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Chapter 558 Concealing the Report for the Reward

Chapter 558 Concealing the truth for reward

After all, it would be very risky to make a hasty plan without knowing the strength of the enemy.

"Your Majesty, I think that although General Dian Wei hasn't woken up yet, we can send a few teams of cavalry out to test it out first.

Let’s see what’s happening on the enemy’s side now, and see if they have any ill intentions towards us.”

After discussing everything, Xun Yu also remembered that he needed to send someone to check.

Not only is it an early warning, but it is also a look at what the current situation is like in Senlis.

Judging from the current situation, Sanlis is still very arrogant, and he will most likely find an opportunity to launch a surprise attack on Zhao Feng and the others.

Therefore, it is necessary to send out some cavalry to test it out.

"Master Xun Yu, what you said makes sense. You should indeed send someone to test it out. Come on, call General Xu Chu."

After Zhao Feng heard what Xun Yu said, he also felt that what Xun Yu said was reasonable, and immediately sent someone to call Xu Chu over.

"General Xu Chu, Lord Xun Yu and I have determined the next combat strategy and some general situations.

But there is one thing that cannot be determined, which is what kind of situation Senlis is in now and whether he will launch a sudden attack on them.

So I discussed with Master Xun Yu and decided to send a group of cavalry to test it out, General Xu Chu, please go and prepare."

After Xu Chu arrived, Zhao Feng also told Xu Chu what he had discussed with Xun Yu.

After hearing this, Xu Chu also understood what Zhao Feng meant. He responded and retreated. After getting down, he immediately sent a team of troops to the hinterland of the Turks.

At the same time, Sanlis had almost the same idea as Zhao Feng and others, and also sent a team of people to test.

"Captain, look at the Turkic cavalry in front of you. It seems that the general is really talking about it.

The Turks really have something against us and want to sneak attack us. After the group of men sent by Xu Chu walked not far away, they discovered that the Turks had also sent a group of cavalry.

Now coming towards them, the two groups of people met in the vast desert.

After thinking about it in many aspects, although Dian Wei was still in a coma at this time, Zhao Feng and the others were unable to confirm the strength of the Turks.

I still decided to send people to test it again to see what the situation is now on the Turkic side.

After all, you need to know what Senlis is doing at this time and whether he will launch another sneak attack on them.

So a team of people was sent to inquire about the situation. However, while the team was marching, they happened to encounter the people sent by Senlis.

At this time, Sanlis also happened to be thinking about Zhao Feng and the others. Sanlis also felt that although Zhao Feng and the others had not taken any action.

But Zhao Feng must have taken some action soon, so he sent another team to check on Zhao Feng and the others.

In order to prevent Zhao Feng from threatening them, the two groups met in the desert.

At this time, after the two teams saw each other, they did not expect to meet in a narrow road, so it would be impossible to be amicable.

"Sir, are you looking at the cavalry of the Wei Kingdom in front of you? What should we do now that we have met?"

After the Turkic cavalry saw the Wei cavalry, they asked their captain.

The Turkic cavalry captain frowned after seeing this situation.

Because in his opinion, if they really take any action, there may be certain risks.

But now that we have encountered them, it is absolutely impossible to just let these cavalrymen of the Wei Kingdom go.

After all, he is very confident in the strength of the Turks, and this confidence is basically what Sanlis and others conveyed to his subordinates.

But the fact is that this is indeed the case. The strength of the Turkic cavalry is also stronger than that of the Wei cavalry.

"What else can we do? Tell the brothers to rush forward, kill all these bastards from the Wei Kingdom, and take them back to receive the reward."

At the captain's order, these Turkic cavalry rushed towards the cavalry of the Great Wei Kingdom.

And there are also a lot of bow and crossbow diseases, before hand-to-hand combat.

Then he began to shoot a hail of arrows at the cavalry of the Wei Kingdom.

"Brothers, these hateful barbarians dare to attack us. Let them know how powerful our cavalry is. Charge!"

The captain of the Great Wei Kingdom did not flinch at all and rushed forward with his men.

The two groups immediately fought together, but before they could fight, the Turks had already wounded some people with bows and arrows.

After the fight started, it was discovered that their strength was comparable to that of the Turkic cavalry.

The difference was so huge that they were all killed in a short period of time.

"Captain, please go back and report to General Xu Chu quickly. The strength of this enemy cannot be underestimated, and I am afraid that he will attack us by surprise. We must not let them succeed. We must send this news back."

Just when the cavalry of the Wei Kingdom were about to be wiped out by these Turkic spies.

One of the cavalry also took the initiative to grab her own captain, hoping that his captain would pass the news back.

After struggling for a while, the captain gritted his teeth decisively, turned the horse's head, and rushed back to the direction of the Wei Kingdom to deliver the message.

At this time, Sanlis was not far from the ancestral land of the Turks, and he also knew that it would be very dangerous if he continued to stay here.

He also retreated to the interior of the Turks and stopped at a pass, and the team he sent out was also selected with relatively strong combat effectiveness.

Although the people he sent out earlier were all eliminated by Zhao Feng with several times the number of troops.

But this time, the small team it dispatched can be said to be very mobile.

And before going there, I also told these people not to fight with these large groups of people from the Wei Kingdom.

If a problem is discovered, they should be withdrawn as soon as possible. Their mission is mainly to conduct reconnaissance and harassment.

However, what Sanlis did not expect was that although the main mission of this team was reconnaissance, they also eliminated a Great Wei cavalry on the way, and this cavalry seemed to be an elite team.

This was something that Sanlis did not expect. When these Turkic cavalry brought their trophies back, Sanlis was very happy.

"Haha, very, very good, you are indeed a good Turkic man, you have killed the enemy to pieces.

Very good, this time everyone remembers their great achievements and prepares to go down to receive the reward. Also, expose these bastards of the Wei Kingdom to me, and let us behave as human beings. These cavalrymen of the Wei Kingdom are all sick.

Yangzi is nothing to be afraid of."

When Sanlis saw the trophies brought back by the captain, he was really surprised.

(End of chapter)

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