weird, they would also turn to obsession. At that time, Zhuge Liang could continue to implement Zhao Feng's orders.

In the following days, the sudden arrival of sweet potatoes greatly changed the lives of the people in Peshawar.

In the past, civilians had to go out to work early and refugees had to go out to beg.

But now, the people no longer have to worry about food. Some people who came here because of the name still got enough food after arriving.

In Peshawar, the capital of the Kushan Empire, more and more people are gathering inside and outside. Many people would rather sleep in the open air than leave.

Every day on the official road from the Wei Dynasty to here, the common people can almost see the uninterrupted grain transport brigades. Such days have lasted for nearly a month. The number of sweet potatoes piled up now is astronomical. No one doubts the Wei Dynasty anymore.

Can you feed them?

During this period of time, no one discovered that the Kushan people who ate sweet potatoes would lose their minds and turn into monsters. Some of their previous worries were gradually forgotten.

At this time, under Zhuge Liang's instruction, Zhuge Si began to recruit people and officially started mining.

Mining in the Kushan Empire was extremely developed. In the decades around 100 AD, when Weimataktu was in power, the currency of the Kushan Empire suddenly began to use gold coins in large quantities, and their face values ​​were huge.

There are small ones, covering almost all denominations from daily use to large transactions.

These gold coins, when Rome, Kushan, and the Han Dynasty traded with each other in the past, entered the Han Dynasty in large quantities, allowing the Han Dynasty to exchange silk for a large amount of gold!

This is also the reason why there are often records of large amounts of gold being given to ministers by the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

They are all good at mining gold, so it is natural for them to collect iron ore and ore for making glass.

At first, the people were worried that mining would be tiring and workers would not be paid. Perhaps, like in the past, they would be beaten with whips by imperial soldiers from behind, or even beaten to death.

However, not long after, the people who were recruited brought back good news.

There is no time limit for mining in a day. Workers are paid according to the quality and weight of the mining material. The more you work, the more you earn. If you are too lazy to work, you will be kicked away.

Not only did he have enough sweet potatoes to keep him fed every day, but the most surprising thing was that he could also eat meat every now and then, and after ten days, he could even eat a big piece of meat.

This is an enviable flexible job. If you want to do it, you can do it. If you don’t want to do it, there will naturally be others willing to do it!

Just take care of the food and make money. This is a reliable job!

Immediately, more and more people came here in admiration and were willing to work for Wei.

Convoys carrying things to Dawei also began to appear on the road.

Although the Wei Dynasty continued to invest in this, the trade that followed continued to develop.

Iron tools began to appear in the Wei Dynasty. In order to save transportation costs, Zhuge Liang sent heavy troops to build facilities for iron smelting, forging iron objects, and firing glass products in the suburbs outside Peshawar.

In this way, materials that do not need to be shipped to Wei Dynasty are processed here, turned into "high technology", and sold in Kushan.

Advanced technology, exquisite finished products, and relatively low prices allowed Zhuge Liang to make a lot of money!

More and more Kushan people gained a lot of resources after the arrival of the Wei Dynasty.

The most obvious thing is that around Peshawar, people are stable and public security is good. No rich people are worried about being robbed collectively.

(End of chapter)

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