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Chapter 36: The First Township Examination

The content of the rural examination is very different from that of the general examination, and there are three subjects in total.

Classical meanings, poetry, and policy theory.

As for the meaning of the scriptures, the most important thing is actually to memorize them by rote.

The answer is there, and as long as you copy it according to the answer, there will most likely be no problem.

In fact, it is similar to modern composition, but it mainly examines the Four Books and Five Classics.

Regarding this aspect, after Xu Hanliang made corrections for this period of time, it is actually not a big problem.

But relatively speaking, this should be his weakest subject.

The second is poetry.

Poetry and Fu naturally do not mean asking people to compose a poem or a poem.

In what age are you still doing traditional prose?

In the Song Dynasty, it refers to a poem and a word.

This is quite high among the ratings.

The main reason is also because today's saint likes these things.

The imperial examination itself is about acquiring literary and military skills and selling them to the emperor's family.

Because of this, folk poetry is now popular and the literary world is relatively prosperous.

Relatively speaking, policy theory is the most difficult of the three exams.

But in Xu Hanliang's opinion, there should be no problem with him unless there is any major mistake.

In the next two days, Xu Hanliang did not have a long talk with Han Shizhong, but locked himself in the study.

On the third day, Xu Hanliang got up early and woke up Li Zhongwen.

The examination place is Hangzhou Gongyuan, located next to the West Lake with pleasant scenery.

"Xu Hanliang, are you here again?"

As soon as he arrived at Gongyuan, Xu Hanliang heard an evil voice.

Xu Hanliang tilted his head slightly and found that the person speaking was none other than Hou Gu.

Next to Hou Gu were several talented people from Tianyi Academy, all of whom looked at Xu Hanliang with a somewhat unkind look.

"What do you mean I'm here again? Is this your first time here?"

Xu Hanliang chuckled.

Xu Hanliang was really bored with Hou Gu, just like a dog-skin plaster that he couldn't get rid of.

"Don't think that if you have a little bit of talent in poetry, you may still be cheating and you can pass the examination."

"I advise you to go back early and think about how to see your old father off."

Hou Gu's words were harsh and harsh, and he obviously wanted to provoke Xu Hanliang by saying these words.

"Of course I will return these words in the same way. You don't have to worry about me. You should worry about yourself."

Xu Hanliang chuckled.

"Congratulations to Wei Cheng, I had a chance encounter with the young master last time. Do you remember it?"

Just when Xu Hanliang was about to turn around and leave, another man came forward.

"I have indeed heard something. Is there anything going on with Mr. Wei?"

Since the other person took the initiative to say hello, Xu Hanliang had no choice but to give him face.

"I just want to say that the imperial examination relies on true ability, not the ability to attract hawks and swallows."

Wei Chenghe chuckled lightly and spoke immediately.

Hearing this, Xu Hanliang felt slightly cold at first, and then thought of Li Shishi.

It’s not that one family doesn’t enter the same school, or that one type of person doesn’t enter the same academy.

Xu Hanliang originally thought that Hou Gu's chicken intestines were too much, but he didn't expect that Wei Chenghe would go even further.

"It's useless to talk too much, so let's wait and see. The two of you will go in first."

Xu Hanliang didn't waste any time and entered the Gongyuan first.

At this time, there were many people in the Gongyuan.

Before the exam begins, you must undergo a strict search, and even most of your clothes must be taken off.

Within the Gongyuan, the examination place is also divided into small compartments one after another.

Although the imperial examinations in the previous dynasties were considered strict, they were not as strict as those in the Song Dynasty.

Although the imperial examination had been invented a long time ago, it was not until the Song Dynasty that the imperial examination truly became a tool for ordinary scholars to turn themselves around.

First of all, within the imperial court, there were few nobles who controlled the government, so even poor scholars entered the court.

After entering one of the compartments, it didn't take long for pens, ink, paper and inkstones to be brought up.

As the gong was sounded before the exam, the exam was already in progress.

Xu Hanliang looked at the test paper in his hand, and Xu Hanliang also had some memories of the questions above.

At the beginning, there were just some recitation questions of the Four Books and Five Classics that emphasized memorization.

What makes Xu Hanliang feel a little puzzled is that this year's questions seem to be more difficult than your previous questions.

But it's understandable, after all, this is not a formal examination, but an encore.

In terms of admission rate, it is definitely lower than that of the main examination.

Although many of the questions are within the Four Books and Five Classics, the test questions are also some peripheral questions in the Four Books and Five Classics.

Although he couldn't see the appearance of other candidates, Xu Hanliang could guess them.

Faced with such a question, most candidates must be pulling their hair and secretly regretting why they didn't memorize this point.

The following questions are based on the meaning of the classics. Many interpretations of the classics are also mentioned in Wang Anshi's book.

Unlike other candidates, Xu Hanliang had already answered all the questions in less than an hour.

After finishing answering the questions, Xu Hanliang respectfully handed the test paper in his hand to the examiner.

The time limit for the first exam was one morning, but Xu Hanliang had already finished writing in an hour, which really puzzled the examiner.

Although the examiner also wanted to take a look at Xu Hanliang's test paper, he did not have such power at all.

Once the test paper is submitted, it will be sealed and then handed over to the examiner for review.

After the exam, Xu Hanliang walked out of Gongyuan first.

But after Xu Hanliang walked out of the Gongyuan, he found that he was the first to walk out of the Gongyuan.

Of course, in this era, there will be no reporters holding the microphone and asking how they feel about this exam, or whether they have confidence.

Most people regarded Xu Hanliang as an uneducated person and walked out without even finishing the questions.

The correction of the test papers can be carried out this afternoon, and tomorrow morning, the first results will be released.

There was still an hour left, and Xu Hanliang walked around the West Lake first.

Compared with the West Lake of later generations, the current West Lake is larger and the natural scenery is more perfectly preserved.

Not far from the lake, Jinshan Zen Temple is still standing.

Stepping into it, there is no trace of water-covered golden mountains. There are only old monks reciting scriptures and young monks caring about the bustle outside the window.

The story of The Legend of White Snake had already taken shape at this time, and the plan to earn a royalties from The Legend of White Snake was basically in vain.

After wandering around for a few times, Xu Hanliang felt hungry and the time had come, so he walked back outside the Gongyuan.

In the Gongyuan, the students filed out, some with annoyed expressions and some with happy expressions.

However, due to the difficulty of this question, there were still many people with annoyed expressions.

"Although the questions this time are a bit unfamiliar, most of them are quite familiar. They are not difficult or difficult."

Among the many students, the boastful Wei Chenghe obviously attracted the most attention.

This chapter has been completed!
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