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Chapter 55 Breaking the Game

Luo Qingzhi in the palace was very relaxed, but Gao Zhen, who heard the news outside the palace, was a little restless.

He found Fan Li and asked anxiously, "Master, are we really doing nothing?"

Fan Li felt helpless and shook his head, with a bit of disappointment in his tone, "Xianyun, do urgent things later. You must understand this truth."

"Master, I don't understand. Your Majesty has never been like this before. I'm worried because of my affairs." Gao Zhen said.

Fan Li said: "You said yourself that His Majesty has never been like this. Then have you ever thought about why His Majesty did this?"

Under Fan Li's guidance, Gao Zhen began to think about this series of things.

He has lived in the palace for eighteen years. Although he has never seen Gao Yan act with his own eyes, he has heard from others that although he is decisive in killing, he is not a faint king. In addition, he has never trusted Luo Qingzhi.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that maybe Gao Yan would not hurt her. He looked at Fan Li and said, "Maybe your majesty wants to create an illusion?"

"Keep talking." Fan Li nodded.

Gao Zhen said: "The series of cases in the Imperial College seem simple and clear, but after careful study, there are countless clues behind them.

However, no matter which direction it is, it is currently connected with Aluo, so for His Majesty, Aluo is a breakthrough."

Fan Li nodded, a little helpless, "Look, don't you analyze things very clearly?"

Gao Zhen already felt confident, but he still couldn't bear to worry, "That person is A Luo. I can't make a calm analysis."

"No matter who it is," Fan Li said seriously, "In the future, no matter whose problem you encounter, you must calm down and analyze it carefully. If you mess up, others will also be at a loss."

Gao Zhen nodded, "Yes, I understand."

Fan Li took a breath, his tone became gentle, and guided again, asking: "Now, you know everything yourself.

So tell me, what is hidden behind this?"

Gao Zhen lowered his head, thinking about all the recent events in his mind.

At the same time, changes quietly occurred in the palace. After Luo Qingzhi was placed under "house arrest," the first person to knock on the door of Xianyang Palace was Shu

The imperial concubine who once submitted the message to Luo Qingzhi.

Gao Yan is not greedy for pleasure, and there are not many concubines in the harem. Except for the queen and Concubine Shu who are often summoned, Gao Yan estimates that the other concubines

Ji doesn't even know his name.

When Gao Yan saw that the visitor was Concubine Shu, he was still a little surprised. He stopped reading the memorial and asked, "Why are you here?"

Concubine Shu's voice was choked with sobs, "Your Majesty, I think the princess was just confused for a moment, please don't blame her."

Gao Yan asked back: "Do you know what crime the princess committed and why I wanted to punish her."

"Although I don't know what the princess has done to annoy your majesty, your majesty understands that the princess is loyal, and the princess is loyal.

The Lord is getting married next month." Concubine Shu said.

Gao Yan sneered and said, "Then tell me how you knew that the princess wanted to get married. I remember that I haven't issued the decree yet."

Concubine Shu suddenly panicked and said hesitantly: "Here, the princess's husband has been chosen. I am thinking that the wedding is coming soon..."

Gao Zhen did not press the question, but said calmly: "After I ascended the throne, you entered the palace. In the past ten years, you have been with me. Originally,

I also like you for this post, but... since when..."

The sudden pause made Concubine Shu think about whether she should say something, but before she could confirm her idea, Gao Yan's voice came again,

A tea bowl was also thrown at his feet.

"Tell me, who is the person you put next to me?"

Gao Zhen's tone was calm, but Concubine Shu was so frightened that she knelt down and begged for mercy.

"No, Your Majesty, no."

Gao Zhen had no patience to listen to her explanation and asked again: "Who is it?"



Concubine Shu cried and said: "Yes..."

"His Majesty!"

Before waiting for Concubine Shu's answer, Huang Si knelt on the ground and whispered, "It was a slave who sent a message to Concubine Shu."

Gao Yan couldn't believe what he heard. Huang Si had been with Gao Yan since he was a child. He was like a father and a brother to him.

"Say it again!" Gao Yan got angry, stood up, and said, "Please tell me clearly, was it you? It was you who told Concubine Shu the news? Who else did you tell it to? Huh?"

Huang Si stopped talking and kowtowed silently. After a while, blood stains appeared on the gold bricks, and Concubine Shu who was kneeling beside her did not dare to speak.

However, within a few hours, the situation in the palace changed again. This time, it was Huang Si, the closest person to His Majesty, who was placed under house arrest.

When such news reached the princess's palace, even Fan Li, who was as calm as Fan Li, began to be confused and could not guess the emperor's behavior at all.

Gao Zhen, who was already calm, began to worry again after hearing such news, "Master, I know there is a dog hole at the root of the palace wall. I can sneak in."

Fan Li did not refute immediately. He thought about it and asked, "Are you sure?"

Gao Zhen nodded affirmatively.

Fan Li was still hesitating, and Gao Zhen explained, "Stand still, but we can't not know everything. Maybe Aluo is waiting for us."

"...Okay." Fan Li finally nodded and added, "When we meet in person, we will come out after learning the news about An Ning. Don't stay."

Gao Zhen said: "Yes, master."

