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Chapter 52 Appeasement

Luo Qingzhi and Yang Shen left Zhou's house. Before she could ask, Yang Shen took the initiative and said, "In order to prevent Zhou Jing from changing his story, I will write up the confession this afternoon and have him sign it."

"You may not get a confession." Luo Qingzhi said.

"Why?" Yang Shen asked, "Do you think Zhou Shangshu will not let him tell the truth?"

Luo Qingzhi looked at him without explaining, implicitly acknowledging the matter.

Yang Shen glanced at Luo Qingzhi and smiled, "You seem to have expected this a long time ago. Tell me, what is your next move?"

"Yesterday, the doctor who initially treated Zhou Jing was mine."

Luo Qingzhi's casual words made Yang Shen instantly understand, "So, you have the pulse of Mr. Zhou."


"People are also protected by you." Yang Shen continued to ask.


"Okay." Yang Shen nodded, "It's no use worrying."

Luo Qingzhi chuckled, "I don't see how worried you are?"

Yang Shen pointed to his heart and said, "I'm worried."

Luo Qingzhi didn't want to continue this conversation and had already taken a few steps.

"Wait a minute," Yang Shen caught up with her and seemed a little hesitant. After waiting for a while, he said, "There is something, I'd better tell you."

Yang Shen said: "This morning, I went to the cell to find Mr. Luo. His locks were obviously tampered with. I would like to remind you that Jingzhao Mansion is not that safe, so you should not do certain things."

Luo Qingzhi's eyes were blurred and she asked: "You mean I sent people to try to rob the prison?"

"That's what I thought this morning. However, I heard that you have already prepared your next move, so I just reminded you." Yang Shen's tone was gentle.

"It's not me." Luo Qingzhi said, "I didn't do this, and it's not necessary."

Yang Shen did not continue to speak, but he still kept staring at her. Luo Qingzhi understood what he meant and said, "I will pay attention."

Luo Qingzhi got on her horse, twitched the reins, and arrived at Baili Mansion.

She had just entered the study, and Baili Xi and Baili Han also happened to go to court. They were wearing red court clothes, highlighting their identities.

Luo Qingzhi stepped forward and helped Baili Xi sit down. Baili Xi took off his official hat. She suddenly noticed that he seemed to have a few more white hairs.

"Qingqing, you guessed it right. Yuan Jijiu and a group of people joined forces to ginseng you." Bailihan said.

Baili Xi added: "Zhou Shangshu is taking care of his son at home. Before he went to court, he did not participate in your visit, and neither did anyone from the Jin family."

"Jin Zijue didn't interfere with me?" Luo Qingzhi was a little surprised and said: "The Jin family suffered such a big hidden loss last time, but this time they didn't take action..."

Baili Xi took a sip of tea and said, "It's understandable. Although His Majesty didn't punish him for what happened last time, transferring Jin Ziji to Yizhou was also a warning. They were right not to get involved this time.


Luo Qingzhi nodded, "My grandma said, don't think about the Jin family first, let's talk about this matter."

"Tell me." Bailihan said.

Luo Qingzhi took Zhou Jing's pulse file from her arms and handed it to Baili Xi.

"Zhou Jing is actually only slightly injured," Luo Qingzhi said.

"Slightly injured?" Bailihan was a little surprised and asked, "There are rumors that his life is in danger."

After Baili Xi finished reading it, he handed it to Bai Lihan and said, "So, you guess, Zhou Jing knows the inside story of the Xia Ji case."

Luo Qingzhi smiled and began to admire her nephew from the bottom of her heart, but with just a few words, she could guess her thoughts.

"I just came back from Zhou Mansion. Although I didn't ask anything, they must be in contact." Luo Qingzhi said.

Bailihan asked: "Then what are you going to do next?"

"...wait." Luo Qingzhi said.

After leaving Baili Mansion, Luo Qingzhi rushed to the Criminal Department.

Xia Ji has been taken off the shackles on his hands and feet, and he seems to be in better spirits, with the pride of a scholar.

Almost came back.

"I met the princess."

Luo Qingzhi nodded and said, "Mr. Xia looks a lot more energetic."

Xia Ji said: "I still have to thank the princess."

"If you hadn't resisted so many punishments, there would be no use for me to come." Luo Qingzhi didn't want to take credit, "So, in the end, you still have to thank yourself."

Xia Ji smiled slightly, "The princess is different from the rumors."

Luo Qingzhi was a little curious and asked: "What am I like in the rumors?"

"Killing is decisive and unkind." Xia Ji said directly.

Luo Qingzhi shook her head, "I didn't expect it to be like this."

Xia Ji was not good at words, and when Luo Qingzhi didn't speak, he didn't speak either. At this time, both of them fell into silence.

Luo Qingzhi said: "Since you are fine, I will leave first."

"Isn't the princess here to ask something?" Xia Ji asked.

Luo Qingzhi grinned, "What do you think I should ask, sir?"


Seeing Xia Ji's silence, Luo Qingzhi retracted her joking expression and said seriously: "Sir, are you willing to speak?"


It was the same situation as expected, but Luo Qingzhi was not expecting it. She said gently but firmly: "I will find the truth."

Outside the prison cell of the Criminal Department, Qin Shu came to look for Luo Qingzhi.

Luo Qingzhi walked down the stone steps, saw Qin Shu, and asked, "Is there any result?"


