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Chapter 643 Ferocious Warrior

Chapter 643 Fierce Warrior

Now we are starting to study ceramics, glass, steel, and some daily necessities.

As long as it can make life more convenient and make life better, all these things are supported by Zhao Feng.

Coupled with the existence of newspapers, a steady stream of talents were transported from all over the place and concentrated here to conduct the most outstanding research.

Some people have already proposed ways to improve steelmaking. Although this was an idea proposed by Zhao Feng, more outstanding results have now been achieved.

They owned the first high-level steel-making furnace and were able to produce high-purity steel. With this, everyone was able to mass-produce those gunpowder guns.

Seeing the technology tree on his side rising rapidly, Zhao Feng was filled with pride.

He also understands that only when his technology is ahead of others can he reap the dividends of technology and become the strongest being in this era by relying on technology.

Of course, this era also has its limitations. Even if Zhao Feng wanted to tell these people all the knowledge he had learned, they would not be able to transform the current era into the era before Zhao Feng traveled through time.

However, with the efforts of these people, it is still possible to change the way of life in this world and make the world more comfortable.

After handling all the matters, Zhao Feng returned to Qianling City.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had been waiting here for a long time.

After the last assassination, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty finally understood his position. Under such circumstances, there was no chance of resistance at all.

So he also wanted to understand one thing, that is, by cooperating with Zhao Feng, at least while he is still useful, Zhao Feng will never harm his life.

"Prime Minister, you fought really well this time. You understood the enemy so easily and expanded our territory a lot. I am very happy to see you achieve such results." Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty said in a pretentious manner.


Of course, at this time, Emperor Xian of Han can only be regarded as a mascot, and he can no longer make any trouble.

Even during this period of time, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had been firmly controlled by Zhao Feng and placed him under house arrest in the palace.

It has become impossible for Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to leave the palace, so he also appeared to be extremely honest and never caused any trouble again.

Zhao Feng saw the emperor appearing in front of him and took the initiative to greet him, with a smile on his face.

After all, at this time, Emperor Xian of Han was still his emperor in name. In front of the people, Zhao Feng could not deny him face too much.

"I didn't expect that the emperor would come to greet us. It's such a blessing for me." Zhao Feng showed a smile on his face and bowed to Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty.

In the eyes of everyone, this is simply the most harmonious relationship between ministers. It is impossible to imagine that the emperor has become a puppet and cannot make any effective orders.

The actual person in charge of this area has become Zhao Feng, and Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty wanted to see his face.

Of course, for these people, what they value more is Zhao Feng, who is their savior.

Now it can be said that these people in Zhao Feng's territory only know everything about Zhao Feng, and the good life he has now is what Zhao Feng gave him.

So under such circumstances, these people also knew that the emperor had become a representative, and they had no intention of respecting the emperor at all.

If they had to choose quickly, these people would naturally choose to side with Zhao Feng, because they knew that their happy life was given to them by Zhao Feng.

Of course, the reason why this happened was because of the newspapers, which had made these people realize that Zhao Feng was the person who allowed them to live such a happy life.

If anything goes wrong with Zhao Feng, then their happy life will come to an end.

It is precisely because of this that these people value Zhao Feng so much, and they even sacrifice their own lives to protect Zhao Feng.

This is exactly what Zhao Feng wants. He has put all his efforts into running a newspaper, in addition to cultivating the talents he needs and reducing the influence of the big family.

The most important thing is to let these people know that the life they have now is all because of themselves. It is myself who gave them such a life and allowed them to have such a beautiful life.

For these people, they simply cannot imagine living a life where they can eat meat within a few days as they do now.

So for them, living under Zhao Feng is like living in heaven. Do they have any dissatisfaction? Of course they will use all their strength to maintain Shen Shen and follow Zhao Feng to conquer the world.

After being welcomed by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Zhao Feng returned to the city and then began to study the next thing.

At this time, although winter has arrived, those people do not need to worry about going hungry.

An open-pit coal mine was found not far away. Zhao Feng mined the coal and distributed it to the people in the city.

Of course, in today's environment, these people don't even have stoves.

Then Zhao Feng published the method of building stoves in the newspaper so that these people could have their own stoves for heating.

Later, Zhao Feng distributed the coal to these people for free so that they could use it to survive this cold winter.

Therefore, in the entire Qianling City, even if this winter is extremely cold, there is not a single person who has starved to death or frozen to death.

It would simply be impossible in other places.

But it really happened in the territory controlled by Zhao Feng. The entire city had a population of several million, and no one froze to death.

For those common people, this is simply unimaginable.

Spending winter in ancient times was like going through hell for these people.

Not only do they have to worry about heating, they even have to worry about food.

Moreover, these problems cannot be solved at all. It will be very difficult for everyone to survive the winter, and many people will even starve to death and freeze to death.

Only by following Zhao Feng, they don't have to worry about these things, and can live a comfortable winter with peace of mind. They can put a small pot on the stove at home, cook a pot of tofu, and eat it happily, and the whole family will be happy.

When Zhao Feng saw this, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

For every ruler, what they care about most is not how much power they have or how much territory they control.

