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Chapter 487 Peace talks

Chapter 487 Peace Talks

See how you can save your life, and preferably your position.

Although this means that he can no longer be on an equal footing with the Wei Kingdom as he thought before.

But at the very least, it is very important for her to be able to keep her own life and ensure her current life of good food and clothing.

It didn't take long for all his civil and military officials to come over, although there were not many left.

But finally there was someone who could share the burden with him, unlike him just now, when he was already frightened.

After all, looking at some of the contents mentioned in the peace treaty, plus the previous reports from the messengers, it was easy to think of it.

The 300,000 armed forces of the Great Wei Kingdom may arrive in front of her royal city at any time and at any time. By then, I am afraid that he will not even have a chance to surrender.

"General Fuldo has died gloriously on the battlefield, and Nanyu City has been conquered. Now the Wei Kingdom has its troops in our territory. I'm afraid it won't be long before they can directly attack the royal city.

, you guys talk about it and see if there are any solutions."

At this moment, Jin Wang was already in despair, so he no longer cared about whether it would cause any commotion or panic.

He directly told the truth of the matter to his officials, and after the officials heard it, they all felt incredible.

After all, they just got the news of Fordo's victory a while ago.

Now that such a situation has occurred at this moment, it is really unacceptable to them, and they really can't figure it out.

Jin Wang already knew at this time that his side had no hope of fighting against the Great Wei State.

After all, Fuldo has disappeared, and Nanyu City has been breached.

In addition, half of the 200,000 armed forces in Fuldo's hands have been wiped out by the Wei Kingdom.

The remaining half were all incorporated, which could be said to be a fatal blow to Goguryeo.

After all, in this situation, he has no chance to make a comeback, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

His only thought now is how to save his life and his position.

This is the only way to allow yourself to continue to live a life of fine clothing and fine food.

Only then can we ensure that we can still live as comfortably as before.

Although it was impossible to be as beautiful as he had imagined before, at least he would not lose his life.

When he informed the officials below him of the news, they were also very shocked.

Because these officials did not expect that the situation would reverse so quickly.

Previously, they were still dreaming of being able to directly invade the territory of the Great Wei State and occupy more territories of the Great Wei State.

But now it suddenly happened the other way around, and the army of the Wei Kingdom had actually reached their Nanyu City.

They actually attacked Nanyu City directly. This was so fast. No one expected this reversal.

"Lord, let's find a way to sue for peace as soon as possible, after all, if we continue to fight in this situation.

Once the emperor of Wei is offended, if they send their soldiers to attack us, I am afraid they will really be unable to stop us.

Even General Fuldo is dead, so who else can resist the great Wei State."

After hearing what was said, the officials below also expressed their opinions one after another.

One of the more senior officials came out directly to persuade Jin Wang to go to peace talks as soon as possible.

Find a way to make the Wei State retreat its troops. After all, if the Wei State does not retreat its troops and continues to attack.

Their country of Goguryeo will really be conquered, and then I'm afraid all of them will not end well.

"The Great Wei Kingdom has sent people to deliver a peace treaty, which has made it clear that we have no possibility of victory now.

Only after we have peace talks with them can you guys see how we should go about peace talks with them and how we can win peace for our Goguryeo."

Jin Wang could not muster any energy at this time and was very listless.

He immediately threw down the peace negotiation book sent by Gou Yu's side and let these officials read it.

And these officials all looked sad after reading it. After all, this and what he said above were probably all true.

And if this is the case, then the only thing we can really do is find a way to pray for peace, if we don’t pray for peace anymore.

I'm afraid the only option waiting for them is extermination of their race, which is absolutely unacceptable to them.

They are all so-called high-ranking officials now. If once the royal city is broken,

Then it is very likely that people like them will lose their lives, let alone have the enjoyment they have now.

Jin Wang summoned all his officials here, and these officials were not upright officials.

As soon as they heard that the royal city was in danger, they all began to think of their own options.

Among them, the more senior people here directly came out to persuade Jinwang to surrender and negotiate for peace.

Jin Wang had actually expected this kind of thing, after all, she had been mentally prepared in advance.

He knew that if the 200,000 armed forces of the Wei Kingdom were to attack, they might not be able to withstand it.

In addition to the 100,000 soldiers they recruited from Goguryeo, this amounted to an armed force of nearly 300,000 people.

It would be easy to break through its royal city, so he had already thought about it.

This time it may really cost you a lot to save your life.

In fact, these officials below have never thought about the consequences that this peace negotiation will bring to Goguryeo.

They only thought about how to ensure that they would not be implicated by Goguryeo.

Of course, the best option would be for Goguryeo to exchange gold and silver treasures for peace, so the people below began to make suggestions.

"My lord, I suggest that we use these gold and silver treasures in our treasury to appease the anger of the Emperor of Wei and ask him to let us go so that he will not attack our royal city. What do you think of this suggestion?"

As soon as the official said it, Jin Wang wanted to say something, but he had nothing to refute.

So he didn't say he agreed or disagreed, he just sat on his throne blankly.

At the same time, other officials began to agree with this official's statement, and began to advise Jin Wang to find a way to exchange gold and silver treasures for peace.

"Okay, don't talk anymore! Change! Someone is here to count the treasury. Even if the treasury is emptied, there must be enough gold and silver.

You, each and every household, should hand over your property to me and give it all to His Majesty the Emperor of Wei.

(End of chapter)

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