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Chapter 354 The Miserable Life of the Shanyue People

Chapter 354 The miserable life of the Shanyue people

Although the price is not very affordable, these papers were quickly sold out!

Many big nobles came with carriages and bought one carriage at a time.

Even some art enthusiasts, fearing that such neat paper would no longer be available, directly sold their properties and purchased them in large quantities!

Xun Yu almost lost count of money. In the past, he never knew that making money could be so easy!

"This is crazy! The cost of making a piece of paper is only a few copper plates, but here it is the paper used by civilians, and almost ten pieces of paper are worth one gold! The high-quality paper used by the nobles is even worth one piece of gold, or one piece of ten gold! This is ten thousand times,

A profit of one hundred thousand times! It’s so terrible, the Romans don’t know if they can last for half a year?”

In fact, Xun Yu underestimated the wealth of the Romans.

The Roman Empire, which has lasted for hundreds of years, conquered many places with a vast territory, many people, and a large number of slaves, bringing wealth that ordinary people could not imagine to countless nobles.

Some big lords send tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of their slaves to pan for gold in their territories every day. To them, gold is actually no different from stones. When they have no money, they just go to the river to pan for a while.


As a result, Xun Yu's paper became in short supply!

He had no choice but to send someone back quickly to ask the court to produce more paper to sell.

Soon, from Rome to Xudu, the Silk Road erupted into a grand event unprecedented in history, and countless industries emerged as a result!

The first thing to emerge was the car manufacturing industry.

Because countless vehicles are needed to carry more and more complex materials back and forth, the demand for vehicles is constantly increasing.

Next on the rise is the catering and accommodation industry.

Soon, people traveling between the East and the West were not just official ones. Big private businessmen and even big nobles also saw huge profits and organized a large number of people to sell goods back and forth.

These people need to eat and rest along the way. They can't make much money, so naturally no one opens a shop.

But now, tens of millions of people are traveling back and forth, and many people have seen business opportunities. Some consortiums have even built large restaurants along the way, integrating eating, sleeping, entertainment and other functions into one large restaurant!

Therefore, many low-income groups along the way, in order to increase their income or to keep up with the fashion, joined in, either working as waiters, or suppliers of vegetables and meat. This exposure led to the employment problems of countless people, and countless people were exposed overnight.


Of course, with the increase in fleets, the car repair industry has also sprung up along the way.

Finally, wherever there is profit, there are always some gray industries.

On the long Silk Road, more and more bandits like to gather here, because there is a huge amount of wealth gathered here, and because most areas along the way are unregulated!

There are even bandits who have been robbing until they are weak, and after bleaching, they turn into themselves and become businessmen, selling goods to make a lot of money, or opening shops to make money.

The Kushan people were located between the Wei and Rome. They could not only sell the things they bought from the Wei at high prices to the Romans at higher prices, but they could also sell their own specialties that cost almost no cost to the Romans.


High-purity wine, exquisite and clean paper, beautiful and soft silk, and fine armor are the foundation that supports the active commerce of the Silk Road. Within this framework, small businesses of people from all over the world can be carried out.

More and more people have found opportunities to make money steadily. That is, every time the officials and merchants of the Wei Dynasty come over, follow them to Rome, and there will be no danger at all along the way.

Soon, the word "Da Wei" became a visible and tangible protective god in the hearts of the people along the way!

Many people did not worship gods or pray to Buddha. They just followed the Wei Dynasty, followed suit, went to Rome, followed the Wei Dynasty's business group, and finally returned to their hometown!

Of course, when it comes to things like money, if you make a lot of money, there will naturally be people who lose and don't even have to wear their pants.

Nowadays, Da Wei buys cheap raw materials and sells high-end finished products. Naturally, Da Wei has gained huge profits, followed by Kushan and merchants from all over the country.

The ones who were taken advantage of were, of course, the Romans.

In the past month, news has come back from all over the Roman Empire, saying that various provinces and provinces are in financial difficulties, and some necessary projects for the national economy and people's livelihood have been forced to come to an end.

The local government wanted to get funding from Emperor Severus, but in fact, Severus was still thinking of asking the local province for money to spend.

There is no way, in the past few months, the palace's consumption has been really scary.

Everyone has never drunk such fine wine, seen such paper, as well as the soft silk, fine armor and weapons, all of which are the love of the Romans!

As a result, everyone in the court, including Severus, spent several months of crazy but happy time, spending money and pursuing an artistic life.

Until they were told that the treasury was running out of funds and it was difficult to collect taxes.

The waiter, who had been in close contact with Jushu, was a little scared after reporting the situation: "The people have spent money to buy paper and fine wine, but they really can't afford the additional taxes! We are now in a financial crisis!"

The lives of the local people in the Wei Dynasty are now naturally extremely nourishing.

In every state and county, there were large shops set up by the imperial court, which not only sold cheap wine, plows, books and paper promoted by the imperial court, but also purchased various raw materials in large quantities.

People everywhere live a happy life. They sell their useless things, earn a lot of money, and buy many things they need that they didn't have before.

Today, the mental outlook of people everywhere has indeed undergone great changes.

In Rinan County, the Shanyue people who were burned by the fire and had no food to eat finally couldn't bear it anymore and went north through Jiaozhi, wading through mountains and rivers, and entered the Yanzhou area, intending to beg for a living.

However, as soon as they entered, they were noticed by officials from all walks of life. After all, hundreds of thousands of people pouring in like this are still very noticeable. Before leaving, Zhou Yu also asked the southern officials to pay attention to the refugees in Rinan.

Everywhere these refugees went along the way, they saw prosperity and peace, which made them feel very angry.

"Damn Wei, why do they live so well, but we live so hard!"

Many stupid people have a hatred of the rich and hatefully look at all the beautiful things they see on the road.

Fortunately, everyone was restrained and basically nothing happened.

After entering Yuzhou, some people couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Damn it, there are so many people here playing music and singing by the river. Why don't they go farming!"

"Why are they so idle yet so richly dressed?"

"Wow! Look at that carriage, it's so luxurious! It's actually inlaid with gems."

"The color of that skirt is so bright! It's as bright as the wild flowers seen in the mountains!"

"I can't help it anymore! I want to rob!"

Many Shanyue people came into groups and started committing murders in Yuzhou. They chose to commit crimes at dusk and rob money.

All along, many police officers secretly pretending to be pedestrians quickly arrested these people and handed them over to the local government for accountability.

Many onlookers came to watch, and all of them showed great interest.

(End of chapter)

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