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Chapter 362 The Vigorous Jehovah

Chapter 362 The high-spirited Jehovah

At this time, Jehovah's face became dull and he no longer said any words of solicitation. Instead, he looked at Zhuge Liang with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"You are very good! However, I must capture you today!"

Following his voice, Jehovah's whole body was bathed in light, his hands stretched out, and a book condensed in the middle, and it was the Bible again.

At this time, the book shone with divine light, and was even surrounded by waves of fresh air. Several of his disciples immediately showed fanatical eyes. Even Michael, who was almost fainted after being beaten, struggled to come out and read.

to that book.

The book of Jehovah displays a powerful momentum and shines brightly, like a huge Buddha with incomparable power.

The soldiers on the Wei side were all staring straight ahead. Fortunately, the extremely powerful Zhuge Liang was guarding the front. Not only did they not feel fear, but they felt a sense of novelty, and they all watched with interest.

"What is that? Is it a book?"

"Can a book have such an atmosphere?"

"But if it's not a book, why does it look like that and why are there words on it?"

"Probably, words are also powerful! Otherwise, why would the strategist be so powerful? It must be because he has read too much, which makes the strategist extremely powerful!"

Jehovah was stared at by countless eyes, but only a few looked at him with admiration. Those eyes were naturally his disciples.

As for the other glances, they all came from Da Wei, but those glances seemed to be those of watching a monkey show!

"Huh!" The Lord was angry.

His head emerged from a patch of light, and his eyes glowed with white light. He looked past the Bible in his hand at Zhuge Liang in the distance and the army behind Zhuge Liang.

Everyone felt his anger.

"Human!" He suddenly yelled, "Who gave you the courage to stare at me, Jehovah, like this! I am God, and you are just humans!"

His voice came rolling in, accompanied by billowing golden clouds, which was extraordinary.

The golden cloud is shrouded in mist and looks huge in size.

It seemed like just a cloud, but everyone felt an oppression.

Zuo Ci's expression immediately changed: "Military advisor, this is probably the power of a real god! It's very strong!"

His sword suddenly flew out, and after a flash, it hit the cloud. It emitted a golden light and made a crisp sound, which was clearly the sound of impacting an iron weapon.

"Commander, my attack is useless. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you at all this time!" Zuo Ci put away his sword with a sad expression.

However, Zhuge Liang's face was still unchangingly indifferent. He shook his feather fan lightly, not knowing whether he was fanning himself or fighting with Jehovah. In short, an invisible wall suddenly appeared in front of the two armies. Over there

Jin Yun, who even Zuo Ci couldn't stop, suddenly hit the wall!


There was an extremely thick sound, and the golden cloud inscription was hit and exploded.

The clouds and mist dispersed, Zhuge Liang still looked at the situation with a smile, but Jehovah's face showed a touch of shock!

And beside him, the disciples with wings on their backs all had the same dull expressions at this time!

Michael was so shocked that his mouth opened and he murmured subconsciously: "This is simply unbelievable. Isn't God the only God? Why did he fail!"

Gabriel also subconsciously said: "Could it be that there are actually two gods, our god, guarding us, and that man is the god of the Eastern people?"

Several people murmured, but the Lord gritted his teeth and endured it. His hands were hidden in the light, and no one could see the big clenched fists.

In the heart of Jehovah, God is an existence that cannot be offended or questioned, and is the absolute leader who speaks the truth!

But now, he is questioned by believers.

His attack on Zhuge Liang had no results, which completely destroyed his face and added another big stain to his legend of invincibility!

"Damn it, I was defeated by these Easterners not long ago. I am willing to sacrifice Satan to become the Lord of Hell. If I control him, my power will be greatly increased. But why now, I am stronger and the Easterners are stronger!"

"We were defeated again by the Easterners today. Michael and others will definitely never believe my words this time! In the past, I have been instilling in them the idea that I am the only true God, making them think that I am invincible and invincible.


"But now the guy opposite me is at least as good as me in cultivation. I'm afraid they will completely lose confidence in me. They will lose their faith as believers and will never have that kind of power again. Their combat power will probably be...

Big discount.”

"From now on, you will no longer be able to act as thugs for me. Alas, these are my strongest believers. If they fail, how can I establish a Christian religion in the future and how can I drive out other faiths? No, today, this person will die!"

So Jehovah's arms shook, driving his disciples back, and he himself stood in front to resist Zhuge Liang.

"God said, let there be light!"

Jehovah suddenly spoke the truth. Sure enough, a ray of light shone down in the sky. It was ethereal and transparent. A flying bird was passing by. After being hit by this light, it suddenly changed.

He grew soft and slender white hair, and his body became more elegant. Then he called out, turned around and flew to Jehovah, standing with Michael and others, his eyes were humane, alert and solemn.

The light soon fell on Zhuge Liang, but Zhuge Liang didn't take it seriously. His expression remained unchanged and he let the light shine on him. He even smiled and said: "Neither cold nor hot, calming the nerves and calming the nerves. You are quite good at this."

Jehovah suddenly trembled when he heard this, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

Then he shouted again: "God has planted a tree here, and there is fruit on the tree, but you cannot eat it!"

Sure enough, a big tree grew up next to Zhuge Liang, bearing many fruits. Its branches spread out and even reached in front of everyone in the Wei army.

"Military advisor, can this fruit be eaten?"

The soldiers behind could smell the tempting aroma of the fruit, and they all wanted to eat it. However, Zhuge Liang was strict in his military management, so everyone had to ask him what he wanted first.

Zhuge Liang smiled and suddenly flapped his fan, and all the fruits on the tree fell, falling accurately into everyone's hands, even Zuo Ci's hand, a fruit fell.

"Eat!" Zhuge Liang said loudly and took the first bite.

This fruit was so sweet and delicious that the whole army immediately heard the sound of chewing it.

"It's delicious!" Zuo Ci couldn't help but praise, and then he looked surprised: "This, this is actually the energy of that person?"

Zhuge Liang nodded: "Yes, otherwise how could it be so sweet? After eating it, my soldiers' luck will increase by one point, their strength will increase tenfold, and their lifespan will also be extended!"

But Jehovah sneered: "You are right, but it is a pity that you did not see a problem. If you eat my things, you are my people. From now on, you are all my people, Jehovah, and you will all be under my control! Come on,

Come to my side!"

Jehovah smiled bewitchingly, but everyone on the opposite side looked at him with strange eyes, as if they were still watching a monkey show.

"God, they don't seem to be under control!" Michael couldn't help but say it again.

(End of chapter)

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