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Chapter 182 Binks' Wine

Chapter 182 Binx’s Wine

After moving Moria's treasure, the pirates lay happily on the ground, enjoying their long-lost sunbathing.

In order to thank these pirates, Sanji specially made two huge sacks of rice and asked Luffy and Franky to deliver it.

"I told you that we would go back and move, but we would let our benefactor do the work." The pirates were still polite.

In the ruins of the castle, everyone sat on the ground and had breakfast.

"Luffy is still so energetic," Usopp said.

Luffy said: "It's just some pain in my body, it's nothing serious."

"I'm gonna start now!"

The pirates happily ate the delicious food prepared by Sanji.

Everyone wolfed down the food as if they had never eaten.

“I’ve never had such delicious food.”

"We haven't had a proper meal in years."

"It's great to be alive," Laura said.

Speaking of Laura, this girl thief is an amazing guy.

Charlotte Lola, captain of the Tumbling Pirates, former Chocolate Minister of Cocoa Island. The daughter of the Four Emperors' aunt Charlotte Lingling and Pang De, she is the 23rd daughter of the Charlotte family. She is the daughter of Charlotte.

Chiffon's twin sister.

"I made a lot, don't leave any leftovers for me," Sanji said coolly.

After hearing Sanji's words, the pirates ate even more voraciously, wishing they could even eat the plates.

Li Xiao picked up the beer and clinked glasses with the pirates.


Brooke held a knife and fork, eating with food residue all over his face: "Hohohohoho, I can eat the food cooked by Mr. Chef again. It's so delicious that my cheeks will fall off, even though I don't have cheeks."

"You guys, just eat in peace," Franky said angrily to Brooke.

Brooke sat there: "I have eaten very much in the past few days and today, and I seem to be a little fatter!!"

"Even though I'm just a skeleton, I'm so annoying!" Frankie said in the accent of Brooke.

The other pirates were also amused by Brooke: "Why can skeletons talk?"

"What a joke-telling skeleton." Some people even applauded.

Brooke stood on the table and started singing: "Feast~~~Feast~~Feast~~"

Franky stood on the other side, arms folded, howling.

Chopper took a bite of the dessert and looked at the two of them speechlessly. He was just eating, making it look like a banquet.

Then Luffy brought a large barrel of wine and placed it in front of Zoro. When he saw the wine, a smile appeared on Zoro's face.

At this time, Brooke began to play the piano.

The beautiful melody attracted everyone's attention.

With the sound of Brooke's piano, everyone began to dance.

The melody at the beginning is relatively peaceful, giving people a peaceful and comfortable feeling.

Sanji walked towards Brooke with his hands in his pockets: "Hey, don't you play the violin?"

"Hey ho ho ho, I know all the instruments." Brooke said while playing the piano.

"Really? You play it very well."

"Well, do you want to listen to a song? If you want something," Brooke said.

"Can any music work? It's been so long..."

Sanji started thinking about what music to listen to.

Before he finished thinking, Brooke started playing "Binx's Wine"

The sound of the piano playing this time was much louder than before, and it was obviously a cheerful song.

"Yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho~" Brooke chanted.

Sanji said angrily: "Didn't you ask me to order some music?"

Brooke continued to sing: "Yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, Binx's wine is delivered to you, let me swim on the wind and waves, the waves are turbulent, the sunset is shaking, the songs of birds are piercing the sky, the nostalgia of leaving the port is unforgettable, singing loudly

A song that eulogizes feelings, the waves are surging, the waves are splashing, and the dignified man travels to the ends of the earth~~"

Robin sighed with emotion: "It's Binx's Wine. No wonder I think I've heard it somewhere. It's such a nostalgic song."

Under the beautiful singing, the dinner completely turned into a banquet.

Chopper put his chopsticks between his nose and mouth and mingled with the pirates.

Luffy lay down on Brook's piano.