For them, what they want to see more is the recognition and recognition of themselves by the people under them.

Now Zhao Feng can say that his reputation in his own territory has reached its peak and has long surpassed the emperor's reputation.

In the territories under Zhao Feng's jurisdiction, you can insult the emperor as much as you like, but you absolutely cannot say a bad word about Zhao Feng.

If someone dares to say anything bad about Zhao Feng and others hear it, they will be besieged.

From here we can see how high Zhao Feng's status is in the minds of these people, and this is also the reward he gets for doing things for these people.

The generals under Zhao Feng were surprised when they saw this situation.

It is impossible for them to imagine how disappointed Zhao Feng is now. Under such circumstances, as long as Zhao Feng kills him, they all believe that these people will definitely turn into evil spirits in an instant.

The most ferocious warrior.

"Now you can understand the purpose of these things my lord has done, right?

"I didn't understand it very well at first, but now I understand that the Lord did these things to let these people remember him and to let these people know that the life they enjoy was given to them by the Lord.

"Now my lord's reputation in these places has definitely reached an extremely high level. As long as we control the territory, no one else can compete with our lord."

"It can be said that in such an environment, our lord has gained absolute control, and no one else can compete with our lord."

These young generals have also seen the current situation on their side, and they also know that with this operation, they have saved a lot of thought and no longer have to worry about the problems of rogue bandits.

After all, there were some unstable factors on the territory, and the people themselves solved them.

During this period of time, the number of spies captured by the common people from other princes reached thousands.

So now this place has become a restricted area for spies seeking information, and they no longer dare to come here to inquire about Zhao Feng.

Because they knew in their hearts that before they could find out any information, the people would have definitely noticed it.

Before they could react, they would be captured by these common people, and then they would be forced into the government office.

Seeing this situation, these young generals didn't even know what to say.

However, in this way, they can successfully maintain stability on their side without having to put too much energy into managing these things, and it also allows them to have more energy to practice expansion.

But looking at Zhao Feng's current appearance, it is obvious that he is not eager to expand, and now he is actually starting to worry about winter matters.

For Zhao Feng, he also understood what this winter meant to ordinary people, so he also showed great concern and paid attention to the people's winter situation.

After seeing the smooth process of the people under his command, Zhao Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although in the future world, everyone will be able to successfully survive the winter, and there will even be heating in the room, making the four seasons feel like spring.

But for today's era, such low productivity, and various other reasons.

People even have problems eating, let alone keeping warm during the winter.

At that time, ordinary people couldn't afford coal at home, so they could only burn some firewood for heating.

This has also led to many people suffering from gas poisoning, which is carbon monoxide poisoning.

A lot of people die every winter, which invisibly causes a lot of losses to one's own strength.

After all, when fighting in this era, the people fighting are those who have the most people.

Therefore, for those rulers, population is their greatest wealth and the capital they can most rely on.

And every winter, their population will suffer a large attrition.

But now, under Zhao Feng's control.

In Qianling City, every household has a stove, and there is no need to worry about carbon monoxide poisoning when using a brazier to light a fire.

Moreover, there is a large amount of coal here, and Zhao Feng distributed it to these people for free for them to use.

Although Zhao Feng cannot allow everyone on his territory to use free coal, the price of this coal is very cheap.

So under such circumstances, even those people who need to spend money to buy coal can still afford it because they have a lot of savings from growing crops.

Seeing that such achievements had been achieved in his own city, Zhao Feng was not idle and began to promote his method of crossing holes to other places.

Soon, in all the areas under Zhao Feng's jurisdiction, every household began to build stoves for heating.

This winter, everyone had a very comfortable life, and there was no intention of getting cold at all.

When everyone saw their own lives, they couldn't believe what they were going through.

After all, for these people, the winter they experienced this year was really different from other winters. They simply couldn't believe that they could live such a comfortable life in winter.

Because there is not much to do in winter, everyone can only stay idle at home.

So many people used their own stoves, put on a small pot, cooked some tofu, and the family happily enjoyed the family happiness.

Seeing this, Zhao Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief and showed a happy expression on his face. He also knew that under his management, these people had finally overcome the most difficult thing.

"Now this winter does not pose any threat to us at all. Under such circumstances, we can say that we have far surpassed others."

"Now that the people have been properly resettled and there is nothing threatening their lives and health, we should now consider other things.

"Winter is also a good season for attacking. We should be able to use this time to launch attacks on other people and expand our territory."

Even though Zhao Feng now controls a large amount of territory, for Zhao Feng, he also knows the danger he is facing now.

When the whole world was not unified, even Zhao Feng was always facing danger from other princes, and he had to always be wary of hostility from other people.

Of course, with the strength that Zhao Feng has now, other people will not be able to pose any threat to him in a short period of time.

In addition, those people have already discovered the strength gap between themselves and Zhao Feng, so even if they want to take action these three times, they must first estimate how sure they are.

When they find that they don't have much chance of winning, these people will choose to give up. This way they will no longer attack Zhao Feng, but choose to coexist peacefully with Zhao Feng.

(End of chapter)

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