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Chapter 150 Goodbye Merry

Chapter 150 Goodbye Meri

The Demon-Slaying Order was really shocking. After several hours of bombardment, in the end the entire island was bombed except for the Justice Tower.

Ten warships surrounded the Justice Tower and aimed their guns at the Justice Tower.

In the end, even the bridge leading to the Gate of Justice was blown up. These warships were just emotionless bombing machines.

Everyone was sitting at the top of the Justice Tower, discussing the next matter.

"It seems that we can only grab a warship and leave here." Sanji said.

"This is the only way." Sauron said.

Li Xiao looked around, looking for traces of the Meili.

When the water gods appeared, that is, last night, the Meili seemed to have self-awareness and sailed towards Judiciary Island.

But until now, Li Xiao has not seen any trace of the Meili.

"Xiao, what are you looking for?" Nami asked.


Li Xiao replied that he felt a little disappointed because he didn't see the Meili.

Could it be said that the anime is all a lie? In reality, there is no ship that comes to the crew with consciousness.

At this moment, a mysterious shout came from Li Xiao's mind. This voice seemed familiar.

Usopp also heard the sound. Usopp covered his ears and looked around.

"What sound?" Usopp asked confused.

Luffy also heard: "Down below, look below."

"What's down there?"

Everyone in the Straw Hats heard this mysterious voice, the cry from the spirit of the ship Merry.

Everyone looked down from the Justice Tower and saw the Meili parked under the tower.

Usopp burst into tears when he saw this scene: "You guy. You guy is really..."

"Everyone, dance!" Usopp shouted with tears in his eyes.

The guns of ten battleships have been aimed at the Justice Tower, and the lieutenants ordered a bombardment.

The first few shells had already penetrated Nami's wind blade barrier, blowing the Justice Tower to the point of collapse.

"Chopper, have you seen the bottom?" Nami asked.

"I saw it!" Tears welled up in Chopper's eyes.

"Go to the sea!" Sanji shouted.

"Go to the sea!" Nami said.

"Go to the sea!" everyone shouted.

"I jump!"

Li Xiao jumped down from the Justice Tower, spun around in the air for several weeks, then spread his arms and fell downwards like a bird flying.


A new round of shelling arrived, and the Justice Tower was blown up instantly.

Everyone in the Straw Hats, as well as Franky, Granny Kokoro, had already jumped off the Justice Tower holding Chimoni and Tanuki.

Everyone smiled and then fell into the sea water under the Justice Tower.

The Meili docked nearby, and everyone immediately came to the Meili.

The familiar smell of Mei Li is missed by everyone.

Looking at the Meili, there are signs that it has been repaired again. Mr. Bingshan helped repair it.

On the abandoned shore, Bingshan saw the dilapidated Meili and heard the voice of the spirit of the Meili ship.

The Mellie hopes that Iceberg will repair it and let it go on one last adventure.

Bingshan picked up the repair tools and spent several hours repairing the Meili.

Then the Meili actually moved along the water towards Judiciary Island, passing through the impossible waves of the Gods of Water. This was simply a miracle for a ship with a broken keel.

"Merry, it's Merry. I really like Merry the most." Chopper lay on the deck with tears streaming down his face.

Usopp hugged the mast: "Merry, Merry, my Merry is still alive, why, why are you on this island."

Frankie also looked shocked: "It's unbelievable. The ship was clearly washed into the sea at that time."

"Who drove here?" Nami murmured.

"We will discuss this matter later. Please give us instructions, Sir Navigator."

Li Xiao pointed to the warship and reminded Nami.

At this time, the warships had already aimed their guns at the Meili.

"Escape from here!" Sauron began to run and pull the sail.

"What are you still doing, Luffy, Sanji!" Nami shouted.

Luffy was fished out of the sea by Robin.

Luffy lay on the deck gasping for air: "It was so close, I almost drowned. Hey, Robin, I was saved thanks to you."

Before he could finish speaking, Robin used his fruit power to cover Luffy's mouth.

Robin had a picture in his mind of everyone standing on top of the trial, facing CP9 and the World Government, and burning the World Government flag.

Robin slowly stood up and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Luffy, and everyone, thank you!"

After hearing Robin's words, everyone showed happy expressions.

Grandma Cocoluo also laughed.

Luffy smiled and said: "Don't worry, hehehehe!"

"Hehehehe!" Chopper also laughed.

"Let's talk about these boring words after we escape from here!" Sauron suddenly said this at an inappropriate time.

"Why are you so boring, you green algae ball!" Sanji started fucking Zoro directly.

Chopper bit Zoro's leg and repeated Sanji's words: "What a boring thing, green algae ball!"

Sauron resisted the two attacks: "Shut up, there is no point in dying here."

"Hurry up and apologize to Sister Robin!"

"hurry up!"

"That's enough for you!" Zoro said speechlessly.

"Apologise to Robin!" Chopper directly turned into a human form and gave Zoro a backbone set.

"Surrender quickly!" Sanji said.

"No, no!" Zoro shouted in pain.

Looking at this picture, Robin also smiled.

Nami said: "Everyone, get ready to run away!"


Then, under the command of Nami, the Mellie began to shuttle through the huge warship and headed towards the Gate of Justice.

At this moment, the warship's artillery was launched, and shells were fired towards the Meili.

Li Xiao fired a fire punch and intercepted half of the shells.

Zoro used his sword to slash, and Usopp used his slingshot to snipe the cannonballs.

What was even more outrageous was Nami, who took out a colorful weather stick.

"Icicle shot!"

Ice cones filled the sky and flew in all directions, intercepting all the cannonballs in the air.

Seeing Nami's powerful fighting power, everyone was shocked. Is this still the little thieving cat who only hides behind people?

"Hey, thanks to Usopp's production and Li Xiao's improvement!" Nami took out the colorful weather stick and showed off.

At this time, the warship's second round of bombardment was being prepared.

Li Xiao gathered the flame into his fist, and then released it fiercely.

A straight line of flames burst out and directly penetrated the two battleships in front of them, destroying them.

Affected by this attack, other warships came to a standstill. The sea was rough and they needed to take aim again.

"Franky, it's your turn!" Li Xiao said.

Franky jumped up and put on his little sunglasses.

"Everyone prepare for the impact."

At this time, a warship came over and wanted to stand in front of the Meili and prevent the Meili from moving forward.

Frankie came to the stern of the boat, pointed his hands at the sea, and gathered the cannons in the wind.

"The hull may be impacted, forgive me, the wind is coming~ jet!"

Along with Franky's roar, powerful wind shock waves burst out from the stern of the ship.

The Meili was propelled by this energy, soared into the sky, and flew into the distance.

Usopp took out his slingshot and fired a smoke bomb at the warships to disrupt their movements.

By the time the smoke cleared, the Mellie had already sailed away from Judiciary Island.

(End of chapter)

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