"Hey Brooke, I know this song, Shanks and the others sang it."

Luffy recalled the good times in Windmill Town.

Brooke said: "The pirates in the past would sing this song, no matter when they were sad or happy, yo ho ho ho~"

"I said you will become my partner, right? The shadow has also come back, so you can sail even if it is exposed to the sun."

Brooke continued to play the piano: "There is one more thing I haven't said about this."

"What is it?"

"My companion and I have an agreement. We must fulfill that agreement first, otherwise I will no longer be a man."

"You're talking about Rab, I know, I heard about it from Franky."

"Eh? Yes, it's Rab, a whale with that name, on a certain cape."

"So Brooke, we met Rab at Twin Points, really. We know that Rab has been waiting there for 50 years, waiting for his companions to return."

Hearing this, Brooke's piano playing movements slowed down, and Rab was still alive.

"Skeleton, what's wrong with you? The piano's beat has slowed down." said the dancing pirates.

Luffy said: "I was really surprised when I found out that the survivor of the pirate group that Rab was waiting for turned out to be you. And you should remember the agreement carefully. Rab will be very happy if he knows about it, hehehehehe."

Brooke was already immersed in shock.

"Wait...wait a minute, yo ho ho ho, I'm shocked. It's too abrupt. Have you really seen Rab?"


"It has obviously been 50 years, but is Labu still waiting for us on that promontory? Really?"

"Yeah." Luffy confirmed again.

At this time Sanji and Usopp also came over.

"We are also witnesses and have indeed seen it." Sanji said.

"Is it energetic?" Brooke asked.

"Very energetic." Usopp said.

"Spiritual as a mountain." Sanji smiled.

"I really want to meet him. When we were separated, he was only as big as a boat. He was very cute, although he was a bit disobedient. He was a good child who loved music. I can still picture his appearance in my mind."

Brooke suddenly pressed the piano and stopped playing.

Tears dripped from the skull's eyes, soaking his eyes.

"Really, is it very energetic? Ah~~~I have never been so happy as today."

Scenes from the past came to mind, making Brooke burst into tears.

"What's going on, what's going on, play again, Brooke!" Franky still didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, I'm dancing with chopsticks in my nose." Chopper said.

"Hey ho ho ho, please wait a moment."

Brooke opened his skull head and took out a sound shell from inside.

Everyone was stunned by Brooke's structure and his ability to retrieve items from his brain.

"This is a sound shell I bought on a certain merchant ship. If I see Rab, I play it to him. I always carry it with me."

In this sound shell, Brooke recorded the singing of his dead partner during his lifetime, which was the music played by everyone in their pirate group.

Brooke pressed the sound button.

In the last encounter of the Lumba Pirates, they encountered a strong opponent, and the enemy's weapons were all coated with poison.

The ship's doctor has died, and there are not many comrades left.

But at the last moment of their lives, they were going to die anyway, so they decided to sing a song, so they recorded the last music before their death with a sound recorder.

The members of the Rumba Pirates who were poisoned picked up their respective musical instruments and sang together for the last time in their lives.

A truly wonderful group performance of "Binx's Wine" comes from the bass.

"Binx's wine will be delivered to you. On the ocean, we and other pirates are leading the way. The waves are like pillows and warships are nesting. The skull flag flutters in the wind. The wind and thunder in the sky are thousands of miles away. The waves are dancing and war drums are rumbling. Tomorrow

When the rain passes and the clouds disperse, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho~~ Bin

The fine wine of Kes is delivered to you. I looked for it in my dreams last night and tonight. The people I bid farewell to gradually fade away, and we will meet again on the night of the full moon."

"Binx's wine is delivered to you, let go and sing the song of the sea. Life is short and things are unpredictable. I have wine tonight and I will get drunk tonight. Yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo.

Ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho~~"

As the song ended, the crew members of the Barron Pirates fell one by one, leaving only Brooke alone.

(End of chapter)

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