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Chapter 154 Pool Banquet

Chapter 154 Pool Party

"You are indeed very strong, as expected of you!" Kebi said as he fell to the ground and admitted defeat.

Luffy looked at Kirby and said he didn't recognize this guy.

Kirby patted the dust: "Luffy, Akatsuki, long time no see, do you recognize me? It's me, Kirby!"


Luffy carefully recalled the Kebi he met before. At that time, Kebi was still a little kid and a little bloated.

Now he has grown so tall, has a thin figure, and is much more handsome than before.

There is also Colonel Monka's son, Bell Mabel. This guy has not become more handsome, but he has grown taller, much taller than Luffy.

Now both Kebi and Bellumeb are training under Garp, and their strength has grown rapidly.

Just now, Garp punched a big hole in the wall, and now he ordered his men to repair the house with him.

While repairing the house, Garp suddenly mentioned Luffy's father.

Luffy didn't know his father. He even thought he didn't have a father because he had never seen him.

Garp slapped his nose and said, "Didn't that guy identify himself to you? He said he would see you off in Rogge Town!"

Luffy recalled the situation in Rogge Town, but still couldn't remember where he had seen his father.

"What kind of person is my dad?"

Others are also interested in Luffy's father.

While banging the hammer, Garp said: "Your father's name is Monkey D. Long, and he is a revolutionary!"

At this time, not only everyone in the room, but even the navy outside the door were shocked.

It turns out that the revolutionary Dragon has a son, Luffy is Dragon's son, and Dragon is Garp's son. This is the first time I heard of Dragon's full name.

This is the first time that everyone knows such breaking news.

Except for the calm Luffy, everyone else knows Monkey D. Dragon. His name as a revolutionary is too loud.

Luffy was curious why everyone was so shocked.

Robin explained: "How to explain it? Although the pirates will not take the initiative to attack the government and navy, there is now a force that wants to directly attack the world's government, and that is the revolutionary army. The people who stand at the top of the revolutionary army are

Long. Now many countries in the world are spreading their ideas, which has triggered rebellions in the kingdom and has caused the collapse of some countries. The ZF regards Long as the worst criminal in the world and has been chasing him everywhere. But even his

His life experience cannot be grasped, he is a mysterious man.”

Garp, who was knocking on the board with a hammer, suddenly said: "Sure enough, it's not good to say this! Hahahaha! Then, just pretend I didn't say it just now."

Everyone was petrified, but they could still pretend that they had heard it before they had even said it.

After repairing the house, Garp planned to leave with the navy.

Before leaving, Garp beat Luffy again. From the beginning to the end, only Luffy was beaten.

The way the grandfather and grandson look willful, it seems that they are related by blood.

Garp temporarily left here, leaving Kirby and Bellumbo chatting with Luffy.

The conversation between them revealed the news that Navy warships can directly pass through the windless zone and enter the Grand Line.

The principle is to place many sea tower stones at the bottom of the ship, so that the energy of the sea can protect it from attacks by sea kings.

Behind the epoch-making technologies such as sea floor stone, there is a person's name, DR. Vegapunk.

This scientist has always been heard but not seen, the Edison, Einstein, and Tesla of the pirate world.

At the end of the conversation, Kirby talked about the second half of the Grand Route: "Do you know what the second half of the Great Route is called? The last sea that spreads across the Red Continent, people call it another name, New Zealand.


The new world is an ocean where people who want to pioneer the next era gather, and the person who can rule that ocean is the Pirate King.

"Mr. Luffy, Akatsuki, we will definitely meet there again. I will catch you next time. I will become stronger. I will definitely become an admiral one day to show you!"

After Kebi said this, he felt embarrassed and felt so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

"Keby, if you want to fight me, you must at least become a general. This is natural." Luffy did not deny Kebi's statement, but was very optimistic about Kebi.

Kebi was very moved when he heard this and vowed to work harder.

"We will also become stronger. We must meet in the new world. Let's go!"

Kirby yelled and left with Belumeb.

While chatting with Kebi, Nami, Granny Kokoro and Chimoni went to the swimming pool.

When he heard that they were going to the swimming pool, Sanji became so animalistic that he sent them over in the name of getting some drinks.

Li Xiao is feeling sleepy now. He has only slept eight hours in the past two days and needs another eight hours to make up for his sleep.

"Xiao, let's go to the swimming pool party!"

Li Xiao, who was about to go to bed, was pulled by Luffy and ran towards the banquet.

"Kalifa, prepare some coffee for me. I'm not going to sleep anymore. Get up and get up!" Li Xiao said, floating in the air.

"As you command, Master!" Kalifa said obediently.

"Asshole, how can you instruct Sister Kalifa to pour you coffee!" Sanji said angrily.

"He is my secretary. If you are able, find a secretary!" Li Xiao shrugged.

Not to mention, Li Xiao was so angry that Sanji's ears started to smoke, but there was nothing he could do.

I had a quarrel with Sanji all the way, and then came to the water park in the Water City.

At this time, Nami was already wearing a swimsuit and playing ball with Chimoni. The beautiful and delicious scene feasted Sanji's eyes and made him almost bleed from his nose.

Li Xiao found a bench and lay down on it. After drinking the coffee made by Kalifa, he picked up the cool iced drink and drank it in gulps.

In order to hold this banquet, Sanji brought all his cooking tools here, mainly the barbecue.

Li Xiao came to the barbecue table and wanted to get a skewer of meat, but Sanji stopped him.

"This is for Sister Kalifa, ladies first! Sister Kalifa, here you go!"

Sanji handed the three grilled meat skewers to Kalifa with heart-filled eyes.

Kalifa happily accepted the meat skewers, then came to Li Xiao's side and gently fed Li Xiao meat one bite at a time in front of Sanji.

"Hmm~~~Sanji, the meat you grill is really good!" Li Xiao said with unfinished meaning.

Sanji's heart was broken and he knelt on the ground without speaking for a long time.

Li Xiao patted Sanji on the shoulder: "Sanji, I haven't eaten enough."

"Go away!" Sanji was depressed.

Seeing Sanji's appearance, Li Xiao couldn't bear to continue beating Sanji and jumped directly into the swimming pool to play with Kalifa.

Kalifa, who changed into a swimsuit, has a graceful figure and is extremely sexy. Her elegant and natural temperament is fully displayed.

Seeing Li Xiao and Kalifa happily playing in the water, and then seeing the mermaid looking like Granny Kokoro, Sanji's fantasy was shattered.

(End of chapter)

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