Luo Qingzhi looked around and felt unsafe, so she said, "Go back and talk."

When returning to the Princess's Mansion, Luo Chen also happened to be back.

Luo Qingzhi said: "Let's go to the study room together."

Qin Shu said: "Master, I found out that Yuan Jijiu fell seriously ill three years ago and was bedridden for three months. Later, he recovered almost overnight."

"Have you got the pulse case?" Luo Qingzhi asked.

Qin Shu handed over several pulse records, "Here they are."

Luo Qingzhi took the thing, took a brief look at it, but didn't see anything, and said, "Find someone to send it to Yaowang Valley on a fast horse."


Seeing Qin Shu finish his report, Luo Chen said, "After the disbandment of the dynasty, Jin Zijue returned home directly, and there was nothing unusual.".br

"Why does the master want to check Jin Zijue?" Qin Shu asked.

Luo Qingzhi said: "Even if I have some doubts, I'll send someone to keep an eye on it, and then you can help me check something out."

"What's the matter?" Luo Chen said.

Luo Qingzhi told her what Yang Shen told her that morning.

"Master suspects the second young master?" Luo Chen asked.

"No." Luo Qingzhi shook her head, "I'm just a little worried."


In Jingzhao Mansion Prison, Gao Zhen had been hesitating whether to tell Luo Qingzhi that Shu Yuan was still alive.

While he was still struggling, the pawn who came to deliver food woke him up.

"It's time to eat."

Gao Zhen stood up and took the job. At the same time, the man inserted a note.

Gao Zhen took the note, turned his back and opened it, with only a brief sentence.

"Admit that I hurt Zhou Jing."

There was no signature, but Gao Zhen subconsciously believed that this note was written by Shu Yuan.

Gao Zhen crumpled the note into a ball, threw it aside, covered his head, and muttered to himself: "Why can't you let me go?"

Luo Qingzhi in the princess's palace was ordered to enter the palace again by an oral order.

Walking from the palace gate to Xuanyang Palace, Luo Qingzhi looked at the palace people passing by and began to murmur in a low voice. She didn't pay attention at first, but gradually she became curious.

Huang Si was leading the way, and he naturally saw this situation. He turned around and whispered: "Princess, the fact that you were supervising the Luo students in Guozi has been spread to the palace."

Luo Qingzhi said "Oh", understanding in her heart.

Walking to the entrance of Xuanyang Palace, Huang Si said: "Your Highness, please go in. Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time."

"Okay, thank you, father-in-law."

The guards on the left and right pushed open the door, and the smell of medicine that hit her nostrils made Luo Qingzhi couldn't help but frown.

Walking into Nuan Pavilion, Gao Yan closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground with a Buddhist bead in his right hand. When he heard a noise, he slowly opened his eyes and said:


Luo Qingzhi also sat down cross-legged. She looked at the objects in front of her, including the incense burner, Buddhist scriptures, and the red brocade box.

"I guess it's been a long time since I last saw you, and you've already begun to believe in Buddhism?" Luo Qingzhi asked.

"Buddhist scriptures can always tell us many truths." Gao Yan said softly. When he raised his eyes, the two looked at each other. Gao Yan said, "For example, Buddhism believes that the cause of the past life is the result of the current life. What do you think, Aluo?


Luo Qingzhi looked Gao Yan in the eyes and said, "Buddhism certainly has its truth, but I prefer the principle that man can conquer heaven."

Gao Yan smiled and asked, "Has there been any result on Xia Ji's case?"

"Three days." Luo Qingzhi answered affirmatively, "Within three days, everything will be answered."

Gao Yan raised his head and said, "Three days. Three days later will be the second day of February. The examiner of this year's imperial examination will announce it on that day."

Luo Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

"What do you want to do?" Gao Yan asked.

"I want to let everyone know the court's determination." Luo Qingzhi said.

Gao Yan grinned, "What determination?"

Luo Qingzhi didn't shy away from anything and said directly: "Isn't this year's examiner Cheng Zhiji, Mr. Cheng?"

Gao Yan asked softly: "Don't you think that you are indirectly telling me that you have placed someone next to me?"

The beads in Gao Yan's hand stopped spinning, and the surroundings suddenly fell into an inexplicable silence.

"Your Majesty, is it interesting for you to blow me up like this?" Luo Qingzhi said calmly, "You obviously released this news for me to find out."

Gao Yan put down the prayer beads and sighed deeply, "It would be great if you really put someone beside me, otherwise, it would be so difficult to give me news every time."

Luo Qingzhi shook her head and did not want to continue this topic, "Mr. Cheng was born in a poor family, but he has earned such fame. This time, Xia Ji's matter came first and slapped the poor family, but the examiner of the imperial examination again

Choosing Mr. Cheng, who comes from a poor family, will not only appease the hearts of the poor family, but also prevent the black hands behind the scenes from figuring out your thoughts, so they will eagerly use Xia Ji to test the Holy Will."

Gao Yan nodded, "That's right, A Luo, you must always remember to use your strength to gain strength."

"I understand." Luo Qingzhi said.

Luo Qingzhi left, and Huang Si came in. He saw that the emperor, who had not been happy for several days, was so happy after seeing Luo Qingzhi that he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Your Highness the Princess is really awesome. I only met you for a while and talked to you for a while, but now I am very happy."

Gao Yan did not refute, but said silently: "They are really similar."
This chapter has been completed!
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