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Chapter 19 Carmon

Chapter 19 Carmon

Walking in this primeval forest, you will be dazzled by the strange plants on both sides.

The man-eating plant can stick out its tongue and make strange sounds.

Nami said: "It is said that there is an amazing treasure buried somewhere on this island. So far, many pirates have boarded here, but because of excessive fear, everyone ran away before finding the treasure."

"For example, some pirates suddenly turned into wild boar faces in the middle of the night, and some had beards that grew longer and longer, and finally strangled themselves to death."

"No, don't scare me!"

Usopp hides behind Zoro.

Looking around, many glowing eyes appeared in the dark jungle.

Zoro yawned, lay on the ground and began to sleep.

It only takes two seconds from lying down to snoring, and the quality of sleep is enviable.

"It's a good thing he can still sleep in such a weird place," Usopp complained softly.

"Indeed, how did he get so nervous?" Nami also complained.

Li Xiao looked into the bushes and found a snake.

This snake looks very strange, with a snake body, a rabbit head, and rabbit hair on its body.

Whether such a hybrid creature is a rabbit or a snake is unknown.

Li Xiao temporarily calls it the rabbit snake.

Rabbit Snake's eyes were very cold, like dead fish eyes. He opened his mouth symbolically and howled at Li Xiao, his voice was like a little puppy.

Looking up, a bat hangs on the tree, with panda eyes, panda ears, panda body, bat wings and bat legs.

I don’t know how the creatures here evolved, but they blinded Li Xiao.

Not far away, there was a chicken fox standing.

The tail of a chicken, the comb of a chicken, the body of a fox, Zhang Cheng is like no one else.

Interestingly, the creatures here are not aggressive and are very gentle.

There were more and more creatures around, and at this moment, a strange man's voice came from the sky, his voice was low and magnetic.

"Get out!"

"Who is it?" Luffy asked loudly.

"Get out! I am the patron saint of this island. If you want to survive, get out of this island immediately. Are you pirates?" the man said.

Luffy replied decisively: "Yes."

"Listen, if you dare to step into the forest again, at that moment, will you be punished by the gods and be shattered to pieces?"

"I don't know, why are you asking me?"

Luffy thought this man was strange.

When that person spoke, Li Xiao followed the voice and began to search.

In a bush, Li Xiao discovered Carmon, the man growing in the box.

Big eyes, big mouth, big nostrils, thick eyebrows, afro, looks very wild.

When Kamen looked up, he saw Li Xiao with a kind face and a sledgehammer in his hand.

"Don't move!"

Carmon took out his pistol and fired decisively.

Li Xiao hurriedly put Thor's hammer over the muzzle of the gun to block the bullet, then picked up the hammer and hit Kamon on the head, knocking him unconscious.

Even if he didn't do anything cruel, he actually dared to shoot. Li Xiao almost lost his strength and killed Kamon with one hammer.

Li Xiao picked up the pistol and wiped it. The shape was very simple, like the pistol of a medieval nobleman. Li Xiao liked it very much.

Everyone came to Li Xiao and saw this strange man who was pretending to be a ghost.

"What kind of god is this guy? He dares to play tricks on us." Usopp was a little angry.

Li Xiao took a ladle of sea water from the shore, came to Kamen and poured it on to wake him up.

After Carmon woke up, he began to tell his story.

It sounds very pitiful for a person to live alone on this small island for twenty years, stuck in a box and unable to get out, surrounded by animals all day long.

The reason why he stayed here all the time was because of his yearning for the treasure chests on the top of the mountain. Since he could not climb to the top of the mountain, guarding these treasure chests had become his inner hope in the past twenty years.

Luffy and the others sympathized with Kamon's plight, so they decided to help him and went to the top of the mountain to check out the treasure that they had been thinking about for twenty years.

The ending is that there are indeed five treasure chests at the top of the mountain, but they are all empty.

In other words, these twenty years were wasted guarding the empty box.

When Carmon learned the truth, he burst into tears.

Luffy, who has a big heart, directly invites Kamon on board.

Kamon was very grateful to Luffy, but he also knew his own situation, so he refused Luffy's invitation.

He has lived on this island for so many years, and he is not used to leaving.

There are many cute animals here and plenty of food. Carmon lives here very comfortably.

Not everyone wants to go out and make a living like Luffy.

"After knowing that there was no treasure, I felt free for the first time. I can really live my own life from now on. In fact, I still kind of like staying in the box." Carmon said.

Luffy said: "Really? What a pity. Uncle is so interesting."

"Are exotic beasts real partners?" Sauron asked.

"But uncle is the real rare beast." Luffy added.

"What did you say?" Carmon almost vomited blood after hearing this.

Then everyone laughed.

The atmosphere of the Straw Hat Pirates is also the reason why Li Xiao likes to stay here.

Before leaving this rare beast island, everyone collected a lot of fruits under the leadership of Carmon.

"Is there any strange-looking fruit, similar to a devil fruit? If you haven't seen a devil fruit, it might look like a pineapple," Li Xiao said.

Carmon is very familiar with this island.

Carmon replied without thinking: "Go one kilometer east, there is a fruit tree there, the fruit should meet your requirements."

Li Xiao took the bag and immediately headed one kilometer east.

Here, I really saw the fruit trees.

The fruit looks somewhere between a devil fruit and a pineapple. According to Carmon, these fruits are more or less poisonous and won't kill you if you eat them, but they will cause diarrhea.

But it doesn't matter, the fruit after using the skill appraisal will automatically evolve, and the toxins will be eliminated accordingly. This should be the case, Li Xiao thinks.

I took the bag, filled two sacks, and returned to the Golden Meri.

Before leaving, Li Xiao gave the pistol that he had taken away to Carmon.

After being appraised, this pistol turned into an unlimited bullet gunpowder gun, which was regarded as a gift from Carmon to the Fruit of Guidance.

Perhaps among the fruits in these two sacks, a top-notch devil fruit can be identified.

"You don't have to worry about bullets anymore, Uncle Carmon." Li Xiao said.

Carmon looked at his pistol dubiously and said it had unlimited bullets, but he didn't believe it.

It wasn't until he fired dozens of shots into the sky and found that the bullets had not been used up that he believed Li Xiao.

"It's incredible. I can't accept this pistol for nothing. I will give you this gold coin that I have treasured for a long time."

Kamen took out a simple gold coin from the box, as big as half a hand, and gave it to Li Xiao.

Li Xiao happily accepted the gold coin, and then everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates said goodbye to Carmon and left the Treasure Island on the Golden Meri.

(End of chapter)

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