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Chapter 383 Going Alone to the Negotiations

Chapter 383 Going to Negotiate Alone (Part 2)

Basically every word Xun Yu said from now on was heard in Zuo Tian's ears, like thunder.

After all, all these words sound so incredible, it is not like what Xun Yu should say at all.

"Of course not. Our Majesty is an incomparable sage, but it also depends on your own situation. If Governor Zhou Yu died here, then I will definitely report it truthfully and implore your Majesty to send troops to destroy you."

"Then if I let Governor Zhou Yu survive, will you kill Governor Zhou Yu again?"

"Of course not. If you let Mr. Zhou Yu survive, then I will definitely not be able to report it truthfully. The account for this batch of supplies will naturally be recorded on Mr. Zhou Yu's head, and it will have nothing to do with me."

What Xun Yu said today was completely contrary to the news Zuo Tian had received in advance. This made Zuo Tian suspicious. He never knew whether the Xun Yu in his information was the real Xun Yu or the current Xun Yu.

The real Xun Yu.

After all, the intelligence revealed that the two people in front of them were actually two people. The intelligence stated that Xun Yu and Zhou Yu had a very good personal relationship, and the two were almost inseparable.

But looking at this situation now, although it is not a deep hatred, it is still a desire to add insult to injury. Zuo Tian really can't understand this.

He didn't know which one to believe. After all, both were very credible. The relationship between Zhou Yu and Xun Yu in the intelligence was more in line with common sense.

But what the Xun Yu in front of me said is more reasonable. Which one is the real Xun Yu is now beginning to become elusive.

Xun Yu was also very keenly aware of Zuo Tian's psychological changes, and an imperceptible smile flashed across his lips.

After all, he has achieved the effect he wanted. If Zuo Tian starts to feel confused now, then Xun Yu's plan has already begun to take action.

"I still want to know one thing. I wonder if you can tell me the truth."

"Your Excellency, please tell me. As long as I know what I can tell you, I will tell you everything I know."

"Your Excellency, I am here to bargain. Why don't you put the chapter on the material, but the chapter on the time?"

Zuo Tian asked a key question. After all, this material was real, and he, Xun Yu, didn't make a fuss about it.

Instead, they have to make a fuss about this time, which has to make people suspicious, after all, if they want to make a fuss about this material.

The negotiation cost is the same as that of making a fuss about time, and the same effect can be achieved.

Once successful, the risk Xun Yu would have to bear would be much smaller, but he did not bargain on it.

Instead, he was bargaining over this time. Zuo Tian felt a little wary, after all, he could do a lot in these two extra days.

How much you can do depends on how you use it.

No matter what, these two days are very important.

In the opinion of Zuo Tian, ​​a lot of things can be done with the extra two days. Not to mention anything else, just the mobilization of the Navy,

Time is enough for the navy to quickly assemble from one place to another.

These naval forces can also be allowed to completely mobilize a small force to any position. This would be very risky for Zuo Tian.

Even if the navy is not mobilized, these two days are enough for Gou Yu to take any precautions. It will be impossible for Zuo Tian to obtain greater benefits.

Xun Yu didn't expect him to ask this. After all, although Xun Yu said he didn't underestimate Zuo Tian, ​​he also thought about Zuo Tian.

Even if he could think of this, he probably wouldn't ask it, but now Zuo Tian actually asked this question directly.

But fortunately, Xun Yu had already thought about how to answer in advance, so he wouldn't let Zuo Tian directly ask him a question at this moment.

"It's very simple. I must also guard against your Majesty's actions. I guess you don't know the national strength of our country, Wei."

"Are you guarding me? Why are you guarding me? I'm just like an ordinary thief or pirate. I just want to get some property from you. What do you need to guard me against?"

"Your Excellency hasn't answered me yet. Do you know nothing about the national strength of our country, Wei?"

Xun Yu heard Zuo Tian's question, but he was not in a hurry to answer his question, but asked back.

Xun Yu knew very well that in this kind of negotiation, he must have the right to speak. He must not talk at the other party's pace. He must control the pace of the conversation in his own hands. Only in this way can he achieve the effect he wants.

Once he enters the other party's rhythm and lets the other party control the right to speak, he will easily be led into his own rhythm by the other party, so that he will be very passive.

"I really don't know anything about the national power of the Great Wei State. I only know that the Great Wei State is currently the most powerful country I have ever seen."

"Although you don't know the specific national strength of our Great Wei State, your words are also insightful, but you are only half right. Our Great Wei State is not only the most powerful country in the world, but also the most powerful country in the world.

As a rich country, you must understand that being powerful and being wealthy are not the same thing."

"How do you say this?"

After asking this question, it means that Zuo Tian has completely fallen into Xun Yu's rhythm.

After all, he no longer cares about what Zhao Feng wants to do, he just wants to know the answer to Gou Yu's question.

Because the answers to these words are also very attractive to him, this shows how strong Xun Yu's negotiation ability is.

It's no wonder that Zhao Feng arranged for him to come over and let him supervise the construction of this new city. After all, if it were another person, it would be difficult to deal with these problems.

Even if these daily chores can be handled in an orderly manner, once you encounter such a crisis situation.

I am afraid that no one can match Gou Yu in terms of processing power, which is one of the reasons why Zhao Feng values ​​Xun Yu so much.

Zhao Feng was very knowledgeable about Xun Yu in history. He knew very well what kind of talent Xun Yu was, and he could never be used as an ordinary civil servant.

He must be allowed to take charge of his own affairs, because he has the talent to serve the country.

Just assisting himself cannot show his strongest side, and his strongest side is to allow him to independently complete such a large project on his own.

Xun Yu is not only able to make this project in an orderly manner, but can also ensure the safe progress of this project. This is the most shining point of Gou Yu and the point that Zhao Feng values ​​the most.

But at this moment, Zuo Tian didn't realize at all that he had already entered into the negotiation rhythm of Xun Yu's side, and was still being led by Xun Yu's side.

"The national power of our Great Wei State is divided into two parts. The first is the strength of our Great Wei State. This must undoubtedly be the most powerful in the world."

"And the wealth of our country, Great Wei, is definitely the richest country in the world. The supplies you want are not even a drop in the bucket for Great Wei. I can give you a piece of it in this new city."

If we gather together, we don't even need to go to other cities to ask for help."

(End of chapter)

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