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Chapter 140 The second door breakthrough

Chapter 140 The Second Gate Breakthrough

Guarding the second door are Cassie and Ouimo from the giant tribe.

Two giants jumped down from the roof and stood in front of the second door.

The appearance of the two giants caused everyone to stop.

The three strange destroyers of Franky's family looked a little pitiful in front of the giant.

These two giants, one holding a big ax and the other holding a mace, must be defeated if you want to open the second door.

Even though they were facing giants, Franky's younger brothers did not flinch. They were all very loyal.

The three monster destroyers held weapons and rushed forward.

Who would have thought that these two giants are not only powerful, but also very fast.

The giant swept with his weapon, knocking three monster destroyers away.

However, the three monster destroyers wore buffer armors that were identified by Li Xiao and did not suffer much damage.

"Thank you so much for the armor, Mr. Xiao."

The strange destroyer wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, picked up his weapon and continued fighting.

"Eat my spear!"

The Monster Destroyer threw a piercing tracking spear, which stuck into the giant's shoulder and nailed it to the wall.


The giant Cassie was shocked when his physical defense was penetrated by a spear.

Cassie pulled out the spear on his shoulder with force, and the pain made him scream.

Immediately afterwards, another monster destroyer was dispatched, holding an identified giant mace and smashing it at Cassie.

"Are you looking down on us when you compete with us giants?" Ouimo on the side took out his giant ax and pointed it at him.

An unexpected thing happened. Ouimo's giant ax was knocked away by the monster destroyer's mace.

Ouimo's giant ax flew to the sky and disappeared.

In the moment of collision of forces, the mace of the Monster Destroyer gained the upper hand.

"This is a powerful mace that Mr. Xiao has appraised. You are looking down on us!" the strange power destroyer said loudly.

"What a joke."

The giant Cassie was unwilling to give in and waved the mace in his hand in an attempt to drive away the monster destroyer.

At this time Barry appeared.

"Rope binding!"

The long rope flew towards Cassie and tied Cassie's arms and body.

"What's going on? My body is tied up by a rope!" Cassie couldn't move at this time.

"Spinning top!"

Barry wrapped the giant Cassie with a rope dozens of times and then released it violently.

Cassie began to spin in place like a top, and even blew up a whirlwind.

Seeing Cassie being teased like this, Oyimo was stunned and couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"Get out of the way, big guy!"

Shipman Dale Stone pointed his shaped cannon at Ouimo. At this time, the shaped cannon had reached ten rings.

A thick beam of light shot out from the shaped cannon and hit Ouyimo, knocking him away and falling to the ground unconscious.

Two giants who looked very troublesome were actually solved so easily.

Looking at the two fallen giants, the scene was completely silent for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of violent cheers broke out.


"We defeated the giant!"

"Hurry up and open the second door. It's almost the agreed five minutes."

At this time, Zanbai also drove over with two Emperor Brus. He changed the Imperial Brus from water navigation to land navigation.

With the efforts of Emperor Blue and the strangely powerful Destroyer, the second door of the gate was slowly pushed open.

Pushing open the second door, there were more than a hundred naval soldiers standing behind it.

"Even... actually broke through Cassie and Ouyimo!"

The navy was shocked.

Zanbai shouted loudly: "Little ones, just move forward!"

"Ho!" the boys shouted.

Breaking through two gates in a row without any casualties greatly boosted everyone's morale, and even gave them the illusion that they could defeat the generals.

At this moment, a guard riding a French dog and holding a scimitar rushed towards Barry.

At this critical moment, Li Xiao punched out a fire punch, sending the French dog guard flying away.

"Thank you so much!" Barry was shocked.

"It's a joke, pay attention to your surroundings," Li Xiao said.

One hundred French dog troops appeared in front of everyone. The configuration of the French dog troops was very simple. Each man rode a French dog and had a small scimitar fixed on his arm in each hand. They were famous for their flexibility.

"I have been ordered by Chief Judge Baskabir to punish you!" said the captain of the French Dog Guard.

"What a joke."

Barry roared angrily and threw out the three thousand ropes in his hand.

"Rope Knife Whip!"

Wherever the long rope touched, all the French dog guards were shot away.

It seemed that it didn't hit the rope, but the truck.

Barry swung the rope to attack the French dog guards, sweeping them away like garbage.

After a while, the French dog guards were lying on the ground in a mess, wailing continuously.

Barry's body was shaking a little. Did he do this by himself? He defeated hundreds of French dog troops by himself.

And the weapon that greatly increased his strength was this three-thousand-power rope, the appraiser, Mr. Li Xiao.

At this moment, a loud train whistle sounded in the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw the Rocket Man train leaping from above the second door.

Just tens of seconds ago, Rocket Man rushed to the fence gate according to the agreed time.

Sauron thought of a good way and asked Henggang to push the fence gate to a 60-degree angle.

Then the Rocket Man train crashed into a fence at a 60-degree angle at extremely fast speeds, and then flew into the sky.

Rocket Man leaped over the first door, and then leaped over the second door.

It was about to fall. If it fell like this, the car would be destroyed and people would be killed.

Everyone looked at the train falling from the sky in shock.

Praising and worshiping: "Why...why, the rocket fell from the sky!"

"Our doors are open in vain!" the boatmen exclaimed.

"Barry, bring Cassie and Oyimo over to cushion them!" Li Xiao said.

Barry understood, and threw out a rope with 3,000 ropes, pulling the two unconscious giants over.

At this moment, the Rocket Man train landed, landing just on Cassie and Ouymo, offsetting a lot of damage.

Despite this, the Rocket Man train's bullet was still tilted and poked into the giant's back.

The poor two giants were hit hard again.

After Rocket Man fell to the ground, thick smoke billowed out.

The navy heard the sound and ran over from a distance, surrounding the Rocket Man train.

At this moment, Zoro and Sanji walked out of the train.

Zoro stood there and said domineeringly: "Huh? Is it better to say hello first?"

Sanji said: "Are you kidding? No need."

Usopp, Chopper, Nami, Granny Kokoro and Chimoni, her little pets are all safe and sound.

Nami walked out calmly.

Nami, who used to be extremely frightened when seeing such scenes, was unusually calm today.

(End of chapter)

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