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Chapter 165 Ghost Ship

Chapter 165 Ghost Ship

Heavy rain came in an instant, and there was lightning and thunder.

The sea was very windy and rough.

Strong winds want to blow the ship in the opposite direction, but the Wanli Sunshine is more than capable.

Start the Coca-Cola engine, and the propeller rotates faster, allowing the Sunshine to go against the wind and rush towards the unknown sea ahead.

After passing through this stormy sea, we entered a sea with thick fog.

It's not night yet, but the thick fog here is so dark that it makes people's hair stand on end.

"Could it be that we have entered that sea area? I am not mentally prepared yet." Nami said.

Usopp smiled naively: "Are we going to Fish-Man Island so soon?"

Luffy said: "No, we have to pass through a haunted sea area before that."

Li Xiaodao: "Yes, this sea area is the famous Devil's Triangle Sea Area."

Usopp was already shaking with fear.

Luffy laughed: "Grandma Kokoro told us that there are living skeletons here."

Sanji also threatened Usopp: "It is said that more than 100 ships disappear mysteriously here every year, and there are also ghost ships carrying the dead wandering around."

Usopp covered his head: "You should tell me this kind of thing earlier. I will arm myself with demon-killing tools."

"Usopp, let me use it too!" Chopper said nervously.

While everyone was discussing this sea area, Li Xiao discovered something interesting.

Next to Chopper, there is a ghost floating.

Li Xiao came to the ghost and touched the ghost with his hand. As a result, his hand went directly through the ghost's body, and it felt like he was touching the air.

Li Xiao didn't believe in evil, so he added armed domineering energy to his hand. As a result, he still passed through the ghost's body and could only touch or destroy the ghost.

This is a ghost sent by Perona, one of the devil fruit abilities that is very difficult to deal with.

At present, only Usopp can completely withstand the attack of Perona's ghost head-on. Does that mean that only God can do it? No, there are two ways to crack it.

To know how to crack it, you must first understand what the ghost attack is? Perona's ghost attack is actually a special energy wave.

But in the final analysis, ghosts are just a kind of energy, not a causal weapon like Sugar's Childlike Fruit. Before the war, ghost attacks may be really invincible, but after the top, the method to crack it will soon come out.


The first method is to be domineering and domineering.

Overlord Haki is also a kind of energy, a kind of spiritual energy. For example, when Luffy uses Overlord Haki, he uses the outflow of mental power to influence the minds of others. With this kind of spiritual power, if you are powerful enough, you can even produce Overlord Haki.

Powerful energy fluctuations.

For example, when Luffy collides with Ming Ge, Ka Er, and Barret's Overlord Color, it is obvious that the Overlord Color has produced physical effects and is also a special energy wave.

This kind of energy can block the approach of ghosts.

The second method is Liuying.

Ordinary armed colors are useless, because they can only cover the surface of the body and make the body harder, and cannot block ghosts that can pass through anything. But Liuying is different. Liuying is an external armed color domineering, which can

Destroy the form of an object from within.

Since it is emitted from outside the body and can also enter the inside of other objects, this is consistent with the nature of ghosts. The two are essentially the same thing. It's just that to emit ghosts, you must eat ghost fruits, and to use Liuying, you must

Master advanced weapon colors.

At present, Li Xiao does not meet these two conditions, so he cannot touch the ghost in front of him.

"Xiao, what are you doing?" Nami asked.

"There is a ghost here." Li Xiao turned around and said.

"Ghost? Where is it?" Nami-chan said in panic.

"Right next to Chopper." Li Xiao turned around and found that the ghost had disappeared.

Chopper was so frightened that he jumped into Zoro's arms: "Where, where is the ghost!"

Chopper's face turned pale.

Everyone looked around and found no so-called ghost.

"Akatsuki, in order to scare Usopp, you don't have to make it up so true." Sanji took a puff of cigarette and said.

"Do I look like someone who makes up lies?" Li Xiao asked with a black question mark on his face.

Robin said: "From Xiao's reaction just now, it doesn't look like she was talking nonsense, so, what is that ghost?"

Robin fell into deep thought.

When Robin said this, the atmosphere on the ship became even more tense.

Joba, Namey and Usopp have already joined the group to keep warm.

By chance, a strange whining sound was heard.


Strange sounds echoed in this sea area.

"Woo ho ho hoo~~~"

Everyone looked around to find the source of the sound.


The sharp-eyed Usopp turned his head and saw a huge, dilapidated ghost ship heading this way.

"Ghost ship!"

Everyone in the Straw Hats said in unison, dumbfounded.

The ghost ship is several times the size of the Wanli Sunshine. The dark night brings an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.


Everyone was shocked when they heard this sound, but Li Xiao thought it was a little cute.

This is obviously the song of that guy Brooke, yo ho ho ho, ho ho ho ho, Binx's wine.

The huge ghost ship slowly passed in front of the Wanli Sunshine, and everyone looked at the ghost ship in astonishment.

"This is the song of evil spirits. Don't listen to it. Cover your ears. You will be cursed!" Usopp exclaimed.

"No!" Chopper directly pulled his hat down and covered his eyes.

When the ghost ship was traveling in the middle, I finally saw Brooke's face clearly.

At the edge of the ghost ship's deck, Brooke stood there.

Skull, wearing gentleman's clothes, bowler hat, an afro, a cup of coffee in the left hand, and a cane and sword in the right hand.

Brooke sang softly: "Binx's wine, give it away now."

Then Brooke picked up the coffee and took a sip.

Everyone saw Brook, except Chopper.

"Did you see it just now? The skeleton was singing." Luffy said.

Usopp didn't want to admit: "Idiot, how can the skeleton sing? It's just an auditory hallucination."

Luffy looked at the others: "You heard it, too. Let's go and set off immediately. Sure enough, there are living skeletons."

Luffy's eyes were shining, and there was no way he was afraid.

Sanji grabbed Luffy.

Zoro took out a box of long lots and planned to draw lots to decide who would get on that ship with Luffy.

Usopp protested: "Why, whoever wants to go can just go."

Nami echoed: "Yes, that's it."

Chopper also agreed with Usopp's statement.

Although the three of them were very reluctant, the drawing ceremony began.

After drawing lots, Li Xiao and Nami were selected, and Luffy must go.

Jumping on the somersault cloud, the three of them quickly flew to the deck of the ghost ship and saw Brooke with their own eyes.

Brooke stood there dignifiedly and looked very happy: "Gui'an, hohohoho, I was really rude just now. I didn't say hello when we met. It really shocked me. I don't know how many years have passed since I saw a living person.

, there are not only ghost ships but also ghost ships here, it’s really scary. Come on, you’re welcome, come inside and let’s have a good chat.”

(End of chapter)

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