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Chapter 335 The Ambition of the Roman Empire

Chapter 335 The ambition of the Roman Empire

Especially now that everyone has stored grain, they no longer have to worry about buying grain. Many families have spent some money to buy new clothes for their children and women.

Although people all over the world spent a small amount of money, they gained a lot of happiness.

The people of the Wei Dynasty worshiped and were more loyal to the emperor. Although the silk sales of the Wei Dynasty were good, the sales of fine wine were even better.

Because of the sudden increase in wineries in various places, there are many sweet potatoes, low raw materials, and now the technology has been broken through, the price of wine in various places suddenly encountered Waterloo!

It is said that the low price of this wine will lead to the emergence of drunkards, which is not conducive to social development. However, after the imperial court's fine wines were sold in large quantities overseas, the remaining ones were relatively restrained and were only sold among wine shops. Although the wine sales in various places were looser than before

A little bit, but it doesn't make people get drunk every day.

Spirits are the favorite thing of the grassland people. Although there are fewer Xianbei and Huns now, the Slavs who are migrating south have perfectly made up for this gap.

This Slavic people come from the extreme north, where it is extremely cold. In that kind of place, people used to drink alcohol to stay warm, so this Slavic people like strong liquor the most.

However, they lacked tools and did not understand the method of distillation, so they could not brew fine wine. They said they were drinking wine, but in fact, what they drank was almost the same as water.

After those Huns returned, they inadvertently let the Slavs know about this wine, and then all the Slavs became excited!

Almost half of the Huns and Xianbei people gave up grazing, and took their cattle and horses to and from the Wei Dynasty and the grasslands, bringing a steady stream of fine wine to the Slavs.

The Slavs were good at fishing in the ice and snow, good at hunting on pastures, and equally good at herding. They were rich in resources, and a lot of wealth poured into the Wei Dynasty!

The silk and fine wine alone have completely overwhelmed Wei’s treasury!

At this time, the 380 business talents selected from this year's scientific examination have been completely exhausted, and some places even have no manpower to prepare them!

"Oh, this is just silk and wine. How many years will I have to wait to accumulate enough talents for other industries?"

Zhao Feng sighed, feeling that there was really a lack of talent!

When Jushu learned that those talents were quickly used up, he was immediately shocked!

The Slavs in the north of the steppe were actually the ethnic group that had the easiest time contacting and interacting with the Romans.

In the process of continuous migration, these Slavs could reach Alexandria from the colder areas further north, and then go north to Rome.

After obtaining a lot of fine wine from the Huns and Xianbei, the Slavs relied on their fast horses to even sell the fine wine around Alexandria, which was controlled by the Romans.

Soon, these wines were presented to the Roman royal family because of their high alcohol content and strong aroma. One bowl of these wines could stifle a donkey.

By coincidence, the current emperor of the Roman Empire had just ended the chaotic era of the coexistence of the five emperors and successfully ascended the throne.

This man has been in charge of the Knights Legion since early on. He is a pure military commander with a resolute character. Like many soldiers, he also likes to drink.

After receiving this new batch of spirits, the emperor is said to have drank five jars and slept for three days and three nights.

Severus' first words after getting up were to buy more wine!

However, he soon learned that this delicious spirit came from the same place as the soft silk!

"It's called Dawei now? Dawei, it's such a fascinating place!"

Later, he learned that this jar of fine wine could even buy a medium-sized courtyard in Luoma City!

"Such an expensive liquor, I will drink it for a few years, and I will drink it to the end of the empire. Someone, send me an envoy to the Wei Dynasty and tell them to lower the price for me, otherwise my army of Severus will be destroyed."

Trample that great Wei to the ground!"

Severus' arrogance was also based on his own confidence. After ending the coexistence of the five emperors, he also unified Parthia.

In the past, the Roman Empire was famous for its infantry and navy. Today's Roman Empire even makes up for its shortcomings in cavalry!

In other words, today's Roman Empire is invincible on land and sea.

No wonder Severus was so confident and directly planned to start a war if he disagreed.

However, his plan was soon unanimously rejected by the Senate.

Severu only focused on war affairs, but did not pay much attention to the existence of his opponent, the Kushan Empire.

The Senate was in charge of all political affairs of the Roman Empire. Although it was suppressed by Severus, it still had a lot of information that Severus didn't know about.

"Severu, the Wei Empire is not so easy to offend. I heard that the Kushan Empire is now willing to become Wei's puppet. If you want to conquer Wei, I'm afraid you have to defeat Kushan first!"

Severus immediately sneered: "Guishan is just vulnerable. Now I have captured Parthia. The cavalry is also superb. Whether it is field battles or sieges, they are invincible. Kushan dares to stop me?"

"Guishan doesn't dare, so how can the Wei Dynasty ignore it? I heard that a large amount of gold, silver and precious stones from Guishan are flowing into the Wei Dynasty. The Wei Dynasty will not leave such a fat sheep to you for slaughter!"

"So what? If you add it all up and multiply it several times, it won't be as powerful as Rome, so what are you afraid of?"

"However, I heard that Guishan has the support of Buddhism, and Buddhism is very powerful. If they come to disrupt the situation, what will we do?"

Severus looked at the senators jokingly: "Are the knights of the Senate just for nothing? Isn't it said that there is an extremely powerful knight named Jehovah? Is it possible that you have been cheating and are vulnerable?"

The elders suddenly frowned: "Emperor, Jehovah is a man with unlimited potential. If we protect him, we may be able to compete with Buddhism in the future. If we send him, if something goes wrong, then our knights really have no one."

It’s available, genius is rare!”

"Why would you join the Knights if a genius falls so easily? Don't talk nonsense to me anymore. If the Senate cannot prove the value of its existence, your status will be further weakened!"

Severus' strength finally made the Senate surrender, and the Roman Empire was already preparing to send troops. The land and sea armies were gathering to the east, and the knights controlled by the Senate also traveled with them.

This knighthood is not large in number, only ten thousand people in total.

The leader was wearing very casual clothes, sitting on a horse, looking at the army, the people along the way, and the distant east with compassion in his eyes.

"On this trip, I want to let the people in the East know that there is only one true God in the world, and that is me, Jehovah! I want them to fall into my arms, and let them know that if you surrender to me, you will be welcomed by angels, and if you don't surrender, you will be sent to hell.

Devoured, haunted by Satan.”

A soldier next to him looked at him and asked: "God, what do you want me to do? Satan, always be ready to serve God!"

Jehovah nodded: "Soon you will appear on the stage. This will be your first battle, and it will also be the battle where you become famous. After this battle, the world will know your terror. You will destroy all those who do not surrender to me.

Kill them all for me!"

The ferocious-looking man immediately nodded vigorously: "God! Satan swears allegiance to the death and will always obey God's will!"

Zhao Feng, who is far away in Xudu, still doesn't know about this and is still immersed in development.

(End of chapter)

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