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Chapter 122 Henggang

Chapter 122 Henggang

It has been three days since we left the uninhabited island, and the Meili is sailing on the endless sea.

On this day, Li Xiao and Usopp were fishing.

"Li Xiao, tell me, which one of us will catch the bigger fish soon?" Usopp asked.

"Of course mine is too big, so there's no need to ask," Li Xiao said.

"Then let's make a bet. The loser will drink water while standing upside down and be responsible for washing the other person's clothes for a week." Usopp wiped his nose and said confidently.

"Are you so cruel? I like it." Li Xiao happily invited.

The two of them stared at the sea attentively and could not slack off for a moment. This was a battle involving dignity.

Sauron, as the referee, stood aside to supervise the game.

Suddenly, Zoro looked at the sea and was shocked.

Could it be that Usopp caught a big fish? Li Xiao looked at Usopp's fishing rod, but there was no movement.

"What's wrong with Sauron?" Li Xiao asked.

"Green frog, swimming freely!" Zoro said looking into the distance.

Usopp shook his head: "Hey Xiao, don't you take what Zoro said seriously? Besides, how can a frog swim freely?"

"Freestyle! The frog is freestyle!" Usopp also saw the big freestyle frog.

The legendary giant frog Henggang passed by the Meili.

"Catch up, brothers, the sail doesn't work, get on the oars! Head towards two o'clock!" Luffy shouted.

"Okay!" everyone said.

Although I don't know what's going on, I have a feeling that I can't do it without chasing.

Li Xiao, Zoro, Usopp, and Luffy each took an oar and started rowing hard.

Nami opened the bedroom door: "I asked you guys, why are you changing the direction of the ship so casually?"

"Listen to me Nami, we found a huge frog that was seriously injured. We must catch it and make a roasted whole frog!" Luffy said.

"It turns out you were planning to eat it!" Zoro and Usopp complained.

Nami held the binoculars and saw Henggang swimming freely, as well as a lighthouse not far ahead.

"Why is there a lighthouse in a place like that? Is there someone there?" Nami felt a little strange.

"Where's the frog? Tell me the direction of the frog." Luffy said.

"No." Nami said.

Robin said: "The frog is heading to the lighthouse."

Sanji said: "The frog must first be washed with white wine to remove the mucus, then coated in flour and fried until golden."

"I said, Sanji!" Nami said.

"The captain said we had to go there." Robin said calmly.

"Robin~~~" Nami burst into tears.

Everyone rowed quickly towards the lighthouse.

Just as they were about to catch up with Henggang, the frog jumped out of the sea with a big jump and flew a few dozen meters away.

"It jumped up, don't let it run away, get in front of it and intercept it!" Luffy exclaimed.

While paddling, I saw a yellow buoy on the sea.

Seeing the buoy, Li Xiao immediately grabbed the railing.

Immediately afterwards, the Meri hit the train tracks and was unable to continue moving forward.

Next to this yellow floating rope is the track of the sea train, which will finally reach the Seventh Capital of Water.

"It seems to have hit a rock!" Usopp said.

What followed was a sound of ringing.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

It's exactly the same sound as when you pass by the railway station and wait for the train to pass by.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud train whistle.

Everyone looked up and saw the red light hanging not far away and the oncoming sea train.

Nami shouted loudly: "Go back quickly, go back quickly, make a 180-degree U-turn!"

I saw the train coming. If I didn't take the train, the Meili would be hit.

Everyone slid the oars again and used all their strength to quickly row the boat off the track.

Five seconds later, the sea train roared past the Meili, and everyone looked at the train in astonishment.

There is a train on the sea, which is simply outrageous.

"What is this big piece of iron?" Usopp asked.

"A ship?" Chopper's eyes widened.

"No, how can such a shape sail on the sea?" Nami had never seen or heard anything.

Just in front of the sea train, Henggang stood there, waiting for the arrival of the train with open arms.

This Henggang is the pet of Tom's studio. It is a sumo wrestling frog and a frog that can swim freestyle. It was taught by Franky. After experiencing the impact of Tom and Franky's death, he has challenged himself on the sea every day since then.

The train smoked Tom, causing numerous scars on his body.

"Hey, frog, run away, what are you doing!" Luffy shouted.

Henggang remained motionless. As the train arrived, Henggang roared angrily and wanted to fight the steel train with his body.

The result was obvious. Henggang was hit by the train and flew away without a trace. This is how the injuries on its body came from.

As the sea train left, everyone had not yet recovered from their shock.

After a while, everyone noticed that there was a room in the lighthouse next to it.

A little girl came out of the lighthouse room. This girl's name was Zimoni.

Her green hair is tied into two sky-high braids, she wears a horizontal striped skirt and a white top. She wears a pair of slippers on her bare feet and wears lipstick. She looks very cute.

Zimoni also has a pet named Kunbei by his side.

"Pirates... Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, they are pirates!" Zimoni shouted towards the lighthouse after seeing the pirate flag of the Mellie.

Then an old woman came out of the room.

The old woman's name is Kokoro, and she is the stationmaster of the "Sift Station" on the Seven Islands of Water. She is from the mermaid tribe on Fish-Man Island. She belongs to the silver mermaid. She is fatter, kind-hearted, warm-hearted and a little cunning.

Because he is over 30 years old, his tail has turned into legs and he can walk on land. He used to be the secretary of Tom Shipbuilding Company and now lives with his granddaughter Zimoni.

"What, really, Zimone. Okay, bring the phone bug."

Cocoro staggered out of the room carrying the wine bottle, and fell down as soon as he reached the door.

"Here, mother-in-law!" Qimoni handed the phone bug to Cocoro.

Cocoro picked up the phone: "Ha~~Hey~~Um~~What I wanted to say, I forgot."

Then Cocoro hung up the phone.

"Drunk!" Usopp complained.

Then everyone got off the boat and talked with Granny Cocoluo.

Sanji presented the delicious snacks he made, which made Kokoro and Zimoni very happy.

"My name is Qimonei, and this is the kitten Kunbei!" Qimonei said, pointing to Kunbei.

"And Grandma Cocoluo."

Granny Cocoluo said: "Aren't you train pirates?"

"My name is Luffy, and I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King." Luffy said confidently, crossing his arms.

"Hahahaha, what an interesting man." Granny Cocoluo said with a smile.

From the conversation, I learned that the train just now was called Smoky Tom, which was propelled by steam and moved along the track on the sea.

The track is just a little lower than the water. The train runs in the same section every day, transporting passengers between islands and also transporting some mail and parcels.

"There are both buoys and signal lights. It's really dangerous for you to break in." Zimoni said.

"You talk about danger, but that guy doesn't understand. It's too much to knock it away. It's obviously our prey." Luffy put his hands on his hips.

"Are you talking about Henggang? It can't be killed by that kind of impact. It is the source of trouble at this Shift station, because it likes to compete with people for strength. It always thinks about when it can beat the train, and it will definitely be able to do it again.

It will appear."

"It's a comparison of strength. No wonder that guy didn't dodge. He's very perseverant. Okay, I won't eat him anymore. I won't eat guys who work hard." Luffy clenched his fists and said seriously.

(End of chapter)

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