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Chapter 94: Finally Becomes the Champion

Looking at the two intimate people in front of him, Lin Yuhu's expression was a little strange.

Although Li Shishi had a smile on his face, there seemed to be a bit of bitterness in his smile.

"Okay, today is the time for naming the gold list. The list will be released at noon. Let's go and pack things first."

Xu Hanliang looked at Zhimiang, his eyes full of tenderness.

When the young lady heard this, she nodded and snuggled next to Xu Hanliang.

In the Gongyuan.

The expressions of the two examiners were a little serious, and they seemed to be hesitant when looking at the two test papers in front of them.

"The test papers of He Yuan and Xu Hanliang are both top-grade. Who should I choose as the Hui Yuan?"

Academician Wang Hao looked at the two papers in his hand and hesitated.

"He Yuan is slightly better at the meaning of the classics. It seems that he is a young man who has more ideas and is familiar with the meaning of the classics."

"Xu Hanliang is very good in poetry and strategy. I feel he is better than He Yuan."

Cheng Ran also thought for a moment and then said.

"However, I feel that the meaning of the scriptures is the most important at this time. After all, the Analects governs the world, so the meaning of the scriptures is naturally the top priority."

Wang Hao shook his head again, and then gave a completely different idea.

In his opinion, if a scholar can be a good official, he must be familiar with the meaning of the scriptures.

Although Xu Hanliang's answer sheet seems to be perfect, it can be seen from many aspects that some of the words in it seem to have been memorized by rote.

Although he answered all the questions, compared to Wang Hao, he was slightly inferior.

"Is it difficult to govern the country by relying on classics and principles? His policies and theories are so excellent, so naturally we should adopt his policies and theories."

Cheng Ran was a little angry at this time.

"You are also a scholar. By saying these words now, are you trying to slander our Confucian ancestors?"

Wang Hao's eyes widened and he retorted.

"Are you saying I'm slandering? Then Xu Hanliang's poems are also better. No matter from which aspect, Xu Hanliang should have no problem getting the membership this time."

"Then I will definitely support He Yuan this time. After all, He Yuan is proficient in chess, calligraphy and painting. Isn't this the kind of official your Majesty likes the most?"

"Your Majesty still likes to watch theater, so should we find some actors and let them serve as officials?"

At this time, the two began to blame each other, and for a while there was no way to come up with a result.

Both of them thought that there was nothing wrong with their ideas, but the ordinary examiners on the side looked at each other, not knowing what the hell the two people in front of them were doing.

In fact, this time, one of the two officials is a reformist and the other is a conservative.

This resulted in the two examiners having huge differences in many aspects.

The policies written by Xu Hanliang were obviously more in favor of the reformists, which is why the dispute between the two was so deep.

"Two examiners, there are three old men outside to pay their respects."

A boy came in and said to the two examiners.

"Didn't you see us correcting the test papers here? No matter who it is, they are nowhere to be seen."

One of the examiners waved his hand impatiently and then said.

"These three people, one is Mr. Fan Zhengping, the other is Mr. Han Qiyue..."

The boy started talking, but he was interrupted in the middle of his sentence.

"What's the matter with these two people coming here? Are they asking for mercy for someone?"

"The two of them are no longer officials of the imperial court, and they have no right to interfere in the imperial examination. Besides, we are here to select the emperor's disciples. What does it have to do with them? I don't see you."

Regarding this point, the two people have very similar ideas.

After all, if no one is in the government, no matter how influential you are, it will be of no use.

"And this one is Su Che from Xuzhou, Mr. Su."

The boy continued.

Hearing this name, the two of them looked at each other.

They were both Jinshi scholars at the same time, and the examiner at that time was Su Che. After all, they were still Su Che's disciples.

Huiyuan, Xu Hanliang.

On the gold list, the first name is Xu Hanliang's name.

"Langjun, Langjun, Huiyuanhei."

"Congratulations, sir. I was Jieyuan before, and Huiyuan this time. I don't know if I will be the number one scholar next time."

"You have some ability, I didn't expect you to actually pass the exam."

After seeing the name on the gold list, several people around Xu Hanliang started talking nonchalantly.

And Xu Hanliang has already had experience now. After seeing his name just now, he moved his steps and ran quickly towards the distance.

The next second, a large number of scholars were chasing Xu Hanliang like a tide.

"Xu Huiyuan, my little sister is not married yet, why don't you come to my house for a drink?"

"Xu Huiyuan, we are going to hold a poetry meeting tonight, will you participate?"

"Xu Huiyuan, acquaintance is fate, don't leave so fast."

Facing these scholars who were building relationships, Xu Hanliang didn't want to talk to any of them.

So after hearing them shouting his name, he immediately ran away into the distance.

Before Xu Hanliang took the imperial examination, he actually thought that if he could become a tribute scholar, that would be enough.

But who knew that luck would turn out to be so good, and I would get a Hui Yuan again.

Half a month later.

Today is the time for the palace examination to begin, and a large number of tributes are waiting at the door.

Looking at the huge palace in front of him, Xu Han couldn't help but feel a little excited in his conscience.

For scholars like them, once they can be named on today's gold list, it will be accompanied by a lifetime of glory and splendor.

"Fellow Gongsheng students, enter."

A eunuch slowly walked out of the palace, his shrill voice making people feel very uncomfortable.

Just after saying these words, hundreds of people also walked towards the palace tremblingly.

Looking at the tall palace, everyone felt a sense of awe in their hearts.

Only Xu Hanliang remained calm and composed. After all, it was not like he had never been to the palace before.

This so-called imperial palace will also become a tourist attraction for ordinary people to watch thousands of years later.

Outside Donghua Gate, many relatives and friends of the students were excitedly looking towards the palace.

Two hours passed by in a blink of an eye, and many candidates walked out of the palace.

At the same time, an eunuch held an edict in his hand and said loudly: "The number one scholar is Xu Hanliang."

After hearing the name from the eunuch's mouth, Xu Hanliang trembled slightly.

In my mind, I couldn't help but recall the saying, "A roll call outside Donghua Gate will make you a good man."

After slowly standing upright, he took the edict into his hand.

Looking at the edict in his hand, Xu Hanliang showed a trace of determination on his face.

This is the end, but also a new beginning.

This chapter has been completed!
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