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Chapter Thirteen Changshu Academy

The county next door that Sun Chengde mentioned was naturally referring to Wu County, which is also under the jurisdiction of Pingjiang Prefecture.

At the beginning, Xu Youdao held the position of county magistrate in Wu County.

Although it can't be said that he is working hard, it can be said that he is just sitting there and just thinking about how to climb up all day long.

Only then did Xu Hanliang remember his past grudges with Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng and his predecessor both studied at Changshu Academy, so it can be said that they are classmates.

But because of the old Xu County Magistrate, although his predecessor could not study well, he was still very successful in the academy.

After a long time, Zhou Heng inevitably felt some resentment in his heart.

Now that his family was in decline, Zhou Heng could be said to be feeling proud, so he found an opportunity to ridicule himself.

Thinking of this reason, Xu Hanliang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

He has seen narrow-minded people, but he has never seen such a small-minded person.

But from his words, it can be seen that the relationship between Lao Xu and the former chief clerk was not very good.

Xu Hanliang himself is big-hearted and doesn't care about such small episodes in life.

"Lang Jun, now that you have recovered from your serious illness, it is best not to go to the academy for the time being."

The young mother hesitated in her heart. Thinking of Zhou Heng's threat just now, she couldn't help but worry about her husband.

"If you are still bored at home, then go to the academy and have a look."

Xu Hanliang didn't pay much attention and smiled.

During this period, Xu Hanliang had not returned to the academy for a long time due to his illness.

The official education in the Northern Song Dynasty was already in decline, and because the imperial court allowed the imperial government to run schools, academies sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

The increasing scale of imperial examinations has also greatly enhanced the status of academies.

It is said to be an academy, but it is very different from a modern school.

The main task is for students to delve into poems and songs on their own, and the teacher only plays the role of "showing them from the beginning and correcting them to the end."

Generally speaking, it serves as an academic exchange and gives scholars a place to talk.

Now that he no longer has to worry about money, Xu Hanliang naturally looks for opportunities to make progress in this era.

All the way home, the young mother felt sorry for the few cents she had spent on this meal.

In the past, this tael of silver would have been enough for him and Xu Hanliang to live comfortably for two months.

The east is white.

Last night, with the help of his mother-in-law, Xu Hanliang made two kilograms of MSG again.

Now that they already have a regular buyer, they just need to make it.

Xu Hanliang originally wanted to hire someone to make it, but because she was worried that the secret recipe would be leaked and waste of money, she took over the task herself.

Compared with starching clothes in the cold winter months, making MSG is obviously much easier.

Xu Hanliang returned home after running twice outside.

Li Zhongwen was already waiting at the door, and he actually rented a carriage again today.

Yesterday Xu Hanliang sent a message asking Li Zhongwen to go to the academy with him.

Unlike Xu Hanliang, Li Zhongwen was bored with the academy.

Rather than staying in the academy to study, he still prefers to make friends outside.

In his eyes, reading is not about reading, it is about human nature.

"Mr. Lang, please be careful on the road. And remember to tell me the story of Journey to the West tonight."

The young girl's small body was waving her hands, and she seemed to be a little reluctant to leave her husband.

"Journey to the West? What is it?"

Li Zhongwen in the car couldn't help but be puzzled when he heard this.

Xu Hanliang smiled softly and changed the topic to other things.

When he had nothing to do last night, Xu Hanliang told his young mother some stories from Journey to the West that he remembered.

The stories about Sun Wukong causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace, Zhu Bajie forcibly selling the Book of Life and Death, and Tang Monk beating the Bone Demon three times were adapted and told to the young mother.

The young mother was fascinated by what she heard. Even before going to bed, she wanted to stay in Xu Hanliang's room and listen to his stories.

If Xu Hanliang hadn't made an excuse to come to the academy today, he would have been teased to death by his young mother.

As the largest college in Changshu, Changshu Academy is not entirely privately run, but is led by the county government.

The location of the academy is not too far away. It is only one street away from the county government office, about a few hundred meters.

It is built with green bricks and gray tiles and is located in a bamboo forest, giving it a quiet feel.

There are hundreds of students in the entire academy, but there are not many permanent residents. Only those who travel a long way or come to study will live here.

Groups of Lunjin scholars could be seen at the door, and they were full of talk.

Although Pingjiang Prefecture is well-known because of its developed economy, Changshu Academy is not considered outstanding.

Those who can truly learn are not the majority.

Most of them hang around in the Qin Tower and Chu Pavilion, and they are just messed up existences.

The two of them had just gotten off the carriage, and many people's eyes were focused on Xu Hanliang.

There were also scholars present in the Red Mansion yesterday, so what happened yesterday was spread in the academy.

Most people expressed sympathy for what happened to Xu Hanliang, so they sided with Xu Hanliang.

Although it was impossible for the scholars of the Song Dynasty to go to the battlefield to fight, each of them was more talkative than the last.

When the country was founded, there was an ancestral motto not to kill officials. Even in this generation, there has been no change.

In the mouths of these scholars, Lao Xu seems to be portrayed as a hero who is not afraid of power.

Coupled with the spread of the saying "No one has died since ancient times, his loyalty will be remembered by history", which makes many people think that he is a gentleman.

Since Xu Hanliang has been praised, one of them will naturally be stepped down.

Zhou Heng's nickname of being small-minded and narrow-minded began to spread among the academy.

As soon as he entered the academy, Xu Hanliang found many students surrounding the stone table not far away.

And an old man with gray hair and a childlike face was sitting in front of the stone table, playing chess with a young scholar.

The old man's face looked calm and calm, but the scholar opposite him scratched his head and ears anxiously because of the defeat in the chess game.

Hearing the discussions among the scholars around him, Xu Hanliang finally knew what had happened.

This old man lives nearby, and because he has free time, he comes to the school from time to time to play chess with students.

I don’t know who this old man is, but even the headmaster of the academy is extremely polite to him.

This prompted many students to take the lead in signing up to play chess.

But although most students have dabbled in Go, none of them can beat this old man.

In addition, the old man's chess game was quite sinister, which caused many students to secretly abuse the old man behind his back.

But the old man's face was impregnable, and he didn't care even when faced with the abuse from the students.

As the scholar surrendered, the chess game came to an end.

"There really is no one in Changshu Academy who has the strength."

The old man sighed slowly, and these words made the scholars around him excited.

Just scold him and bring him to the academy. This is obviously a large-scale AOE!

"I'll try."

Xu Hanliang's voice sounded.

This chapter has been completed!
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