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Chapter 16 The Audience Who Doesn't Know the Truth

Chapter 16 Audiences who don’t know the truth

"When a pirate gives up his name, he can only die in battle. Captain Locke, you are not worthy of being a pirate." Li Xiao said to Crowe.

Crowe raised his head, feeling very unwilling.

Three years of forbearance, just for today, were ruined by this kid in front of me.

"Don't be unwilling. My goal is the Grand Line and the New World. Your goal is just to escape the pursuit of the navy and the property of the Keya family. So, choose a decent way to die, Crow."

"I can not be reconciled!"

Crow stretched out his claws and wanted to attack Li Xiao.

Li Xiao smiled slightly and used lightning attack again.

With a scream, Locke fell to the ground paralyzed.

The running Black Cat Pirates stopped immediately when they saw Captain Crow defeated.

Although I haven't seen my captain for three years, his terrifying strength is still vivid in my mind. The captain has been defeated, so what else are they going to do?

The members of the Black Cat Pirates thought something was wrong and decided not to rush.

But there are two idiots in the Black Cat Pirates, Buthi and Sam.

Butch has a bounty of 7 million berri, Sam has a bounty of 7 million berri, Zangao has a bounty of 9 million berri, and Crowe has a bounty of 16 million berri.

In this way, Li Xiao was a little moved as he was also a pirate with a bounty of 16 million.

Lengtou Qingbuji and Sam thought they had surpassed Captain Crowe. In the past three years, they had attacked many towns and defeated several pirate ships, and their confidence had greatly increased.

And that guy Crow has been here for three years and has not improved in strength.

"Clo failed, he is not worthy of being our captain!" Sam said.

"Yes, our strength has surpassed Crowe."

The two sang together, and the other pirate members also started to cheer him up and cheer him on.

Under such an atmosphere, the two stupid young men decided to go to war.

"You two, don't be impulsive."

Zangao knew the strength of everyone very well. These two stupid young men were just looking for trouble. Crowe could easily kill them, let alone the guy who killed Crowe's hammer.

The black cat brothers didn't care about Zangao's obstruction.

Just at this time, Nami and Zoro came.

"Is there a fight here?" Nami asked in surprise.

Luffy chuckled: "I killed the hypnotist, and Li Xiao killed the bastard butler."

Seeing the housekeeper lying there with his whole body charred and black, Nami was very surprised: "That's not the housekeeper of the Keya family. What's going on?"

Nami, who didn't know yet, was still confused, and Usopp explained to him the reason.

"I see. It's really shameful to hide for three years in order to seize other people's treasures. Well done Li Xiao Luffy!"

Nami gave them a thumbs up.

Sauron was a little dissatisfied: "I was not called to fight. There happened to be a group of minions left, so let me kill them."

"Okay Zoro, knock them all down!" Luffy cheered from the side.

The only ones who still have fighting power in the Black Cat Pirates are the two Black Cat brothers.

For Sauron, he is not much of an opponent.

Li Xiao watched quietly from the side, while Nami came to Li Xiao's side.

"How much do you know about Aaron?" Nami asked suddenly.

Although Nami didn't mention Aaron for so many days, she actually cared about him very much.

"Everyone knows." Li Xiao said.

"So, will you help me?" Nami asked.

Li Xiao picked up the hammer and said, "I swear to this hammer that I will definitely help you."

Hearing Li Xiao's answer, Nami smiled happily and gratifiedly.

She was very happy that Li Xiao would choose to help her, but Nami also knew how powerful the Aaron Pirates were, and she didn't want to involve others.

On the other side, the battle between Sauron and the black cat brothers began.

Zoro directly took out three swords and started fighting with the two.

The battle was not tense and was over quickly.

Zoro killed the two of them with one tiger hunt.

All the powerful forces of the Black Cat Pirates were defeated, and the pirate members fled in fear.

"You bastards, you actually escaped."

When Zangao saw them escaping, he cursed angrily.

In fact, Li Xiao was quite interested in Zangao's hypnosis technique.

Coming to Zangao and putting his arm on his shoulder, Li Xiao asked: "Mr. Zangao, please teach me how to use hypnosis. My sleep quality has not been very good recently."

Thor's hammer was swinging back and forth in front of Jangao. This was not a question, but a threat.

Zangao was an understanding person and immediately nodded and agreed.

"Be a sensible person." Li Xiao put away the hammer, and Zangao was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, fearing that the hammer would hit him unexpectedly.

Actually, Li Xiao is not very good at using hammers. His preferred weapon is swords or knives.

It's just that the best weapon identified now is this hammer, so let's make do with it.

It would also be good if one day I identify a Zangetsu or Tiesuiya.

The battle with the Black Cat Pirates ended, attracting many villagers.

The villagers came to the beach with weapons in hand and saw Crow lying there, very embarrassed.

In the impression of the villagers, Crowe has always been a good housekeeper and has a good attitude towards the villagers. Everyone is biased by Crowe's disguise.

At this moment, the villagers were very angry, thinking that everyone had attacked Crowe.

Keya and the old housekeeper also came. Keya hurriedly ran to Crowe who fell to the ground to check on Crowe's injuries.

"Usopp, what happened?" Keya asked loudly.

Usopp didn't know how to explain it for a moment: "Listen to me, Miss Keya, this housekeeper is actually a pirate, the legendary Captain Crow. He has been hiding here for three years just to seize the treasure of your mansion.

That's what I just heard."

Keya couldn't believe it for a moment.

Li Xiao also discovered that something was wrong. Due to the advance of the battle with Crow, the plot was changed. This was a serious problem. The top priority was to improve Keya's trust, otherwise the Meri would be gone.

The villagers on the side were all shouting: "You can't believe what Usopp says, he is a big liar."

"That's right, I can't trust him!"

The villagers' words broke Usopp's heart.

"I'm not lying to you. Look at that pirate ship. It hasn't left the port yet. That's the Black Cat Pirates!" Usopp pointed at the pirate ship and said.

"In that case, let them restore the truth of the matter! Luffy, let's stop that pirate ship!" Li Xiao said.

"No problem, Li Xiao, catch it!"

Li Xiao hugged Luffy from behind.

Luffy grabbed the tree trunk with both hands and shot it like a slingshot.

The two of them spun several times in the air and landed accurately in the sea.

"Save me Li Xiao, I can't swim, ah, I'm going to drown!" Luffy kept flopping in the sea water.

"Can you fly more accurately?" Li Xiao complained.

Fortunately, he learned how to swim. Li Xiao grabbed Luffy and climbed onto the Black Cat Pirate Ship.

The flying location is not too far from the pirate ship.

(End of chapter)

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