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Chapter 425 Soldiers are the most important

Chapter 425 Soldiers are the most important

"Your Majesty, when I first saw this report, I thought there was an error or that someone below had deducted it. But when I went to check it myself, I found that this was indeed the case. Don't let these enemies say unnecessary things.

Supplies are available.”

"Even their rations can only last for two or three days of fighting. If we don't fight them, then after two or three days, they will basically be starving themselves, and we don't even need to do anything.


"They are really poor. Your Majesty may not have gone to the scene. If you go to the scene and see the physical fitness of these bandits, Your Majesty will understand that what is said above is really true."

Zhao Feng's reaction at this time was exactly the same as Zhang Liao's reaction when he saw it, so Zhang Liao also understood Zhao Feng's mood at this time.

It was exactly the same as his mood just now, so he was reminding Zhao Feng, as Zhang Liao said, you can understand it by going to the scene and seeing it.

In fact, after taking him to the scene to see it, he found that the bodies of these enemies were very thin, and some were even malnourished.

Everyone is basically as thin as skin and bones, completely different from some of their soldiers in the Wei Kingdom.

Although the soldiers of the Wei Kingdom are not very tall and mighty, everyone basically has a red face.

The food for the soldiers of the Wei Kingdom was very good. Zhao Feng knew that the food for the soldiers was not good, and he would criticize the imperial court if they did not eat well.

Therefore, the food for the soldiers is controlled in a timely manner, and he should do his best to ensure that it is the best.

It is precisely because of this that basically every one of these soldiers has very strong combat effectiveness, and they are simply not something that these bandits can resist.

A comparison can tell. Basically they are poor people who don't even have enough to eat. How can they have such strong fighting power?

It is not surprising that they were defeated in this way with zero casualties, but where did such poor bandits get the supplies?

After Zhang Liao and Zhao Feng reported on the supplies seized on the battlefield, Zhao Feng was also quite speechless.

After all, he himself believed that although defending the new city and new port was a must-do, the battle was already over anyway.

Then he would definitely be able to seize some supplies and make up for this loss, but he never expected it.

After the war, it was discovered that the supplies captured were not as much as they consumed. This situation is really rare.

Fortunately, there were zero casualties this time. If there were not zero casualties this time, it would be a big loss if there were any casualties.

Even if a few people die randomly, it will be a very heavy price.

This really refreshed Zhao Feng's cognition. He never thought that such poor bandits would dare to set their sights on the cities and ports of their Great Wei Kingdom.

If they were really strong, then Zhao Feng would not say anything if he wanted to touch their new city and port.

However, if such a poor group of enemies dared to take advantage of them, it would be no different than seeking death.

"If that's the case, then we can only admit it. We have no choice. Who made our enemies so poor?"

"But it's okay. If they are really strong, I'm afraid it will be impossible for us to maintain zero casualties."

"In this case, at most it can be regarded as exchanging some supplies for the lives of some of our soldiers. Calculating it this way, we still make quite a profit."

However, Zhao Feng then thought about it, if these soldiers were really strong, just like what he said, this would cost his soldiers a heavy price.

Then he may not be able to accept it even more. He would rather lose some supplies than sacrifice the lives of soldiers.

Anyway, these materials can be produced by oneself, and the Great Wei State does not lack these things.

If more soldiers' lives can be preserved, it will be more important to Zhao Feng.

"Indeed, I thought the same thing when I saw this report, because there is no other way, these enemies are like this."

"They really don't have much supplies, and if they really do have a lot of supplies, they probably won't be so desperate to attack us. After all, they also know the strength of our navy and the strength of our kingdom."

After Zhang Liao heard what Zhao Feng said, he also knew that Zhao Feng was just looking for him to get off the stairs.

Then he definitely couldn't go against Zhao Feng, so he followed Zhao Feng's direction.

But what Zhao Feng said was not wrong. After all, for Zhang Liao, he would rather lose more supplies than save the lives of his soldiers.

After all, he has been in the army for so many years, and he cherishes every soldier in the army very much.

If it was possible to spend some supplies to save their lives, then for Zhang Liao, he would rather the court allocate huge amounts of supplies to him every day.

This would save these soldiers from having to sacrifice their lives. After all, every soldier may represent a family after his death.

He may be someone else's husband, let alone someone else's father.

If these people die, it may mean the breakdown of a family.

Therefore, Zhang Liao hoped even more to save the lives of his soldiers, so as to avoid the breakdown of these families.

Especially in this war-torn era, if they had not met the emperor Zhao Feng, the lives of these soldiers might have been as worthless as grass.

Fortunately, they met Zhao Feng, who was able to regard their lives as lives and treat them like normal people.

They will not be treated as cheap grass by their rulers like soldiers from other countries.

"Okay, let's not talk about this topic. This topic really makes me very uncomfortable. As for the defense issues of this new port and new city, I have already said it before."

"First of all, these 13,000 soldiers will stay here for defense. I will send more troops after I return to the court."

"Help us garrison and defend here. Zhou Yu, you must do these things well. You must not have any problems again. If there are problems again, I'm afraid it will be a big problem."

In the end, Zhao Feng also named them. After all, he had already made a decision before, that is, to keep all these officers and soldiers here.

After all, with 13,000 soldiers, defense is extremely important for this new port.

Moreover, the combat effectiveness of these people is also very strong. Presumably, if it were not for the gathering of some large forces, there would not be any problems, even if something went wrong with him.

These 13,000 soldiers can last for a long time, enough to support the arrival of their reinforcements.

And as long as their reinforcements arrive, no matter how powerful they are, Zhao Feng believes that they will definitely be able to clear out all these people.

(End of chapter)

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