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Chapter 68 Finding Clues

"Tell me, could it be some monster, or some powerful real person who cast a spell and used the cosmic moving technique to move the silver away?"

While Xu Hanliang was listening to the county magistrate's story, the water transport officer suddenly interrupted.

Regarding what the water transport officer said, Xu Hanliang just rolled his eyes.

Why do monsters want money? Eat it?

If there were a real Taoist priest with such great ability, and he could just show up in front of Duke Hunde, I would probably give him the country.

"Are you changing the subject?"

Xu Hanliang suddenly looked at the water transport officer and smiled coldly.

When the water transportation officer heard this, he was slightly stunned at first, and then a hint of anger appeared: "You crazy guy, how dare you spit on others!"

"If it's not the case, then don't say such impossible things."

Xu Hanliang continued.


The water transportation officer flicked his sleeves and said coldly.

Xu Hanliang looked at the water transport officer's micro-expression at that moment and felt that it didn't seem to be fake.

It seems that this matter has nothing to do with the Water Transport Officer, otherwise his acting skills would be a bit too outrageous.

In fact, the water transport officer is the one who is most worried now. Many of his water transport soldiers have been killed. If the murderer cannot be found this time and the money cannot be recovered, then he will definitely be the first to take the blame.

Therefore, he is suspected of committing theft and can basically be deleted.

"By the way, Mr. Water Transport Officer, did you notice anything unusual when you were on the ship?"

Xu Hanliang's tone softened.

The water transportation officer who was still a little angry at first didn't want to answer, but in the end he shook his head: "I didn't find anything abnormal. Once I entered Changshu, everything was normal."

After finishing speaking, the water transportation officer suddenly said: "If there is something abnormal, it should be that the box is heavier than usual."


Hearing this, Xu Hanliang couldn't help but be a little confused.

Normally, if there is less silver, it should be lighter, but it is a bit confusing that it is heavier.

"Your Excellency, County Magistrate, I want to take a look at the crime scene. Let Mr. Xing come with me."

Xu Hanliang continued.

The county magistrate was slightly startled and said: "In that case, there is nothing wrong with it."

Xu Hanliang had just left, and the water transport officer's expression changed.

"Look at what nonsense this kid said. He actually suspects me of persisting in stealing?"

The water transport official then said angrily.

"This kid seems to have some ability. What he said just now was actually to test you."

The chief catcher on the side smiled softly.


The shipping officer was confused.

"Lord Water Transport Officer, to be honest, when I first met you, I also included you as a suspect, but I can't say more. This guy also dispelled my suspicion of you."

The chief catcher then said.

Unlike the water transport officer, he had seen Xu Hanliang's "Resolution of Wrongs".

When he first got "The Record of Cleansing Wrongs", he was already reading it daily.

To a certain extent, he can even be regarded as a little fan of Xu Hanliang.

Although it is about arresting a head, many contents in "The Record of Clearing Wrongs" are of great help to the investigation of the case.

He even solved several cases with "The Clearing of Wrongs".

When the water transport officer heard this, his face looked a little better.

Accompanied by Capt. Xing, Xu Hanliang soon arrived at his destination.

This is a dense reed marsh. Although it has been cut down, it is still very hidden from view.

Even those who are familiar with the nature of water may become water ghosts if they are accidentally caught by aquatic plants in the water.

Nowadays, in this reed marsh, there are still many people who are familiar with water properties, salvaging official silver, and many Changshu people are watching the excitement.

If there were not many officers and soldiers here, it is estimated that the people watching would turn into underwater athletes and sneak into the reed swamp to see if they could have a life of wealth.

However, after such a long period of salvage, they still only recovered a few hundred taels of silver.

Compared to that million taels, it is almost negligible.

After seeing Capt. Xing, some officers came up to say hello.

"Have you discovered anything?"

Captain Xing asked after greeting everyone.

"Some scraps of gunpowder were found in the water, but other than that, basically nothing else was found."

After the police officers heard this, they said helplessly.

Xu Hanliang walked along the river, looking for traces on the ground.

"Why are there so many stones in the water? I thought they were silver just now."

After a sailor came out of the water, he shook his naked body and said helplessly.

Hearing this, Xu Hanliang walked forward with some doubts: "Are there many stones in the water?"

The sailor looked at Xu Hanliang's clothes and knew that he was no ordinary person. He immediately replied: "Yes, they are all stones. Normally, there should not be too many stones in the water at this season."

The sailor scratched his head in confusion. After all, the spring floods had not yet started at this time of year, so it was unlikely that the gravel in the river would rush over.

"How big are those rocks?"

Xu Hanliang then asked.

"It's probably only the size of an ordinary egg, and the size is still very consistent. It's really strange."

The sailor then replied.

After saying this, he continued to jump back into the river and started fishing.

If these sailors salvage silver coins, they will actually be rewarded.

One of the reasons why they were naked was that they were worried that they would secretly hide the money.

"By the way, are those boxes still there?"

Xu Hanliang shouted towards Mr. Xing in the distance.

Xing Baotou immediately replied: "Those are all evidences, and they are naturally in the Yamen."

Just when the two were about to return to the Yamen, a piece of news suddenly came through.

Those who robbed the official ship last night have been caught, and they were some Jurchens.

After hearing the word Jurchen, Xu Hanliang frowned again.

Because two days ago, there was a Jurchen in the house.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the county government office.

At this time, more than a dozen people were being tied up by Wuhua Da, and more than a dozen soldiers were pressing them to the ground.

And Xu Hanliang also saw a familiar figure among the soldiers, Han Shizhong.

"Brother Shizhong, what a coincidence."

Xu Hanliang didn't think much, he cupped his fists and stepped forward and said.

"Brother Ziyou, we came here specially from Hangzhou for reinforcements. Who knew we met these thieves and caught them."

Han Shizhong was surprised to see the familiar figure and replied.

This chapter has been completed!
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