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Chapter Ten Difficult Cases

Xu Hanliang used to love watching movies and TV dramas such as "Detective Di Renjie" and "The Punisher of the Song Dynasty", but this was the first time he encountered such a murder case in real life.

Whether it is modern times or the Song Dynasty, lawsuits involving human life are not trivial matters.

Coupled with the pressure from his boss, Jiang Wen was obviously in trouble.

Judging from the facts of the case, this case is actually not complicated.

But if Jiang Wen can continue to investigate despite pressure, it can be seen that he must have discovered something fishy.

While talking, everyone was already walking towards the widow's house.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Xu Hanliang simply followed behind them.

Jiang Xin'er was not at all afraid of the murder, and actually went to the widow's house together.

In the widow's house.

It was even colder inside the room than outside.

Several large ice cubes were placed in the corner of the room, exuding bursts of cold air, but Xu Hanliang couldn't help but wrap himself tightly.

Lifting the white cloth in front of him, a corpse came into view.

"Sir, we have checked many times and it is true that he hanged himself to death. There is no sign of poisoning."

Wu Zuo stepped forward and said respectfully.

It was already winter, and the body had been left in the widow's house for several days without any change.

Although Xu Hanliang was not familiar with this scholar named Qian, he still had some impressions in his memory.

He is quite modest, but he is not very good at dealing with others, and his tongue tends to be clumsy.

I always stayed at home to read books, and would not attend even poetry gatherings held by some literati and poets.

Looking at Scholar Qian, who had a slightly ferocious expression and obvious rope marks on his neck, Xu Hanliang couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

But the more he looked at the scholar Qian in front of him, the more Xu Hanliang felt that something was wrong.

"The case should be closed. Let him rest in peace. As an elder, I am fully responsible."

Officer Qian looked at Scholar Qian in front of him and subconsciously took two steps back.

Then, he looked like an elder and sighed slowly.

"Then let's close the case."

Jiang Wen nodded and had no choice but to do so.

"Sir, there must be something fishy about this matter."

Xu Hanliang, who was still staring at the corpse, stood up at this moment.

Xu Hanliang is quite eye-catching among the crowd. After all, with his height of 1.8 meters and elegant temperament, he is a bit out of tune with the people around him.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Xu Hanliang.

"Who are you?"

The cashier frowned and his tone was a bit unkind.

"This Mr. Xu saved my little girl this morning and he is considered my benefactor."

Before Xu Hanliang could answer, Jiang Wen made an introduction.

Upon hearing Jiang Wen's introduction, Qian Yuanwai had a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He sneered: "Now that the county magistrate has announced that the case has been closed, what do you have to say?"

However, Xu Hanliang ignored Mr. Qian and asked Jiang Wen: "Sir Jiang, actually I don't know something. Why is it so reluctant to close the case?"

Jiang Wen was stunned for a moment and then said: "Because the stool we found at the scene was very low. If Scholar Qian had hung himself on the stool, he would have to jump at least a foot and a half."

After hearing this, Xu Hanliang also understood the reason why Jiang Wen was unwilling to close the case.

A foot in the Northern Song Dynasty was about thirty centimeters.

This foot and a half is at least half a meter.

Unless Scholar Qian is insane, why would he take such a difficult approach to commit suicide?

"Who knows? After all, they were not at the scene. Is this evidence?"

Officer Qian took over the conversation and asked a question.

It was precisely because this could not be used as evidence that Jiang Wen found it difficult.

If Scholar Qian is taken away today, this case will become an unsolved case and will be sealed in the file.

"Master Jiang, I have another question. Where did you find this work? If you have time, try another one."

Xu Hanliang turned his eyes to the young man beside him and continued.

When Wu Zuo on the side heard this, his face was full of anger: "What do you mean?"

"Can't you see? The man in front of you did not hang himself to death, but was hung on a rope after death."

Xu Hanliang said calmly.

"How, how, is this possible? It's nonsense!"

The young man was slightly stunned, not believing Xu Hanliang's words at all.

"If he hanged himself to death, his skin would be blue, his face would be ferocious, and the blood vessels in his eyeballs would burst."

"This book makes life and death more peaceful than when you sleep. Are you telling me that this book is for hanging?"

Xu Hanliang snorted lightly, but did not show any respect to the man.

After all, if I hadn't been here today, I guess this case would have been forgotten.

Seeing the panicked look on the young man's face, Jiang Wendang knew that what Xu Hanliang said was indeed true.

He immediately said: "To be honest, the old man passed away a few days ago, and this new man is his grandson..."

He originally thought that although this new gangster was indeed a rogue in the past, he had learned some of his grandfather's skills.

But I never thought that I couldn't even tell the difference between a person who hanged himself and someone who committed suicide.

As a history teacher, Xu Hanliang also likes to find some ancient books to read.

He even dabbled in Song Ci's "The Cleansing of Wrongs" and naturally remembered many autopsy methods.

"Then tell me, how did this scholar die?"

The young man wanted to regain some face, so he asked a question.

"If your guess is correct, it should be poisoning."

Xu Hanliang thought for a moment and then said.

After the young man heard what Xu Hanliang said, he sarcastically said: "Poisoning? I have already tested it with a silver needle. How could it be poisoning?"

Xu Hanliang looked at Wu Zuo and said coldly: "Who told you that silver needles can detect all poisons? They can only detect arsenic, right?"

Xu Hanliang didn't like this work at all.

He himself is not very skilled, and he only relied on his seniors in the family to reach such a position.

Fraud is a highly technical industry, and if something goes wrong, it will inevitably result in an unjust, false, or wrongful conviction.

To put it bluntly, in this kind of profession, doing nothing but doing nothing is treating human life with indifference.

"Scratches can be clearly seen on his chest. He should have scratched them himself. There are many oleanders in Changzhou, so it is most likely caused by oleander poisoning..."

Xu Hanliang opened his mouth slowly and listed the symptoms one by one.

After saying these words, the young man who was still arrogant at first became completely silent.

"I just heard from the official that you should be the first one to discover the body. According to what you said, you should have been visiting your parents' house and heading to Suzhou in the past two days, so you have an alibi."

Xu Hanliang said and walked to the beautiful woman.

At this time, the beautiful woman's eyes were a little evasive and she nodded.

"Then where are you?"

Xu Hanliang suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, Mr. Qian.

When Officer Qian heard this, his face changed and he was furious: "How dare you, a humble citizen, question me?"

"Executive Qian, this matter is related to the case. If not, just tell the truth."

Jiang Wen's general Xu Hanliang was so thoughtful that when he saw that the case had clues, he might as well let him interrogate him.

This chapter has been completed!
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