Luo Qingzhi was placed under house arrest in the left side hall of Xianyang Hall. Outside the house were all the imperial guards. The name of protection was actually imprisonment.

The side hall on the left is not far from the main hall, and the sound of the cup breaking just now was still heard.

Luo Qingzhi was a little worried. Although she understood that Baili Xi and Fan Li were not impulsive people, she still couldn't help but worry whether they were too worried about her and went to the palace to plead for mercy.

She desperately wanted to know who was in the palace just now and what happened.

When lunch time came, the little palace maid who came in to deliver the food was a stranger. She deliberately knocked over the food and pretended to be angry, "Let Eunuch Huang come to see me. You dare to serve such a dish in front of me."

The little palace maid knelt down with some fear, her voice was very soft and trembling, "Princess, princess, Eunuch Huang, was punished by your majesty and cannot come to serve you."

"What? Who are you talking about?" Luo Qingzhi couldn't believe what she heard and asked again.

This time, she got a more accurate answer.

"Eunuch Huang secretly sent a message to Concubine Shu, and was punished by Your Majesty."

Luo Qingzhi frowned, very puzzled. She didn't believe that Huang Si was such a person.

"Where is Your Majesty? I want to see Your Majesty." Luo Qingzhi shouted.

The Imperial Guard outside the house heard the noise, opened the door, and asked, "What are your orders, Princess?"

"I want to see Your Majesty."

The leader of the imperial army respectfully replied, "Your Majesty has ordered that the princess will not be able to see you until tomorrow."

Luo Qingzhi sighed and said nothing.

The imperial guards and the palace maids all retreated, and she was the only one left in the entire hall.

She didn't understand why things turned out like this. At first, Gao Yan suddenly placed her under house arrest. She thought that maybe he wanted to test to see if someone would add insult to injury. However, it was Huang Si who was being punished now. She

I felt like something was very wrong.

"Hey." Luo Qingzhi couldn't help but sigh.

She began to look around at the situation around her. There were two groups of Imperial Guards outside the palace, with a total of thirty people. They might be able to get out by forcefully breaking through, but it didn't seem to make things more complicated.

Luo Qingzhi thought about it, opened the door, and said, "I don't like the meal just now. I'll ask someone to make it again."

"May I ask, Your Highness, what do you want to eat?"

Luo Qingzhi said: "Hibiscus cake."

"I will inform the imperial kitchen immediately."

"No need." Luo Qingzhi said: "I want to eat the hibiscus cake from the Sun family in Chengqiang Gen."


.Yes, I will do it now."

Gao Zhen came to the dog hole outside the wall and was about to get in when he heard the sound of fast footsteps. He quickly hid and two eunuchs came over.

"This An Ning group leader is really troublesome. Why should he eat the hibiscus cake outside the palace?"

"Shut up, hurry up."

Gao Zhen listened to the conversation between the two and thought that hibiscus cake was Luo Qingzhi's favorite pastry. At this time, he suddenly wanted someone to come out to buy it. Could it be that there was someone from the princess's palace in the pastry shop?

Without having time to think about it, Gao Zhen followed behind the two of them.

After bypassing the moat outside the palace, the two of them came to Sun's pastry shop. One of them looked up at the sign, and after confirming it, walked in.

Gao Zhen was observing the terrain outside the house, thinking about entering from the direction of the back kitchen.

The small door of the back kitchen was wide open. As soon as he stepped in with his left foot, he was stopped by someone.

"This is the kitchen. If you want to eat, go in through the front door."

Gao Zhen just guessed that there was someone from the princess's palace here, but he didn't know the secret code, and he couldn't go back to ask at this time. After thinking about it, he boldly said: "Prince Anning wants to eat hibiscus cake, let me buy it?".


"Princess An Ning?" The boy was a little surprised, but still asked: "Princess Princess usually asks Uncle Luo to buy things, why did she send you here today?"

Gao Zhen didn't know how to explain, and he couldn't directly identify himself, so he never answered.

The boy was also alert. Seeing that Gao Zhen couldn't answer, he started to drive him away.

Gao Zhen was a little anxious, but he didn't back down.

"Archie, stop."

When Gao Zhen saw Luo Chen, it was like seeing a savior.

Archie changed: "Master Luo."

Luo Chen nodded, without saying too much, "I just heard someone in front of me asked for hibiscus cake, please make it quickly."

Archie left, and Luo Chen continued to explain: "Mr. Fan thought that the master might find a way to deliver the news, so he asked me to come here to take a look."

Gao Zhen said: "We will knock those two people unconscious later, put on their clothes and enter the palace."

Luo Chen nodded first, then shook his head, "No, I can only change one of them. Two new faces entering the palace will be easy to spot."

Gao Zhen thought for a while and nodded.

Luo Chen said: "I will go and solve this matter. Second Young Master can just wait here."

In just one cup of tea, Archie's cakes were finished, and the eunuch's clothes, Luo Chen, were also ready.

Gao Zhen was a little curious and asked: "How did you do it?"

Luo Chen smiled and took out a bottle of medicine from his arms, "I lied to them and gave them poison."

"Alright, Second Young Master, don't delay. Change your clothes and enter the palace quickly. When you see the master, tell her that there is no change in the Imperial College or the Zhou Mansion." Luo Chen said.
This chapter has been completed!
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